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Everything posted by slashbrant

  1. slashbrant

    Operative Burst

    No, I don't think they are at all actually. In solo ranked i'd say they are behind mercs and snipers, and arguably marauders too. In team ranked they're even worse. They are still super strong in 1v1's though. Also, the reflect on evasion is so overpowered that I don't even run it lol, and the better operatives I face in solos don't either.
  2. slashbrant

    Operative Burst

    2 weeks ago I beat asana on his merc with my operative in junkies tournament (no broken utility) Edit: I also beat him without the reflect on evasion.
  3. slashbrant

    Operative Burst

    Like roll has no downsides? well, apart from that it uses a gcd but nvm that.
  4. Signed. ^ This, and please start a new season quickly after the end of s8. Also, remove guard from dps specs.
  5. Put me on stand-by please. Alim / Concealment / Operative / Empire
  6. Yeah, there was one on Tre imp side Solo Qing,, claimed he was "just here for the CXP, don't care if I win or lose". Pretty sure he didn't use his force barrier once. Somehow I managed to get him on my team 4 out of my first 5 games.
  7. Signing up a friend Agerór / Operative / Concealment / Empire
  8. It's pretty much obvious, a lot of people on top are either hackers, win-traders or q-synchers farming bad players on opposite factions and q-dodging bad players on their faction . As you already stated, there's 7 other players in your game that will dictate how the match plays out so obviously luck is a factor. Despite this, if you are a good player, you should still be able to achieve a good rating, it might just take a few more games played than others high up on the leader boards. As for name duplicates, that's a server transfer issue. Also, be careful of the people that comment on this thread, they are most likely bias and are probably guilty of one of the reasons I stated above. High rating feeds their swtor ego.
  9. Generally speaking, Commando DPS is a lot stronger than scoundrels, especially when u factor in that scoundrels highest DMG abilities have a 4M range, and in a game with high mobility + knockbacks etc, it's going to be hard to pull high numbers unless the enemy just stays stationary the whole time (Try facing an enemy team filled with sentinels). + Your main gap closer (roll) is also your best defensive which also uses the GCD reducing DPS even further and means you can't always freely use it (unless you want to die fast). However, as a scoundrel you're unlikely to be focused until last unlike a commando, who is often targeted first. Since, scoundrel DPS is pretty poor as explained above, in regular warzones you'll find that most of them either node guard/ cap the enemies node/ seek out 1v1's. And in solo ranked, split between dps/ off-healing, depending on the match up ofc.
  10. I recall farming acid baby on his merc healer for almost 10 games straight. The time u qd on scoundrel rating was so easy, I gained over 100 rating on my shadow that night, just saying.
  11. You're being far too sensitive, most people are just messing around/ trolling. Lighten up.
  12. slashbrant


    This thread is so stupid, i really don't know why I'm bothering but... Actually roll does give u 2 seconds of immunity, despite what it says. Yes comparing shroud and roll is stupid, but other than roots preventing roll there's also one huge difference between the two... You can pop shroud whilst still doing damage, roll however uses the gcd and therefore can't do damage whilst rolling. Operatives have to sacrifice dps for survival which is a huge limitation. Quote: Originally Posted by Gingishan View Post Maybe some of you do not understand what i mean. I have oper and scoundrel fully geared. There was no class to 1v1 me in any WZ or ranked. Yet i do not enjoy to play it, rly can't explain why. I prefer a merc instead of this class. Roll is a bugy animation, and holotraverse also with too low CD, the healing dps can put half of a dedicated healer or more, even if dps is lower i can kill any of my target just because i can run away to heal and turn back just in time to slowly kill my enemies. Operative heals aren't strong at all (especially when compared with merc and sorc dps healing) and neither is their dps. If they were such an op class they'd also be the most popular, but guess what, they aren't played nearly as much as a true overpowered class, such as sorcs, just look at the average rating of them. Just because ops are the best 1v1 class, that doesn't justify a nerf, why on earth would the devs balance this game around 1v1's, Arsenal Mercs are also a strong dueling class, are you going to suggest they need a nerf too? Quote: Originally Posted by Gingishan View Post Are you aware that roll&holotrancendence is HUGE OP talent in many warzones? Are you aware that those abilities combined with poping dodge make opers&scoundrels only class that can free move around with all the cc players try to apply on them? If all your biggest damage abilites and ccs are being resisted by operatives roll, then you are probably either extremely predictable or just blindly hitting into them when they are rolling. It seems that you need to learn to play before creating threads about balance problems, because as this thread suggest, the only problem seems to be your lack of knowledge. But I guess you're quitting, so that won't happen. Goodbye.
  13. Vanish, PW, Shroud, Deflection, Shroud on vanish, 30% damage reduction on stun, 25% damage reduction on blackout/ 30% dmge reduction on crowd control... Oper dealing massive damage? Troll confirmed.
  14. hmm, its 2 am where i am and im tired. I can come on for 20 mins tops. Im logged in now, whats your char name?
  15. Not sure, our duels were a little while after he won the sti tourn. How do your duels go with slimm? i remember cigeld and nike having a hard time with him back when I was on harb.
  16. I dueled jonks a while back with bad ping and it was 50/50. I took part in some small jung ma tournament against solv and slimm, check the ja forums, you can see the results, shame u and nike missed out on it. Would have been good if all of us took part.
  17. Haha, yeah there's at least a few operatives that will be up for duels. And yeah bring an op to eu and ill bring mine to harbinger, so we can both experience ****** ping.
  18. haha, ive been wondering who are you after your post about all the best operative duelers being on NA. Are nike and cigeld still dueling a lot? If not, ill be back on harbinger soon so we can get them going again.
  19. I remember dueling a guy called special-agent, we did about 5 duels and I won them all. Are you him?
  20. I asked first... dont be shy I dont duel much anymore, but when they reduce transfer cost, i can bring my op from jc to harbinger and we can duel.
  21. What is your char name on harbinger? Are you cigeld or slimshady?
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