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Everything posted by Qieo

  1. Every seen a Jugg with the CD reset tact hold off an entire team at pylons?...I have. even with 4-5 on him, does not die quick enough and stop capping is successful. Its not an OP problem, its a WZ respawn timer problem. Even when you kill the players at your pylon, by the time you reset and go, they are back at the pylon already. To many classes have OP speed boosts now. Mercs can out run sorcs, juggs can fly faster than OPs, they can get across the map faster than the respawn timer. Killing them does nothing, as they will respawn and be back at the pylon faster than you can cap. The respawn is broken, its 50/50, sometimes its instant and I can make it back to the pylon 2 secs after I die and continue my stop cap or sometimes I barley make it out before the afk de buff ...So many times I have stop capped and respawned so fast, I'm back at the pylon before they can cap. Its broken asf.
  2. So everything else i do in game works, IE-FP, PvP etc for daily rewards. For some reason when i complete a daily operation, TC for example the daily reward is not given to me. I did a TC GF yesterday , no reward, EV this morning, no reward. All have been through GF. Any suggestions or workarounds ? Thank you, Love you, mean it!!
  3. Qieo


    First off i want to say that I am a long time MMO player, so my expectations of what an MMO should be, come with experience IMHO. Doesn't really matter. I was so blown away from my experience on Alderaan that i had to express it . From the planet story arc to the class missions, ( I play a jedi knight) the whole story was immersive and wonderful. The scenery and attn. to detail on that planet is mind blowing. I first walked into the castle of organa, i was just amazed. It has been a long time since an MMO has grabbed my attn. and immersed me into the world like that. All the houses at war reminded me of DUNE, which outside of starwars is my favorite movie. Anyway, i don't have the words to describe any further but i am so pleased with the experience i had on that planet i just wanted to say thanks to the people who made a truly wonderul place.
  4. Looking for dedicated raiders for weekend HM progression. Experienced, patient and confident folks needed. We're looking to form a solid group that can commit to a schedule. 18+ and a sense of humor a must. Knowledge of game, class and raid mechs. a huge plus. If interested please send in-game mail to Qei or Karmac, or post a reply in this forum.
  5. So harbinger seems to be the only server i cant connect to. If you're like me and got stuck on the loading screen..Here are some steps i took to force the client back to the server selection screen. -Restart the client -When the client hits the login screen.(The raven picture one) Unplug your ethernet cable. Or disable wi-fi for a few sec, or whatever you have to do to disconnect form the internet for a moment. This will force the client back to the server selection screen. The server list will be empty, but wait a few secs and it will reload. I could log onto every server but Harbinger.
  6. So im not the only one..okie..whelp time to tkae a nap i guess
  7. As said above the vendors are in the bazaar. IMHO- you should find a person with a slot machine and get rep withe the re sale bounty guys. They have one of the coolest mounts ever. And a holo statue that works like the hutt one if you missed out on that. Be mindful though. All the vendors in the bazaar req. rep.
  8. I am a new player to SWTOR, but i am not new to the MMO community. I have hung up my armor in the world of WoW. I have played for over 8 yrs. and it is getting more and more frustrating to stay playing. I am pleased to say that SWTOR is the first MMO in a long time for me that has held my attn. longer than a weekend. I am beating myself up that i didn't start playing sooner. With that said, WoW will always hold a special place in my heart. Just the vast amount of time i have spent in-game and the friends i have made over the years. I look forward to spending time within SWTOR. The storytelling and mini movies you get on the story quests are hands down, the best questing experience i have had. Ever. I am in love with this game. I just want to express my opinion to anyone that takes the time to read this. So lets get to it. -1 For the love of god, please don't push out content that isn't ready. WoW, for years now, pushes out patches and content that is incomplete. Patch days and new content are dreadful. Server crashes, bugs galore and server hot fixes for a month because they released the content when it wasn't ready. I have yet to experience a new patch in SWTOR yet, so I may be premature in saying this. -2 Required dailies. Nobody wants to feel like they have to have a job in a game just to advance. Dailies are not a bad thing, but when you force them on your player base just to get certain items req. to advance it becomes a chore. I understand there will always be a "grind" for certain things in MMO's . But please dont swamp the game with them. The dailies in-game i have experienced so far feel normal and on par. -3 Your "casual" player base is your bread and butter. Appease to the handful of "hardcore" player base and i promise you, you will lose subs faster than WOW is. -4 Don't take away the player housing!! OMG the player housing in this game is extraordinary!!! WOW teased the player base for 1 Xpac and its being removed. -5 PvP balance. I can not express how much i hate that you are forced to play a spec because the other spec is overpowered. I have yet to experience lvl 60 pvp yet but i hope it isn't the case. I could sit here all day and rant, but i wont. My experience with SWTOR for the past month have been a really good one. I want to see this MMO thrive for years to come. Do your thing STWOR!! May the force be with us all!! -Q
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