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  1. You aren't alone in that regard, I had an error that I pointed out to them and they not only misread what I posted but said they even checked it and found no problems. Dismissing me entirely out of hand and with little to no regard concerning actually checking the issue. I was debating shooting another one at them for the same error when I discovered someone else was having the exact same issue, we both sent in a ticket and both of us were basically told we were wrong and basically to drop it. Just to clarify, I have nothing against bioware, but I do have plenty against EA in the past of other games they've done, they're either not bothering to figure it out or they just don't care and I think bioware should find someone else to run customer service. That's speaking from years of experience in dealing with EA.
  2. The following is my opinion and only mine, which I am entitled too and you've been warned, so if you don't want to hear an opinion don't read it, which is what I expect most of the people at bioware do anyways. I don't post much on the forums anymore, I have been gaming a long time now and have played many games. I won't mention any here but I have tried a large assortment of games. The one thing I have found in common with many games is, 'give us feedback and we'll do something about it' and then get met with dead silence. Until some months later they suddenly come out with a brilliant idea on a post that was closed so they can say they never heard it mentioned and thought it up all on their own. No, not every game has done that but enough have. Others I have been banned on for mentioning a lousy bug, seriously messed up personnel there. So you want advice, ok, then I'm going to take a moment to actually post something in the hopes that you will really listen to what's being said and not give the usual dead silence. First, listen to us. Then respond. Simple, easy, not complicated. Even if it's only a 'we'll take it under advisement', or a 'sorry, no can do', at least we know we're being heard and not left to get bitter, angry, and frustrated at railing against a brick wall with no hopes of anything. I don't care how you do it, just do it. Get a few people to roll thru the forums getting ideas and forwarding them to you so they can be answered. Or run thru them by yourself and make a long list of people then in one post answering each person. So and so, sorry can't do it. So and so #2, great idea, see what can be done, etc. At least then we know YOU BOTHERED to listen to us. Or again, get a few people to run thru it if you don't have the time, send a suggestion to you which you will send them back a reply and they can post to the person your answer. I know, forums are huge, probably good idea to get more people on it, I mean, after all it is the FORUMS and that's what it's here for, player input.. wait, forums are for player input... wow, what a novel idea! Sorry, seems you guys have forgotten that fact. 2nd, get someone or multiple someone's on the bug department so instead of 500 people posting over and over again about the same annoying bug, no sooner is it posted and someone on your side can immediately post, 'acknowledged and being looked into'. Then you won't flood the bug department with the same post over and over, again and miss the other bug posts, but you get the idea. I won't tell you how many bugs are still in the game that have gone unanswered and undealt with since the beginning of the story lines. I also won't tell you how many games I've played in the past where the bugs were not dealt with and some games have gone like dust in the wind or have lost a huge amount of players. I've been on the other side... well, not important here, just say it didn't end well. 3rd, you all spend tons of time designing and implementing new stuff, great, even if you don't listen to us or whatever. Fine, new content is always good, if you go about it the right way, but... and I know this is a big stretch, old stuff should be upgraded too. You want people to run thru the beginning again, great, we'll do that but only so many times before we say, same ole same ole low grade junk and stop doing it. You all expect us to keep paying to play your game, then how about giving us something in return for that money? Like updating or a grand overhaul of the beginning of the game, like newer non boring faces that really look better. Or better environments that we can really feel immersed into the game with. How about a major overhaul to the character creation system so I don't look like those 30 other guys that were duplicates of me on Tython or the other 70 guys on Taris that looked exactly like me that I forgot which one I was. 4th this is getting really long and I'm beginning to think pointless as some people are probably going to flame me while you totally ignore me... again. Reinvent the stories. This time though, give us more than 1 or 2 or 3 choices, with consequences either good or bad on those choices we make. Just to test it and see, I went thru the game playing an evil jedi and basically got a slap on the wrist and sent on my way to do more horrible stuff. Then I tried the imp side and played a goody two shoes and everything I did pretty much got explained away for me and I went on. In one word... BORING. There should be consequences, good or bad for the choices we make, we should have more than 3 choices, so if I feel some yahoo in tights is telling me that I'm a snitcher I could have him served up on a platter to his boss or mouth oft too him because he deserves it when he's supposed to be doing his job, it's what he signed up for. I want to LOOK and be UNIQUE from others which I could probably put a wager on that many others would agree with. Great, we have a bunch of outfits so we can look differently in get up, but we're still the same height, same weight and some old same old. I want more, if I want to run around like the hulk then I should have the options, or if I want to look like a tiny little stick man, again, I should have the options. I've seen many games that are way less than you guys in the content department give us character customization and not charged us a cent for it. 5th bad move limiting our companions to class specific in some cases, I WANT all companions available to me so I can just maybe have a little fun with them. Or maybe allow us to summon 3 companions cause I would really love to see Kira and Dark Jaesa go at it, probably be hilarious. 6th If we're a jedi and on the council... why is it that all the other council members get bigger ships and we're still stuck in a puny tiny can? There was a 7th and 8th, but I don't even want to touch those so I'll just say it in simple words. PLAYER MARKET. Every game overlooks it and it always bites them in the end. PVP, don't even get me started on that one. You already know what's wrong with that one, including not all of us want to pvp that much, why can't you get that through your heads? There are more, but I don't want to get into them. I've said enough, now you can cue the dead silence, or the flaming. Before people decide to flame me though, this was my opinion and only my opinion as I stated at the beginning of the post. I have an opinion and I'm entitled too it. I'm not looking for a flaming or dead silence, I'm just stating my 2 cents worth which won't buy you anything anymore except bitter looks and angry stares. Enough said.
  3. While you're at it, we should just get a complete overhaul of the character creation. I for one would like to see more options and details to characters. I won't mention names here but I've played other games that have a complete overhaul of creating a character. You can run around like a twig man... you know, like Groot. Or you could buff it up and look like the Hulk. Perhaps you'd rather run around about 3 feet tall like Rocket Racoon. I mean seriously, this game's character creation is in need of a complete overhaul with new races. Instead right now we get 4 body types to choose from? Kind of poorly designed in that regard imo. Come on guys, knuckle down and do a complete overhaul of the character creation system, I don't want to keep looking like half the other galaxy out there cause we're so limited on choices. You say you listen to us about suggestions and what not, well, here's something you should listen too.... character creation overhaul. If you expect to renew your license to keep this game going, then you really need to entice players and one thing I have never seen is someone who doesn't love making their character different, stand out and make people stop and go... wow, that's a nice looking character. Instead of... hey, that guy looks just like me, that's not right.
  4. Ok, I'm sure you guys probably discussed this at some point.... If you combine all servers into 1 and the daily's are already being fought over, people undercutting each other, taking your goal out so you have to wait in line for the respawn is already happening, then when it finally does respawn someone who can click just a bit faster takes it from you, I've seen it happening, it's happened to me, friends. Already lost a few friends who rage quit because of this garbage. Won't combining all the servers turn this already conflicting problem into a major full out war? We're already tapped out on daily's with the current server amounts, jamming them into 1 is going to cause more strife, more harassment messages, more rage quitters, which means less paying players, you did think of this, right? Maybe it's a good idea to turn all planets into a single player only zone, like you did with KOTFE, or flashpoints, then you can invite whomever you want and daily's aren't being fought over constantly.
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