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  1. For starters, I want to apologise for my rant message. Knowing the toxic nature of a lot of people who might see these posts, I won't try and sit to argue why Annihilation may deserve or may not deserve a nerf. I am simply asking for them to reconsider these changes, as the community doesn't like the changes at all. As far as Mercenary goes, which some other dude here posted for. Yes we cheered about the nerfs, but that was because we knew one thing had to get nerfed ; either DPS or DCDs. Apparently Bioware had said utilities and whatnot are going to get looked after DPS gets handled ( get scared ) . And you also have to consider that Mercenaries were ranged as well. Anyhow that is my opinion on this, and unfortunately it would be pointless to argue, because Bioware releases these changes under a false pretense of that it will be a mutually accepted set of changes. Which it never was with the class changes, unless it is going to break it completely ( as you insightfully pointed out with Medicines Operative ). These nerfs won't break Annihilation ( I think ) but they sure as hell are a bit too much. Peace, gentlemen.
  2. I have no fudging idea on where to begin with this...... Why Bioware are you trying to nerf pure DPS classes to oblivion? Marauder is a pure dps class and it is also melee.... You let snipers with insane DCDs running around freely in PVP, insane DCDs mercs running around in PVP, you make classes unplayable in most scenarios in PVE or rather, useless in comparison to other ones. These class changes since 5.3 have been some of the worse stuff from you that I've seen lately, and it establishes that the dev team forgets simple community math. Nerfs DON'T MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY! Are they ever going to understand that????????? Why introduce a new tier of gear(which mind you,was overpowered and could carry you with everything,but hey their decision,not ours to introduce i) with the sole purpose of nerfing every class down again Honestly, I'm just disappointed. Nerf Marauder again, and make fudging Fury the top spec because people said it was useless in PVE. 10/10 decision making, would screw classes again. Honestly seeing as to what happened with other classes, this will get ignored and BW will just see the 1-2 positive comments amidst a sea of rage and justify the changes based on that. Disgusting, I try to defend Bioware with content release rates because of limited resources but I cannot, in any way, justify when they make *SILLY* mistakes because of either incompetence, not playing their own game, not listening to the community, or anything else in a list of a million things we can now say about Bioware. God damnit guys, stop finding a way to piss everyone... It's your game but it would seem that you don't like playing it and you're screwing over people who aren't even vocal here, but you have no idea of who they are, because you probably haven't even taken the time or effort to run around in guilds and trying to see the feedback for this. Last thing I have to say is Congratulations for releasing a new set of changes, a new set of nerfs ( as if Carnage nerfs weren't enough, and I am of the opinion that those WERE justified ) but 6% nerf on Deadly Saber? Are you joking me? Crit chance nerf on Juyo Mastery? Another nerf on passive with Annihilate? Anyone who sees this and is enraged by the changes but doesn't usually post in the forums (like me) please make your voice be heard. Perhaps we can convince them not to go live with these changes at all, or rather a smaller nerf... not fudging 400-450 according to some. I am probably too hopeful to believe that they will listen like they did with Operative Medicine spec, seeing as they don't listen for most of the changes. (Granted, I haven't seen the feedback on all of them, and feedback could be neutral there so BW would go ahead with it anyways). Keith, or Eric, if you're seeing this... Please, reconsider an adjustment on this... Annihilation had only its superior single target DPS going for and now that is getting nerfed badly. Just show the Dev Team the rage that is here in the forums and perhaps they will understand . Sorry Eric, you're probably the scapegoat for everything. But some things must be said because I for one adore this game but I can't stand seeing everything get nerfed, people getting outraged, BW not listening, people quitting. Endless cycle which can very be easily stopped. Have a nice day, gentlemen.
  3. Eric needs a medal, not just a drink. Poor guy is just trying to explain and push out updates as much as possible, but people blame him for everything anyways. I am also fairly certain when he gave away those codes he thought it was going to be a fun little thing that the community here in this thread would enjoy and joke around. Little did he know how toxic are the people circulating these places.. Good job Eric, thanks for the updates, appreciate it. And to anyone again who gets angry over this, I really do not care, it has been a long day for the BWA team and Eric and I have said my piece. Have a good night's sleep folks.
  4. This indeed It's unbelievable really... I almost want to bet all those people are on The Red Eclipse for the EU players, and any US players that also complained are on The Harbinger
  5. I do hope things will get better, and I do understand the position the studio currently is in. Some people fail to realise BWA is not Blizzard. It is not easy to roll out content updates like they are trying to do (which is a reason for why we are getting what we are getting, because they are trying to push out things as fast as possible to please the community, but in the end, pissing them off more ) . Anyhow, I'm somehow sure someone will get triggered, and I do apologise, but I will cut some slack to Bioware.
  6. Nope,my e-mail host is pretty junky, it literally has not that function so yeah.
  7. Thanks,but I went there,and I can't do the ticket,since I can't log in,and my parents would never accept calling a game company like Bioware to solve my ''petty'' issues,as they say them.
  8. I can't log in to my account , because of this one-time password. The ways to solve this,from what I searched,was setting up a security key,which requires logging in on the website,which I can't do,or giving a new e-mail address,which also requires logging in. So I am practically helpless,I do not know what to do!. Please someone help:)
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