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10 Good
  1. I would like to see either option 2 or 3. It allows for a little progression but would be faster for people to cxp level alts as well. I think gear progression is needed in PVE, but PVP should be skill based as much as possible. If anything, maybe grind out some additional PVP utilities instead of gear. The grind to Tier 4 is taking way longer than it did for two tiers of expertise gear (expertise sucked by the way, thank you Bioware for removing it). There will always be people that cry because they cant wreck noobs with low gear so they can feel like they are great PVPers, but most people like that you can now jump into PVP without swapping out gear or augmenting 2 sets. Thank you BW for letting us put our thoughts into your process.
  2. Yes! and yes! I don't care what anyone says on the forums. If BW makes a marauder that uses a double bladed saber, a bounty hunter that uses a rifle or tech blade, or an assassin that uses dual sabers, people will play the crap out of those options. I have always hated a bounty hunter using a blaster. I would prefer a rifle or vibroblade or any other creative weapon other than a plain blaster. Blasters are okay for a smuggler as a healer, but even they should have options. It makes no sense to say "play assassin if you want double blades" when Sith don't have "assassin" or "sorcerer" titles in the canon stories. I understand it makes sense in an MMO for class identifiers, but wanting to expand the weapon choices is not something new or ridiculous. IF (because it may never happen) BW wanted to add classes to what we have, the best and easiest way to do it without changing or adding storylines would be to add new and fresh advanced classes with new weapon options.
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