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Posts posted by jdent

  1. Sawbones.


    1. Don't know. Don't care.

    2. Sustained healing is ok. Biggest problem is burst heals. 2-3 powertechs/marauders that actually know what they are doing obliterate me or anyone else I'm trying to heal. Guard helps, but the smart ones just insta gank the guard first. The other problem is the overabundance of roots/snares that we cannot cure. Nothing like getting stuck in place for 20+ seconds at a time regarless of resolve status. Don't even get me started on the jugg spammable ae snare. That's just laughable. And *** does dodge not get rid of thermal detonator?

  2. There appears to be more people playing Inquisitors than there are Smugglers and Agents combined.


    There are more people playing Sorceror AC than there are Smugglers, Agents or Troopers.





    But yeah... Han Solo is incredibly popular and lots of people should want to play his class. That the Smuggler population is so low- lower than the Imperial Agent who has no movie counterpart at all and the Trooper who is just one of the grunts that die in droves to make the heroes look better- should hopefully indicate to BioWare that there is something wrong with this class.


    Cowboy hats...

  3. Against top end DPS you must use underworld medicine to keep up with damage done to most targets (even with 2x SRM on them). Once you get your crit chance over 35% you should consider more alacrity. You'll get plenty of crit boost from your high cunning with battlemaster gear. If you can get UM down to 1.6s or less it becomes very difficult for anyone attacking you to reactively interupt it.
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