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  1. Yup,it did nothing still. I just undownloaded it and redownloaded thinking maybe somehow it didn't download when I subbed. I was playing free to play at first and we both liked it that we subbed to it.
  2. It's just really weird. I have no idea what happened or what is going on. I didn't use any boosts to 60 either. I leveled reg.
  3. He's 62 and I am 61. Would that be the issue?
  4. Hello everyone. I need some help and let me explain what is going on and see if anyone else had this issue. So,my husband and I brought a subs to SWTOR and we finished the Rise of the Hutt Cartel. The problem is since we both have different accounts the prelude to go to the next expansion Shadow of Revan and mine didn't. It's not even on my ships mission log. I have tried everything and right now I do have a ticket opened,but I wanted to see if anyone else had an issue like this and were able to fix it. Thank you. Btw,I finished my storyline on the character as well so I know it isn't that.
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