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Posts posted by Dawginole

  1. Hi!


    I'm a beta/launch player returning to the game for the first time since I quit 3 days into SoR due to it being a giant fail job. Figured I'd through down $15 while there is a lull in Destiny content and knock out this first half of KotFE before I cancel my sub again if what I expect to be true is true.


    Which leads to my question:


    Has BW honestly not produced a single new Warzone map since Quesh Huttball almost 2 years ago for three total objective based map releases in the 4 years since launch?

  2. Another "Drench the Devs in hate and scarcasm" thread. I'm -sure- that will get you -exactly- what you want.




    Anyone who has played this game for any decent period of time knows the devs do not communicate with us. So who cares.

  3. Quite possibly, but, I think it would have been quite a breach of protocol for a dev to start 'leaking' the content of staff discussions to any small or large group of customers in order to give them a possible advantage on something that hadn't been finalised or formally announced.


    I think you're missing my point. Eric said this was in discussion for awhile after they announced it. I'm not saying someone should have leaked this information to those that pre-ordered. I'm saying they already knew the announcement was coming and should have made it on Tuesday to save players their credits. The evidence points to the fact that they knew it was coming and held off the announcement either purposefully or due to incompetence. BW is suspect of both based on history.

  4. Complete nonsense, and speculation on your part. But I get it... you insist on being perpetually angry about this... to the point where you feel the need to make personal attacks. So no point in you and I conversing further.


    Is that a QQ after telling everyone else they are QQ'ing?


    My remarks are not a personal attack. Show me one post where you have ever pointed out BW was in the wrong about something that affected the community?


    One post. I'll wait.


    Secondly, how is it speculation? Eric said himself this was a long time discussion internally. If you think they all went into a meeting on Friday and without any warning decided to turn off ability costs on the 9th you are either extremely young or have never worked in a corporate environment. This decision would have been on the table for months, and the active implementation of it for weeks.

  5. ^^ 100% agree.


    So many QQs alleging that they were somehow forced to both buy the preorder and then binge on the new expac 5 minutes after it went live. :rolleyes:


    Look who it is to ride in and save the day for Bioware! Your shoulders must get sooo tired carrying this company around.


    You may agree with the happy hour analogy but the two of you are missing one key element.


    The correct analogy is that it is 4:59pm and you order a beer. And the bar tender sells it to you for $7 and doesn't tell you that in 1min it will be 5pm and happy hour and that beer will cost you $3.


    The point is that they knew on Tuesday that this was likely coming, and they purposefully did not mention it until Friday right before the weekend so that they could 1) Suck credits out of the market as a quick money sink; and; 2) so that like any other news cycle the weekend would protect them from much of the backlash.


    They are hoping this will be washed away by Monday and forgotten.

  6. Point me to the class in which 90% of the Utilities are for PvP.


    And I frankly find the idea amusing that the Devs are balancing their entire game around a format (PvP) that they provided NO new content for in the past TWO expansions. Carebears and their delusions...


    A great counter point Overtone. If the combat system was being adjusted and balanced primarily for PvP then we would have more than 6 maps in 3 years or maybe an owpvp area finally developed.


    People should keep in mind that all content up to RotHC was already under development prior to the games release. Forged Alliances/Shadow of Revan is really the first content solely produced by the new team.


    Which means that the 3 launch maps, along with Novarre Coast and Ancient Hyper Gates were already being made and in the planning stages. So basically since launch the new team has designed and released 1 wz map and no additional content.


    How in the world anyone can contend that the combat system is 90% designed for pvp'ers with that body of evidence is beyond me.

  7. Nope. Eric already gave (in my opinion) a pretty bad rationalization as to why so I wouldn't expect to hear more about it. As typical, they'll listen to the community when it's easy to make a change but when many of us voice a common issue like having spent so much already and expect some type of recourse, they will suddenly go silent. It's the typical non-followup that basically tells me they acknowledge it but don't plan to do anything about it.


    He gave a complete non-answer. He typed two sentences. The first was a reiteration that this would globally effect all players. The second sentence was that they would not be giving refunds.


    Those two things have nothing to do with each other. Yes, moving forward all players will be affected the same. However, over the last four days due to their (once again!) complete incompetence, all their pre-order players were effed.

  8. You didn't pay for any of that actually (well, except for revAn).

    It's all part of patch 3.0 and you'd get that regardless if you paid for the expansion or not.

    Heck, you'd get that regardless if you paid subscription.


    So no, you didn't "pay for this".


    (and bugs happen every time something major like this is implemented in an MMO.)


    However you want to break it down defender of all things Bioware. He pays for it. He pays for 3.0 with his sub and paid for his expansion with the associated fee.

  9. Fair question azudelphi! Since the change we are making is a global one, affecting all players and skills, we felt this was a better approach to the overall cost to players. As a result, we will not be providing refunds for the cost of training.


    Hope that clarifies our thoughts on the situation.





    You realize that this could have easily been done prior to Tuesday and that this creates a big suspicion that this announcement was held off for 4 days in order to act as a money sink and strip players of their credits quickly prior to an announcement.


    The fact that many of us were completely unaware of your internal discussions and dumped hundreds of thousands into player skills we had already purchased when you knew this announcement was coming is highly unethical.


    And then just to say, "Nope sorry, your time spent running dailies and your wasted credits aren't really important to us." Nice. Thanks. Hope you enjoy my expansion money.

  10. Considering that the new Sent/Mara set bonuses are awful and don't come close to having Guarded by the Force CD 15s shorter and a 1s increase to duration or getting a 10% boost to dmg after Force Leap, why should I change these armorings?


    Will there be any real noticeable disadvantage to upgrading all other mods but 4 armorings needed for both set bonsuses and just getting those stats bolstered?

  11. There were crafting achievements and titles for 400 and 450. Why are their no new cheevos for 500 and a new title for getting all to 500?


    And once again there is no title for getting all classes to 60; only titles for Reps to 60 and/or Imps to 60. Seems like it was mentioned that this was an oversight from last expansion that would be corrected this run.


    Anyone else notice any other achievements missing that they had added last level cap increase?

  12. You sound like a prototyplical gamer who is never really happy with any game, until 3 years after they stop playing when they can post on their new games forums about how great it was and how the current game is terrible. Your class isn't the same anymore, get over it. Roll a new one or get used to it those are your options.


    lel at your insults. I've played since alpha, subbed since launch. I have 9 55's.

  13. They are really quite dissimilar. Destiny is an FPS game that has some RPG elements. SWTOR is an MMORPG with no shooter elements.


    So in the end if you think Destiny has a ton of depth go play it. No one is stopping you.


    Destiny probably has more rpg elements to it than swtor does after only 3 months. There is significantly more depth in weapons and gear development, rare gear, rare weapons, high end difficult bounties to quest for rare weapons, etc. And their version of dailies, flashpoints and raids are very thoughtfully designed. Swtor has basically not grown beyond OPs and FPs over 3 years. The skill system has now been further dumbed down. Weapon and gear development has just become a 4-6 month overhaul of grinding comms. There has been no real owpvp or wzpvp development in 3 years. There is no high end questing for exotic/relic/legendary type gear or equipment.


    Devs don't play this game like people played EQ, WoW, or FFXI. They play this game casually over beers after work for a few hours running a raid with their officemates. PvP will never see any serious love or development. There will never be anything unique or difficult to do for special gear or weapons. The bottom line is that this game will always just be a new daily area, fp or op every 6 months doing the same thing in a new place.


    I don't know how any PvP'er can continue to stick with this game much longer or really give it any serious effort outside of grabbing base gear and running the daily. It's been THREE YEARS. THREE YEARS! And after that time we have gotten ONE map that wasn't already under development at launch. Do you not grasp what a giant middle finger that is to a plurality of the sub base?


    But whatever...you're the prototypical BW supporter that will just respond with "then quit" whenever someone points out something wrong with the game. Your type is so hilariously cookie cutter. If you don't like to read complaints, don't come into these threads. BW doesn't need you to come to their aid and rescue them.

  14. It's so clear none of you play this game on a daily basis. Many advanced classes are awful now. Melee classes abilities in many cases don't even make sense.


    Great work.


    p.s. Keep Disney'fying your game with blinking lights to show casuals their next ability. Games like Destiny are getting harder and more in depth and growing while you are making this game more and more for kindergarteners. Enjoy your sub numbers at your next quarterly.

  15. What you're seeing is simply the UI not showing everything. They will never go away from the system they have, unless they do a complete rework of the entire system, crystals, stats, gear, costumes, and everything.


    The devs simply havent checked the "show detailed item tooltips" option.


    Well it could be a both/and situation. There is always a possibility that "legendary" type weapons are released that are special OP drops or mission based that are non-modable while everything else stays modable.


    I've always hoped for a trade off where there were some special non-modable weapons that when the main hand and off hand were combined it provided a set bonus but had slightly lower stats. So you could choose BIS mods for best stats in an orange/purple item, or choose slightly lower stats with a set bonus.

  16. With the increase in level from 55 to 60 will crafting and tradeskills see an increase or added stuff? I ask because if there isn't then Crafting/Tradeskills will possibly be screwed


    Pretty sure this has been confirmed. I know it was confirmed that there would be a new lvl 60 tier of augments, so it only stands to reason that crew skills and crafts should go up to like 500 with the new craftables.

  17. I asked this question to Eric Musco and the other devs at the cantina event this year in LA, and they all seemed surprised that there isn't a title for getting all classes to 55...


    Now that we have this 12x class bonus, more people are well on their way.


    We have datacron master, galactic explorer and so on, it would be nice to have something to show besides just an achievement to link. for us cool guys who have no lives. :cool:


    I've always wondered this myself OP. It's very weird that there are titles for getting all Rep/Imp classes to 55, but not for getting all classes across both factions. It's definitely an achievement. I'm sure it's less of one with 12x xp now, but certainly there is a chance to correct this at 60.

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