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  1. that wasn't what he meant, he said he has one from subbing already which means he has ANOTHER ONE he's trying to sell the other one not the complimentary one.
  2. sorry I used gyazo so that was all I took. it's fine if you don't want to add it, that was my first game as lethality so it shouldn't take very long to do better than that anways
  3. Yes I am lol, search hornpub on pub side it takes <1 hour to level with bestia farm by the way...
  4. Hornpub - Gunslinger DPS (7020.12) https://i.gyazo.com/897aac332c2c267e31bba0a7d3a12d04.png
  5. ToS and Rav came out December 2014, so it's been 15 months now. They haven't announced anything new coming up either as far as I'm aware of, so we're probably looking at close to a solid 2 years between new ops unless they pull something out of nowhere. GG Bioware.
  6. it's off server. just responding to ksenia, not posting as a record
  7. http://imgur.com/d2pbcrG http://imgur.com/NASwzVd
  8. looks like sniper hasn't gotten buffed at all since 3.0 http://imgur.com/iPIsWCa
  9. There are a few specific people I'm thinking of, not to name names... But yes, most of the people in Guerrilla were cool. My intent wasn't to insult Guerrilla or give them a bad name, just give my opinion on why there is still some level of hostility towards them today.
  10. As far as Guerrilla goes, at one time, yes, they were a dominant guild. That being said, they did still lose to pugs occasionally and other guild premades, but for the most part they didn't talk a ton of ****. Eventually most of their good players abandoned server, which left us with a watered down (at best) version of the guild which was pretty much just back pedallers and keyboard turners who continued riding on the Guerrilla bandwagon despite their incompetence. Some of these players who were left behind still linger around, and still spout off about how Guerrilla was the best thing to ever happen to this server at the mere mention of the name.... And this is why almost no players who were around when Guerrilla was actually good will give it a shred of respect, because the dregs that were leftover when most of them left ruined their reputation for everyone. ^ heard that said verbatim more times than I would care to count
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