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Everything posted by MasterArroShaan

  1. Hey! Thanks for the support. Completely agree with everything you said - there should definitely be some changes. By all means! If you have a new suggestion, link me to it and I'd be happy to hop onto the thread and help grow it.
  2. With all due respect... First of all, don't call me sweety - thanks. Second off, I believe that the suggestion box is a place for suggestions, and as long as that is true, I will continue to attempt to grow this thread and also start others. Honestly, your point is noted, but no offense - I really don't care. It's not too late until the game closes it servers and shuts down it's websites with a big "goodbye" note left on the CEO's office desk - so while I acknowledge the fact that you think it's too late, I must respectfully and completely disagree. I won't shut down a good suggestion because of one opinion telling me that it's "too late".
  3. Thanks for the support - I completely agree! It would definitely add a layer of depth to an already amazing story-based game...if only they would listen. :?
  4. Thank you so much for the support! I completely agree with you. There are SO many things that could be built upon and improved when it comes to a player's relationship with his/and or her companion(s). Though I haven't played the JK story, I do know that Vette and the SW have a private ceremony of the marriage, but no actual wedding (Which would be an AMAZING improvement for not only the SW but other classes as well - to actually see the marriage). I am really, REALLY hoping that a Dev will see this and relay it to his Dev buddies, because this idea is full of a near-infinite amount of potential.
  5. I completely agree. The changes I suggested and just changes to companion interaction in general would definitely increase their bottom line. By enhancing the story furthermore they would entice more players who enjoy story-driven games to subscribe, because they want the full experience of those improvements, interactions, and other things. It would also, I believe, keep current players continuously subscribed, because the companion interactions could be a VAST amount of content added for not only end game but for mid game content and even some early game content (which would DEFINITELY get F2P players to subscribe).
  6. It's a shame that the voice actor strike is ongoing at the moment. Hopefully they do get a pay increase, because voice acting is a beautiful form of art and should not be easily disregarded and labeled as unimportant. In my mind, the voice acting makes this game. I believe, thought, (after the strike has resumed and their pay is increased, because it's really fantastic work that deserves a higher rate of fund) that these improvements can still be made. It's really worth asking and continuing to post about, because it presents itself more often to any devs who might be lurking in the forums. Honestly, this suggestion could happen - could happen in a week, a month, a year, or it could never happen at all. However, if you never ask, then the answer will have a 100% chance of being no.
  7. I completely agree. There is so much room for improvement when it comes to companions, improvements that could make the game that much more intereststing to players. I have not played other games by BioWare but I still believe that they could fix this. The cost for implementing changes would be significantly irrelevant to the end result, which could EASILY make more players subscribe, especially players who enjoy the story more than other end game things (such as myself). I agree with the mail. I find it adorable honestly, and I feel there could be more of them, as well as them being linked with missions, as I suggested in my orginal post.
  8. Thank you so much for the response! I completely and totally agree. By focusing their energy on not only introducing the newer companions and characters to the players, they also decided to force these new characters onto the player. By doing so, it did indeed push aside the other companions who we all knew and grew to love. I believe that there is still a chance to improve this, if the devs wanted. It would be extremely easy to alter the story-line and instead of forcing the newer characters on the player, we have the choice whether we want to explore their stories, or we'd rather just be aquaintances and instead focus on our beloved companions, such as Vette. I really do believe that improving companion interactions would draw a large amount more players into the story and allow them to be more connected to the story line and to their companions.
  9. Hey All! So I recently finished the Sith Warrior class line - of course, that means I decided to marry Vette. (Vette 4 Life). However... Though I know that the marriage is an event that is active and occurred (and I got that adorable email from her for our 'Anniversary') it just seems...well...anticlimactic. After romancing her from the beginning with marriage in mind as the end game, it seems less important as it really should be. Clicking on her still prompts the same responses, same old Vette that talked the same way when I first met her on Korriban. So what am I suggesting? I am suggesting that there be improved interactions with companions based on your relationship with them. If you never decide to take Vette's collar off she repeat the same thing until you finally decide to remove the torture device. There should be different prompt responses based on relationship with the character. (This goes for all companions, not just Vette. I'm only using her as an example because marriage is a very big thing and would definitely indicate some significant changes in dialogue). Here are a few examples of Vette's current responses (if you have taken her collar off and even after marriage). "Alright! Don't be so pushy" "What? What did I do?" "You are so weird" "Whatever you say" "I don't really want to talk right now" and worst of all... "What? Are you worried I'll leave you?" (Not really, considering we just got married and all. What gives?) Honestly, the responses present a stalemate atmosphere, as if there was no relationship, making the whole romance seem smaller than it should be, despite the epic mood and settings in which it occurs. (Yes I know that Vette is pretty sarcastic, but still). In reality, it's not a big issue, but I am suggesting BioWare should try and implement more subtle things with companions just to enhance the depth of the relationship that the player has formulated with said companion. Things such as being able to converse with your companion (not really companion missions, just normal conversations similar to what a married couple would have), and also being able to physically interact (I do not mean using the custom emote command) such as hug and/or kiss your companion with maybe a small animation. I realize this might require Vette's voice actor (Catherine Taber) to come back in and do extra voice acting, but in my mind it would be really worth it. There is a chance that I am suggesting something to realistic for a game, but I really think that this would be great for any player, even more so for hard-core RP'ers. It would definitely add a good level of depth to an already amazing story-based game. Here is a list of some improvements I've managed to come up with. I will update this as new ideas come. -New companion missions based on emails that companions send to you (these missions don't have to be huge events, thought they could be. Preferably like honeymoons, anniversary's, vacations, trips, etc; or just normal conversations like a couple would have). -More companion emails on different subjects. -Being able to physically interact with your companion, such as being able to hug/kiss them with an animation that is visible without going to a cutscene. (the rate at which your companion would agree to participate could be based on influence level). -Special events, such as anniversaries and vacations, would have cutscenes, interactions, and missions. These would be fairly simplistic, but would add a lot of depth to the companion as well as furthermore connect the character with his/her companion. -Different prompt responses when clicking on companions based on relationship with your companion. (For those who don't know what prompt repsponses are - it's the dialogue your companion says when you right-click on them.) EX: I will use Vette for this example. The current prompt responses are listed above. These are some new ones I am suggesting just as an example to explain what I mean. "Hey, handsome." "Just can't get enough of me, huh? Don't worry, it's mutual." "I love you!" "Remember that last vacation? We should totally go again some time!" "You know, I love that you always want to talk to me." "Kinda busy right now. Later, yeah? "Marrying you was the best decision I ever made. That'll never change." ***NOTE: This may be a little cringy. But I really think that this would make the marriage with Vette seem more realistic; and not only Vette, but other awesome romanced companions as well, rather than keeping the initial prompt responses.*** ***UPDATE: Now, Vette has sent me an email about having children. I can't even begin to explain how many missions, cutscenes, events, so on and so forth, would occur because of this. The sad part is this -- Have we even enjoyed the marriage? Eachother? Have we kissed? Slow-danced? Went out on dates? Had intimate times? Gotten to know every single bit of eachother, from big things like backstory to small things like favorite foods? Unfortunately, the answer is inconclusive - it's all up to the imagination. Is imagination a bad thing? No. But it is a bad thing that things which CLEARLY happen in a marriage are things my character, who married this companion, never gets to SEE OR EXPERIENCE. Even more so, the player, who has willingly chosen to take the leaps to get close to his/her companion is deprived of so many things that should already be a given. I know that this game has one-nighter cutscenes (as much as I disprove of them), so why not focus more effort into creating NEW things (such as the things I suggested be created and put into action) that would further enhance a relationship my character has been in since the time I pressed 'start game' rather than making a bunch of "any spaceport in a storm" scenes? (as Vette would call it) In the end, it's up to BioWare/EA to listen to SWTOR players, but my philosophy is this: if you never suggest something it will definitely never happen. For this reason and others, I will put as much effort as possible into this thread and idea as I can until the developers or someone who can implement these things notices, and acts.** What do YOU think?
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