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Posts posted by AllisonLightning

  1. I'm in take a seat and I always play alone, it takes people to ask me to join to play with em and even then I'm not easily persuaded.

    I used to q alone all the time in big in japan too, and in quite a few other guilds.


    Premades aren't killing pvp, I mean I like to premade and love it when we get a tas premade against us when im with my ragequit brethren. I'll tell you what is killing pvp... I logged in on my op healer on harbinger the other night, was recieving quite a bit of attention from dps but that's good, butfs my hps and epeen but random guy starts shouting in chat that I'm weak and should ask bioware for buff, anyway I replied I don't know you and don't care what you think and carried on healing. Match ends I get told I'm a noob and only 4m heals, and guy continues to rant on. I think to myself, "I bet I can think of at least 10 different better ways to spend my time right off the top of my head" and log off...


    I had a charmer on the other team rant about my guild and how we're terrible PvP players on my Operative Healer... I healed his would-be kills- I'll deal with some idiot during match but if they continue afterwards, I have other classes and will log off to dodge getting whispered. You want to ignore them but the sensible little voice in your head reminds you they could be on your team next time. :(


    4M heals is great- what's your gear situation? I play with guild mates sometimes, but it's for the company.

  2. Stay still when I'm try to kill ya!!! :D

    I'm alredy love this guy ;)


    I've had someone call out my Mara when I got away from them- this is a troll thread but there are people in PvP who throw tantrums that RDPS move. This is why I like my double jump- I've lost count of the knockbacks that people think buy them a moment and then my main's right back on them unless it's sniper cover or a silly little Sorc/Sage (made funnier because I play and love them) who uses force speed.


    The amount of tears these days at basic mechanics like RDPS, hybrid classes, healing and so on are enough to make you understand why you end up in matches where the node has a disease (everybody runs away and it's lucky you were respawning because otherwise it would've been free food) and why anyone uses a deactivate mod in a friendly controlled control point at 70 on accident and actually trying to help rather than deliberately, so I'm reading this as a troll on those people.


    I personally find it embarrassing as frell if a member on my team starts ranting about a lost kill in Gen during the match.

  3. I wanted this to be clear, I didn't add extra time (six extra months, extending my sub until the 22nd of October, 227 days remaining) for the meager components we get from PvP (we need many more, especially given that Ops level gear is going to become much easier and accessible to full in our warzones) or the RNG trashfest that is Command Ranks. There are classes that can cope and others... well, some classes have the short end of the gear stick in PvP.


    I love my guild and they are big on running content which suits me perfectly.


    What you have done right? Well, I'm on the threshold of getting a Quinn back and new delicious content in April (although no new warzone :( ) You somewhat listened and ditched another 100 Ranks- the moved bolster while welcome, still disturbs me given I'm worried you're going to sync up health and damage.


    I want Bolster in PvP back at 250 so it's about skill and not gear, but a very big reason I renewed my sub is this presumption by some in your ranks that we will ditch our subs the second we're geared up, despite the massive inability to run content as a Preferred or do much at all. My sub runs almost until a new expansion- if not to now. Any change- I have no ability to hit the undo button and renege, that money's in your pocket now.


    Most of all, I wanted to say this straight- I don't want to stop subscribing again. And this applies to most of us here. We aren't hanging out looking for a reason to quit- we want to keep playing and giving you money to keep this game running. So, please- you don't need RNG gear to keep us (which is creating inbalances that shouldn't exist in PvP)- all you have to do is listen to us and we'll happily keep subscribing and giving you money. Gear isn't and has never been content and will never be what keeps me subscribed.


    When you talk to us, and you're honest and you keep the content and the bug fixes coming- that's what makes me happy. That and pretty CM gear... and no, I don't think the presence of the CM makes them not put outfits in the game, I think it increases what we have access to. Except for the Command XP boosters, I'm fine with the CM.


    And also, if you are going to leave the Command Ranks in place, keep the current boosted CXP rate as the baseline.





  4. Its not the gear difference that moves EXPERIENCED players are ahead of others. Someone with zero skill and 240 gear will suck while an experienced player with 228 gear will own the 240 player easily. The bolster only achieves that the experienced player takes longer to smash the noobs that are unable to use their skills properly. For experienced players it does no real good.


    Its actually an insult to players that are slightly below the gear level. Its involuntary hand holding. This isnt necessary at max level. If people didnt learn how to play from 1-69, then one more level wont change much.


    Don't kid yourself, gear matters in this Expertise deprived wasteland but It's also classes. Some aren't affected and can compensate really well whereas other classes are an absolute nightmare. The last part of this makes me smile and want to argue for 250 back. Yes, there are players who were an absolute free food target back when they had this but there was such a level playing field that only the actual imbalances stood out such as Mercs, the double stance bug and trinity/class imbalanced teams.


    Bads still got stomped but people weren't able to play the new gear map PvP warzone. Bolster doesn't hold your hand or make you somehow a better player- it just is about an equal playing field- if a player under Bolster can outmatch a geared player because they handle the encounter better, they earned that win- a player who gains an advantage because they're in 240 against 228 and under normal equally geared circumstances they'd have lost but their gear allows them to compensate for their mistakes/ weaker skill- then there is a problem. There are bad players at the moment who think they're good because of gear and worse still, people who want to break the trinity based on gear imbalances more so than even bad RNG matchmaking.

  5. I was on their twitter feed a half hour after everything stopped working and there was no updates at all. Verified no posts on twitter feed from my friends. At what time did you see a post? Did they post right before everything came back online?


    Still wondering what happened. Acted like a Denial Of Service attack.


    It was a DDOS attack- it locked me out of the game for hours because I decided to do the responsible thing and do work and then play. They posted after a while, the timing was bad since they wouldn't have had many people on- mostly just spent the downtime talking in Vent and contemplating what we'd do to those behind attacks like these. DS points were earned.

  6. Edit: Just sidenote, reading this thread is fun, but have to wonder how unlucky people have to be to constantly end up those groups? I run lot of flashpoints, veteran and Master both and very rarely end up groups here described.


    I think it's sheer quantity- when you're running so many flashpoints, the odds are you will get the ones that make you cry on your keyboard, I just ran with an amazing group for Mandalorian Raiders with zero wipes and perfect coordination with three DPS (including me) and a tank (that did such a great job on Braxx, and we were able to burn the dogs quick) and we were never in any serious danger of dying.


    You get more good or just okay runs than bad, we just don't post about them.

  7. Why on earth i have to receive his banging on my head for so long? If you got a wipe, it's because of Braxx. Anyone who claims that his damage is insignificant even on 70 toon, clearly (for me) isn't paying attention. You can totally ignore the hounds and their damage.


    Just test it next time when you pop there.


    Even the tank shouldn't be standing in that red circle, that attack (Cleave from what I get from the guides) is what does the main damage and yes, if you continually stand in the thing while you're tanking, you will take significant damage.

  8. Btw, can everyone please stop using that tactic in tacticals and burn Braxx ASAP since he's the only one doing real damage in this fight. Hound does not enrage after his death.


    Since the dogs run into Braxx and catch aggro on anything- most decent tactical runs, dogs go down fast because of focus fire and then we move onto Braxx (who doesn't hit that hard at 70)- whatever tactics based on the highest boss DPS doesn't undo the fact that leaving the dogs alone leads to chaos since they switch and can't be taunted. I had one idiot tank insist on this order and caused a wipe and then the most protracted, long fight because, quelle surprise- the hounds kept on making the fight shambles.


    This fight, for a Group Finder group is easier to coordinate by burning the hounds first in Tactical/Veteran without any enrage because they'll stop latching onto rotating group members.


    I've never done the HM version but I'd assume that if the correct tactic in HM is to burn the hounds first to stop them enraging, that it's better that people learn that as a rule in tactical then do HM with that in mind.



    I had such a cringe filled run of False Emperor on my level 70 Operative Healer. So mid run pops and they've clearly had a quit at HK-47. A Powertech tank at 40/41, an DPS Assassin in the low 30s and a Sorc Healer at about level 26. So low DPS all round and empty slots as far as relics and implants all round which means they were all losing bigger chunks of their health. The fight was painfully slow, was forced to use a combat revive while I kept drawing aggro for healing and we nearly wiped at the end... the sad thing was, when I just had to keep me up and do my meager damage when HK was down to his eighth of health, between a kolto station run- it wasn't as painful.


    They went into every trash mob and I cringed at the point where I had guard thrown on me and told that I needed to be careful because this would reflect damage on them... DPS Assassin threw guard on the Sorc heals (there was subsequent melting), who joined me in DPSing two golds that they picked a fight with in their quest for the bonus boss and we were sadly doing more damage (Me, it makes sense, higher level gear but that didn't explain Sorc heals with missing slots herself). I put my foot down on that idea. I'm all for levelling but bonus bosses are for people who put gear in all their slots.


    Malgus was protracted but they knew how to use interrupts... I just wish I'd needed to face my destiny all the time because me, I'm yawning through Malgus where as I needed to load up my HoTs on each person and hope they stayed alive and made worse by the group in question. It got irking enough I contributed to burning Malgus down at the end while keeping the healing up so they didn't die.


    The sorc healer, missing slots aside, wasn't nearly as bad as the rest of the group although I think they lagged out a bit during the last fight, otherwise they were just standing still for a minute for no reason.

  9. Except the kick vote is predicated on non-activity- which is why you can't do it before they enter the warzone and why people can initiate combat to cancel the vote. Believe me, it's not the same thing- otherwise a certain twit in a Voidstar match would have gone bye-bye no matter how many times he initiated combat as the entire team tried to vote kick him, myself included *because he went into stealth on a snit after we held the door first round, insisting the match was lost near the beginning and trying to wait the match out.
  10. I was curious after making another new character and picking a favourite heroine's call sign (not Star Wars) how we all come up with our character names as well as hopefully inspiring the people who always have trouble coming up with new names. I pick names I like combined with my gamer tag/my name, hybrids of names with character surnames and first and last names. I do get particular so in character creation, I write down my numbers because I'm forever getting logged off while I pick the perfect name. :t_redface:
  11. I love "the new one" on my melee toons, I feel sorry for the ranged that seem to lose almost every one im in. I mean, its like, oh sweet, osdyssen popped, pretty much a guaranteed win in my experience


    I'm the same way but across classes. I do really well with Odessen and I can really troll people trying to take my node as a DPS Sorc/Sage- I held one multiplied point the entire round *under attack* and my Sage doesn't even have her bubble yet.


    Want a new objective warzone though. It can't be too hard to come up with and that one new map would give us untold enjoyment.



  12. I know Critical/Alacrity/Power are vital- I've been throwing a bit of accuracy about but have heard that it's a less vital stat for a DPS Sorc/Sage since they are casters than it is for my melee DPS. Any advice is welcome and yes, I know they are lower DPS but they are versatile and I don't intend to ever take them into Ranked.
  13. Guys this is Icy. She's been around here a long time. Like Doc, I find it hard to believe, but I'm also inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt when it comes to spotting people cheating. Or at least, if she says so, I'm more inclined to believe her than some rando.


    Same. I see very few hacks on a whole because I stick to unranked but I know there are players who have been the benefit of said hacks and are still playing. The main hack I see is the floating one and half the time it's the visual glitch and a non-hack- I'm actually starting to visually see the difference if it's not in the middle of a zergfest.

    A lot of people cry foul that classes have abilities (outside of FOTM), that healers can heal/tanks can tank, hybrid classes and on their low DPS usefulness and how that's the fault of the game than them and then most of the same people call normal gameplay hacks.


    Icy, Doc, Trixxie and a few regulars I know that even if I disagree on points, that they don't cry wolf, that when they say it's a hack- they aren't just complaining.


    There's a player I wish hadn't resubbed, he doesn't cheat but he would have to be my least favourite because he is technically a decent player but I've seen a lost Voidstar where everybody managed to decoy from the doors, after we'd held out an entire Defender round and we were minus a DPS the entire Attacker round because the match wasn't a quick and easy win, so he wrote it off as lost and stayed stealthed out, taking up a team slot to get his daily. For me, cheaters are frustrating but so are people who don't even try to win because it's in the 'too hard' basket because unlike CXP farmers, they know better. They are better but they'd rather mock or insult their team from the sidelines, than leave or actually try and fail or hell hath, succeed.

  14. It's been weird since you renamed them because they aren't story difficulty unlike the solo versions as anyone who has landed in Blood Hunt would know.


    People run group finder for these for as long as I've been playing. They are one of the major sources of group content in the game and being able to access these via group finder is important. Please tell us, Eric- that you guys haven't killed a major grouping activity and that it's just a rename adjustment so they are properly listed as Veteran and the Hard Mode ones are accurately listed as Master Mode as their weeklies show.


    While I shudder at how I'll help the new F2P players at the moment since you were vague on the chat restriction tweaks this is much more concerning.




  15. Well, now the existence of 250 bolster in PvP makes sense... they were planning to add tiers all along. Someone posted this in guild chat and I was horrified. So we will have the massive gear difference now of 230 (at best), to 250. I don't believe anything they say about the rewards being too low because they were planning new tiers from the start, read; existence of a bolster that went beyond existing gear.


    This is the opposite to keeping people subbed.

  16. Dude, that is dot spread damage, not single target burst damage so G T F O with your whinning and smart @sstalking ;)

    Try another spec and then post again. I can also post screenshots with 4.3million DPS and still it's useless cuz its aoe damage.


    How is it that my DPS as a Mara is lower, but I manage to kill people, 'with healers on the field'. The joke there was like a match last night, when I was on my shiny new 70 Operative healer- I was the only healer versus three others on Voidstar and kept my team up because my team actually did their job which was kill things. The enemy team had only one lonely healer and Aiolia had many, many more but only got one kill. I'd be too embarrassed to post a leaderboard with that DPS and such a low kill count, it just proves they are a bad DPS.

  17. using no life as an insult but then talk about being an altaholic, well done. especially while quoting a post where im talking about gearing my alts It's more like you have no idea what you're talking about or how the game works, so you like to lash out in a supermarket temper tantrum like way of "gimme gimme whatever I want because I said so"


    I'll go real slow for you. you take the little square pieces out of one gear. you then insert those into the little square parts of the other gear. you then send this gear to your alts. I have 20+ characters and on various servers. Several of my alts are geared while yours, according to you, are not. Looks like you're not the one who seems to know what they're talking about here.


    In full disclosure, I have alts, some mirror which allows mod set piece moving, some not. Some classes are really hurt by the bolster changes with insufficient gear and some classes are fine- it's erratic as hell. What's bothering me at the moment is the healers people are complaining about are geared much ahead of the curve and the gearing rate curve is bringing up nerf threads and I'm sick of the complications it's causing in PvP.


    The playing field has always had balance and matchmaking issues but now we have classes who do Ops as well, bringing that faster geared character in. So it does make a difference and it's brutally punishing to our population issues. They're getting worse and pretending that everything is okay- I said I'd feel like I'd be rewarding bad behaviour, chances are I am adding the time block but I want people to play with.

  18. If you even have the 236 mainhand shell, still 270 components to purchase. Their response, "Here is 2 or 3 extra components per match, enjoy." - lol


    I posted this in the General Discussion and they immediately moved it- I'm going to bed, this is just depressing me too much because they want to hide this and they're treating us like dirt. Hope they have a fun quarterly report in to EA.

  19. I thought my guild was screwing around but no. You are frelling insane and any good will you have... is- go to hell. Do not pass go and do not collect $200 dollars. I'm supposed to be adding six months in a few weeks and now, I feel like I'd be rewarding bad behaviour. This is on the updated components- http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9247817#post9247817.


    How dare you- how dare you pull this on us? We are subscribers, and you've turned PvP, an activity we pay for into a gear sludgefest where, i.e. people are confusing faster geared healers with overpowered and your supposed fix is an insult on your PvP playerbase- we'd be lucky to gear one character from start to finish in months let alone alts. Under the usual CXP gain, the grind with warzones even won does not get you a crate every hour.


    It feels like a joke and I'd rather you reworked components and introduced it in 5.2 because this will kill what's left of the people who stayed and tried to ride this out. Pop times have been increasing and the slow periods are getting longer because of everybody who has been leaving because, to quote Padmé Amidala...


    You're breaking our hearts and taking the game somewhere we can't follow. We're trying so hard to hold on, to find redeeming qualities and you're leaving us no reason to stay. :(

  20. It's been said elsewhere that the devs cannot simply "get rid of GC" because it is the only new content gated behind a subscription.


    Let's put it how it really is. Galactic Command (which is an interface not even the stupid Uprisings) gates old content via gearing from subscribers, and we're all paying to have our gear as subscribers gated from us behind RNG hell. There's no excuse since passes were removed, that was not only killing a revenue source on the CM but was gating more behind a sub.


    Nobody cares about that interface or that the Light side/Dark side has triumphed, one hour remaining.

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