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Posts posted by ButterflyCactus

  1. The constant delays and empty assurances of rewards being released "this week" is simply disrespectful to the players that have legitimately earned their placement this past season. We need a definite date or at least a definite time frame
  2. Madness has never felt so bad... The single target damage is a joke, I'm honestly shocked at how terrible they are...

    The types of buffs that they need that would help them in Pvp and Pve are the following:


    They need some way to keep their dots up, the time it takes to reapply them is clunky, and a loss of dps....

    In my opinion Lightning strike needs to refresh affliction and creeping terror's on the target, not only bringing more to the rotation, but also making the instant lightning strike proc useful.


    Also, they need to buff the effectiveness of Demolish.... Affliction and creeping terror are already on the weak side, so demolish needs to feel devastating...


    Reapplying dots should not be the reason for your DPS loss unless you are poorly placing your deathfield: your primary dot spreader. DF allows you to spread up to five enemies. Any other enemies that are not hit by that, and you can predict that they will not enter your DF cleave (say a sniper or a sorc healer for example) then that's when you would straight apply your dots to the enemy. You should only apply your dots to 3 targets per fight, including the target that serves as your deathfield's primary target. Otherwise, that's when you see a loss of DPS from casting too many dots outside of deathfield's spread rather than casting your force lightning to keep your fulminating current stacks up and occasionally casting force lightning to get the quick kill. This is also what causes force management issues (along with your self heals[darkheal, resurgence, UN). Now, it depends on the warzone and the enemy team's play style, but if you play your sorc this way, you should be topping the dps charts with at least 3.5kdps every time. You can even get up to 6 or even 7k if the team just stands in stupid the whole match (novare coast, voidstar).


    Having lightning strike reapply affliction, and only buffing demolish is not going to solve Sorc's current problems. The goal that we should look towards is to be on the same competing level as the other dps classes such as mara/sent, jugg/guardian, merc/mando(post nerf when it comes), etc. Not saying we have to be at the top, but we need to be viable. Where we currently stand, the class is only viable as a healing spec.


    I suggest two simple options that hopefully others can expand upon. Corrupted barrier nerfs NEED to be reversed COMPLETELY. It is a necessity. I can't tell you how many times I have feared a sorc at the end of their barrier on my mara or jugg, and then wiped them out within 2 or 3 GCDS. That right there is reason enough to conclude that barrier is a HORRIBLE dcd.


    So buff barrier no matter what. Now, we can be buffed in two ways. Either reverse the nerf, and even further buff dark heal and resurgence, giving us actual survivability along with our new DR utilities. OR give us a major major buff on dps. Because as we currently stand with our heals and dps, we are one of the worst dps classes in both PvP and PvE. Period.

  3. Made several threads about this the day 5.0 dropped. DPS sorc is at the bottom in terms of viability whether that is solo/grouped ranked or in 1v1 scenarios. I have yet to see a DPS sorc do even close to well in solo ranked unless all four people on the team knew exactly what they were doing. I'll give an example. I was on my mara. The matchup was 2 maras, dps sorc, and sorc heals on our team. The other team had two mercs, a dps sorc, and a sorc heals. Heals kept heals cc'd. Dps sorc stayed on dps sorc. And me and the other mara just went to town on one of the mercs until reflect, hard switch, etc.


    So the only way a dps sorc can do well in solo ranked is if your team effectively peels for the sorc seeing as they are almost ALWAYS the first target in 4v4 arenas, but sometimes this is hardly worth the effort as the sorc hardly does any substantial damage anyway even as a dot spec. I cannot tell you how many teams I have actually pulled considerably more HPS as madness then DPS. I'm talking 2500-3000HPS 1500-2000DPS simply because the class no longer has the tools to kite even with LoS against a competent enemy(enemies). Madness can't effectively off heal 4s team because it does not have the resources to do so. Even if you were to heal someone for, at most, 25% of their health. Your force is already gone. It's a truly ****** situation.

  4. See I disagree with this. Corrupted Barrier and Empty Body needed to be nerfed. It is the dps that should have been left alone or even buffed. Both PvPers and PvEers often forget that balance affects both sides. Sorcs were overpowered in PvP because of their utility. So that is what needed nerfing. At the same time, the dps specs were not in a very good spot. An very good player who knew the class well could make it work in NiM, but in a lot of fights it wasn't easy. The damage needed, and still needs, to be buffed. Sorc dps is in a bad state right now in PvE. This needs to be addressed. At the same time, if you look at dps in PvP, Sorc could stand for a buff there too, especially when you compare it to the the classes you see right now.


    If you're going to nerf dps sorc self heals, then you need to buff their dps. Sorcs were not doing actual bigdamage in warzones. Again, what you're seeing is either fluff damage, or the enemy team isn't smart enough to stop the sorc from freecasting and that's where you see those high numbers. You know how sorcs were getting 3-5k dps even after DF nerf? The enemy team would all gather at a node say in novare coast or voidstar without even paying attention ranged classes free casting. Madness casts dots > deathfield > force storm etc. Lightning casts chain lightning > force storm > proc'd chain lightning etc.


    Currently with PvP trauma, force barrier will heal only up to 15% of your maximum health. While every other dps with self heals has an "oh **** better heal2full in one gcd". With the nerf to dark heal as well, a sorc cannot heal to full after a phasewalk with dark heals because it drains ~75% of our force. Mercs had this problem in 4.0, but compensated for this by having crazy single target burst damage and godly kiting capabilities. Now mercs have sorc's previous healing capabilities plus more.


    I can agree on buffing sorc damage, but if you're going to keep the self heals nerfed, the damage buff needs to be huge to even compete in the current PvP meta, otherwise the class is, at most, suboptimal.

  5. There are GOOD players that are complaining about mercs/mandos. It's 2 weeks into 5.0 and saying that people aren't used to them yet is undermining a lot of good players' ability to adapt to new changes. It's not a matter of "Oh I understand how these dcds work so therefore I shouldn't have any problem adapting to it." Of course they're easy to understand. The problem is that no class has a good way of countering these dcds when up against good mandos/mercs.
  6. Yes i completely agree with you, most posts i've seen is always nerf sorc, sorc OP plz nerf.


    Most of these nerf sorc complaints are from pvp'ers (no surprise there), what people need to realise not all pve'ers do pvp on sorc, and nerfing sorc cause of pvp makes it unfair on us who use sorc purely in pve


    The PvPers that complain about sorc nerfs are honestly terrible players. Both sorc DPS specs, even now, have the potential to put up huge numbers just because of fluff damage (madness/balance) and stupid easy rotation (lightning/telekinetics). But *******s will complain on the forums about dps being too high because they don't actually pay attention to what goes on in a warzone and only look at the numbers at the end of the match. It's so childish, honestly.


    Sorc/Sage dps was really good in 4.0. Easy class to play, hard to master. It did well in solo ranked and was a very good non stealth dueling class. Did we need nerfs in 5.0? Even as a sorc main I would say yes. Did we need corrupted barrier and empty body's benefits cut in half? Absolutely not. I think the nerfs to our dots and leech were justified, but ~10% nerfs on DF and FL were way overkill.



    Bad PvPers complain about sorcs

    Sorc/Sage DPS needed some nerfing, but the result on big hitting moves and healing was overkill, making us not viable for solo ranked and 1v1 scenarios.

  7. I find it funny that some people in the PvP forums, who have obviously never played a sorc or are just very bad at it, look at the dps leaderboards in warzones and assume that sorcs are still good. Our new passives from our utilities and discipline path gives us even more fluff damage, giving the illusion that sorcs are still top tier. Fotm mercs are saying that they're on par with sorcs now.


    The reality is that our self heals are worse then they have ever been. Taking corrupted barrier is useless as the benefits have quite literally been cut in half. Sorcs no longer have the resources to heal to full. Need I say more?

  8. Remove healing from Reflective shield? Then take away Sorc Bubble heal to full


    Tone down Kolto? then give mercs a Phase walk ability to move away and heal to full like sorcs


    remove bonus healing from reactive shield? take away boost to un-natural preservation


    Mercs are on par with Sorcs now and it is killing them to have to actually play with some skill lol


    Funny that people still think sorcs can heal to full. DPS sorc self heals were nerfed to oblivion. Enduring bastion charges from force barrier only heal sorcs up to 15% of their maximum health. If you're complaining about sorcs now, then you need to get good honestly.

  9. The survivability to damage output ratio is outrageously high. I've seen a mando take on an entire team in 4v4s. Please fix this. Mercs are healing up to 100k health from trauma regulators. Either nerf commando/mercenary damage or nerf the heals. (Also please consider reverting the sorc nerfs on empty body and enduring bastion. Force barrier has become next to useless since this nerf. Also consider buffing dark heal for sorcs slightly).
  10. I dunno, sorc heals seem just as sturdy as before. That could be because most merc and marauder players are terrible, though.


    With those classes being the current FOTM, you're probably not wrong. I haven't played corruption sorc this patch so i can't speak much on it, admittedly. I know dark infusion was nerfed a bit and roaming mend by 2.5% (considering the healing output of that ability alone, it hardly seems like something to even consider fretting over).

  11. Sorc healers are still overperforming, not really sure about sorc DPS though, I think they got a decent nerf (despite some nice new utilities).



    My bias as a sorc main is inevitably going to show, but we got shafted. We're doing fine in regs. If cleaving opportunities are taken advantage of via dot spread, sorcs will top the dps charts alongside mercs. The utilities are indeed nice. I like having instant ww being in a separate category as corrupted barrier. Galvanizing cleanse gives us interesting kiting options if timed right. Whenever I have a sin or Jugg on me, I like to pop expunge and dark heal with the 50% dark heal speed utility. Using galvanizing cleanse with leech is cool too because it can't be interrupted since there's no cast bar. So maras can't camo out because they can't see it coming. Really fun utility.


    However, even though our utility tree gives us some nice damage reduction, in my opinion it is not worth the nerf that we received from our healing. Empty body and corrupted barrier's heals were cut in half. Dark heal was nerfed by 7.4%. Something strange is going on with pvp trauma as well. With trauma, dark heal only heals 2-3k per cast, when it should be casting 5-6k with trauma. Sorcs do fine in regs. In 4v4s, and especially in duels and ranked arenas, sorcs are far less viable then they once were as DPS.

  12. The way mercs stand, if played right, you have to kill them 3 times. Energy shield health stacks utility potentially heals for 100k and kolto infusion heals to 70%. That's outrageously broken not to mention that arsenal, undoubtedly, has the best single target damage. PvP today is just a combination of only mercs and maras. Sorcs hit and heal like a wet noodle. Corrupted barrier infused force barrier only heals 15% of your health now in most cases. Dark heal somehow only heals 2-3k per cast with the trauma debuff. Mercs are gods. Sorcs are dead. Hope you all are happy lol.
  13. And pls don't start with all of that ******** with god bubble etc...


    God bubble is **** now. Corrupted barrier utilities heals were cut in HALF. This is a huge nerf. If you are at ~15% health, you will only heal to half. After barrier ends, just mezz the sorc and it's gg.

  14. I guess I should go into more detail and clarify. I can still top dps charts solely on dot spread efficiency. I did 6.5k dps on a novare coast the other day, but again, it's fluff damage. I'm primarily a ranked player and a duelist so that's where my complaints are rooted from.


    The other day I was getting destroyed by a sin in an arena, granted he had two 230 set bonus pieces on him. So I phasewalked away and attempted to heal to full. Now I'm not sure how this is even possible with trauma being nerfed from 35% to 15%, but my dark heals were only healing for 2k per cast. That is absolutely unacceptable on all grounds. Empty body needs to heal for 10% bonus again. Corrupted barrier's nerfs should be null. Our heals have been cut in HALF. If you're going to do that, then give us more damage output. If bioware's idea of better survivability is based on sub par damage reduction utilities, then I don't know what to tell you.


    From a duelists perspective, this is still a little tricky as difference in gearing between players really shines in a 1v1 scenario. I dueled a sin with 4 set bonus pieces in the 230s. I was holding my own pretty well, but again. I would phasewalk to attempt to heal close to full. Nothing. Something needs to be done. Bioware over compensated by giving mandos basically three lives (heal to 70% max health via kolto infusion and energy shields stacks that potentially heal to 100k). That's outrageously broken. What does force barrier via corrupted barrier do? Heals to HALF if you are at ~15% health. Better survivability? Don't make me laugh.

  15. Been playing madness sorc and it feels very underwhelming. Was doing some parsing and I'm actually hitting less than what i was hitting at 65 in 4.0. Not too mention empty body and corrupted barrier utilities healing effects were nerfed by 50%. It's funny how bioware stated that their goal was to give sorc better survivability, but I'm seeing the opposite effect.
  16. With the nerfs to damage and healing (not too mention healing related utilities such as empty body and corrupted barrier), Madness and lightning sorc plays like a wet noodle now. Funny how bioware's intentions were to give sorcs better survivability, when in fact they just overall made them worse.
  17. There's really no excuse to lose to a marauder. If you use your roots at opportune times, knockback, stuns, bubble, barrier h2f, CC and heal to full, etc... yeah, there's no reason you should lose.


    If you were playing lightning, it's a lot more difficult, but Madness? Yeah, no, lol.


    Yeah, I was playing lightning this time around.

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