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  1. Myself and my guild officers have been suffering from a Squelching bug on all starter planets on both Rep and Imp sides, this has been going on for over 2 weeks now, and when 1 person is squelched, all officers are squelched. This is on the Darth Malgus server. Sometimes the squelch is removed and I am able to type ONE message and then immediately silenced again for a few days, like today 1/2/2022 at 6:20:49 PM UTC I logged in and typed “Hello there” on Korriban, and was immediately silenced so that I couldn’t type anymore, I am a subscriber, so I am not limited to how often I can type, I was not spamming as I could only send ONE message. I have sent in around 7 tickets to customer service and they haven’t been able to help, I have submitted bug reports to no avail. Customer service advised that I repair the launchers, which I did, but again that did not help. It’s weird that one person being squelched affects all guild officers on both sides. Guilds are Rep Dominion and Sith Dominion. I hope a member of the devs sees this and is able to help or shed some light on why our guilds seem to be getting targeted by the system for no reason.
  2. Myself and members of my Guilds are being constantly squelched on starter planets, Namely Tython, Ord Mantell, Korriban and Hutta, when I noticed the squelch was lifted I said hi on Tython last night and bam I was immediately squelched again, when this happens, it not only squelches me, but all members of my guild as well, I hadn't even spammed anything, just said Hi. This has been going on for a week now, Customer service can't or won't help, is it usual for squelching to affect the entire guild members when one person is squelched??? Guilds are Rep Dominion and Sith Dominion on the Darth Malgus server, please help.
  3. Hi, I have the very guilds you may be looking for, Rep Dominion and Sith Dominion, I am GM of the Rep Dominion, I'm 44, and I'm always telling my officers that real life always comes first, we're very laid back and enjoy having a laugh on Discord, we'd be happy to have you with us, the age range of most of our regular players is from 25-44. you are welcome to join our Discord and have a look for yourself, https://discord.gg/WMSwuDFJ
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