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Everything posted by Lowarro

  1. I got the Revanite Champion armor, equipped it on my character to unlock in collections, switched to another character to buy the collection unlock for account, and the pop-up screen is missing when I click the unlock for account button. Edit: Fixed already, that CM team is fast....
  2. I'm having the same issue. Hopefully they resolve it soon, as it seems to be a bug Edit: Fixed already...
  3. Best option to keep from going over cap if you have all the gear you want from them is to buy offhands and sell for credits. If you have any cartel market color crystals unlocked in collections you can pop a cloned crystal into the offhand so you don't have to wait for the refund timer. This works for any commendation where you run out of thing to spend them on and are still approaching the cap.
  4. Are the current drops from NiM DF/DP unchanged from before 3.0? I know before the expansion hit the devs were talking about keeping them as an alternate gearing path, so I thought they might have added some resurrected or revanite drops. However my raid team hasn't been back to Oricon since 60 due to some Dread Master fatigue so I don't know if any of the drops changed.
  5. Noticed the required mats for Dark Projects changed to include Synthetic Energy Matrix instead of the Self Perpetuating Power Cells that it was supposed to be. Please correct.
  6. While during most end game content you have enough time between fights for that utility to become somewhat useless, It's main value is while leveling. It enables you to move very quickly though trash mob's with no downtime between fights by ensuring that your opener is always up. Also I also noticed it broken for guardians, but not for juggs.
  7. Looking forward to most of these changes. To those arguing about the accuracy and the riposte change: you seem to be assuming gearing for the 100/110% accuracy will remain the norm. With the general combat changes to accuracy (no 3%+ from skill trees) and other stats (alacrity useful) that may not be the case. We won't know for sure until it comes out and the theorycrafters do their work. Either way the occasional missed attack should happen more often than the defended attack in most PvE situations (tanks being attacked not DPS)
  8. If sent is your main maybe a mara? Having a mirror to a main and legacy bound gear provides an easy way to do your favorite content on both factions while only needing to maintain one shared set of gear (plus separate relics/ears/implants)
  9. To be clear the Inheritance/birthright gear sets are the only legacy sets you currently CANNOT use to share gear between your sent and mara since they are class locked. Any of the others can be like the reputation and event ones listed in the post above and the 4 free sets if you were a subscriber at the GSF launch. Using these legacy bound sets would definitely reduce your gear up time and cost for mirror classes, at the cost of the limited choices for character looks available in legacy gear. Edit: Tor Fashion link
  10. Looking closely there are 3 people there and one lightsaber (green--the yellowish orange appears to be another effect). It looks like a vanguard in darth sion cm gear standing in front of and mostly covering a jedi (sage I think) with a green lightsaber with the "BH" that is more likely a smuggler standing right behind. Edit: Definitely looks like the pulse cannon
  11. Looks more like Vanguard pulse cannon or new upgrade version (Ion Storm?)
  12. I would love this, especially with the custom (orange) sets. There are several that I would love to use but can't because of the out-dated class restrictions.
  13. 1. One specific item. However if you dye a chest piece you can use the match to chest feature to apply the colors to your whole outfit 2. No. You can however change color crystals for affect lightsaber blade/blaster color. 3. http://dulfy.net/2013/05/14/swtor-dye-modules-guide/ 4. There is only one slot for both primary and secondary colors. Applying a dye changes both colors. (using a primary only or secondary only dye restores the other color to default). If you are unsure of the effect your dye will have you can preview it using CTRL- Left click
  14. Your main should be the one you enjoy playing most. All classes are raid viable. While there is a slight favoring of ranged dps over melee in a couple of the current op mechanics, it only becomes an issue at nightmare level, and even then it isn't that the group doesn't want any melee DPS it just doesn't want to be melee heavy. My main is a guardian and I've played him both as a tank and DPS in NiM oricon ops without a problem. Also with the expansion and new ops the preferred balance of ranged and melee DPS could change very easily That being said, if you want to improve your raid viability increase the number of roles you can bring. Start collecting tanking gear for your guardian and invest in field respec. Leveling a commando or sage would give you access to a rDPS and healer. Between those 2 characters you should be able to fill any role in whatever raid you are trying to get into. If you do decide to level a new character now would be the fastest time to do it with the 12x XP on story missions. (assuming you are a subscriber who has pre-ordered)
  15. I would reccomend a different class than your co-tank, to give your raid the maximum variety of utility. (If your co-tank is a Juggernaut run an Assain and vice versa). If your co-tank is a powertech go with the one you are most comfortable with. Either would be approximately equal in effectiveness meaning the biggest factor would be which one you tank better with.
  16. Actually, since in story mode monsters and Bestia do NOT buff damage of nearby monsters in SM the more effective strategy is to focus down the Larva ASAP while monsters are the last adds you leave up. In HM and on the strategy reverses to what you reccomended, but for SM groups can clear it easier by saving the big adds for last
  17. Most likely you are out-leveling your gear. As your level goes up the effects of bolster decrease. If you let your gear lag too far behind you will find yourself more squishy in KDY
  18. If nothing else can sell to junk vendor to convert to credits after refund period ends. To do this quickly without waiting for refund period buy offhands and drop in CM crystals from collections (free modification to end refund period) then sell. doesn't get you much but better than exceeding elite comm cap
  19. Advice from a thread when I was having trouble with the Contractor's Chestguard's Jetpack: Basically some jetpacks only work on high character level of detail, so you may want to check your graphics settings.
  20. The change from 16 man back to 8 was due to performance issues the 16 man caused, they have said (in cantina tour Q&A I believe) that returning to 16 man is not a question of if they will, but when they are able to (without the performance issues that occured with the 2.8 launch).
  21. How does this work? Respec durring the fight from focus to vigilence? Some hybrid of the 2 with a stance change? Something sounds off here.
  22. If nothing else I'd drop Terminal Velocity. It is stance locked to High Velocity Gas Cylinder while several of the pyro tree talents you took are stance locked to Combustable Gas Cylinder. In general hybrids perform poorly compared to full spec's and that is built into the design. I'd recommend experimentmenting with it, but you will probably find yourself underperforming compared to what you are able to do in full spec.
  23. I haven't tested in a while, but when I did it was the customizable one get around taris I think. I see if I can test a few when I log on.
  24. /agree It was nice to have an emote that didn't put something in chat everytime you used it. It allowed you to spam the emote without spamming chat. I stopped using the legacy emotes when chat was added to them (/knight, etc.) and now flourish is the same way
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