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Posts posted by Dagi

  1. Yeah no. . .


    . . .I just had a 5 minute conversation with CS over the phone about this issue as I am eligible for all the rewards but was unsubbed for 3 days. . .


    Guess what, I got Early access. . .





    I called them and "customer service says...no".

  2. I don't know how it's that difficult to understand. Being a sub on the dates listed gets you the rewards listed. Being a sub from "date" to "date" grants you early access.


    "From" date = clear, the FAQ site was very clear, But the main information was not. I dont care the rewards I just wanted to play. You gotta remember not all ppl on the customer base is speacking english as A language. Got 4 languages spolen at home none of them is english. So I think it should be simply sayed like it was on FAQ page, but who goes to read the FAQ before its needed.

  3. First I read this.... *Knights of the Fallen Empire content is only available to players who are eligible for the four Knights of the Fallen Empire subscriber rewards by having been a subscriber on August 10th, August 31st, September 30th, and October 19th, 2015. All other subscribers will be able to access the content on October 27th, 2015.


    Then at FAQ: *Players who have been a subscriber from August 10 through October 19, 2015 gain Early Access beginning October 20, 2015, one week before the official launch date.




    I guess my English is that bad that I tough its the same if you are a sub on any of those days and if all you resive some extra revard. Then on FAQ site it was very clear. Only thing is that I took free time to play this "pre-access" and now I cant.


    Done micro actions worth of 151,94 euros ingame on 2015 You can bet sub ended here.

  4. Bioware you need to address some class balance issues badly. Sorcs are just flat out absurd right now. Surely you can see the game metrics and know how stupidly overpowered sorcs are right now. I've consistently seen match after match of sorcs doing 1.2+mill damage and 350+k healing. Bubbles need a cool down and healing needs to be needed. No other class is capable of this. Also their ability that makes them immune to everything and can't be interrupted. One on one they are almost unkillable.


    Seriously, it's just dumb at this point.


    Years other classes wipe floors with sorcs and now when they can actiually defend them selfs its boohoo. Sorcs can be killed they are paper. So "One on one they are almost unkillable. " LoL I also smiled a bit.

  5. Pure non-hate comment:


    Click on resurgence at least twice. And #1 Backpedalling NA. Also force storm best sorc dps move 2014, amrite m8?


    Good point, if it stacks. I must look in to it.

    Oh sorry guys, I have played on the default cam always. I can add more range to it. But in the end I think its how we are used to play. I aoe to groups. Is that bad?

  6. "The stuff we are doing for Life Day are absolutely amazing ... I am super excited about it. You guys are going to die when you see it." -From the old Republic DEV`s


    I just wonder when do you fire these 3D designers and hire some who do gear what actiually looks STAR WARS. Inquisitors are like some I dont even know. All the stuff what you give is is just useless some xmas speeders etc. Where is the real stuff!


    PS: You cant even FIX the lightsabers on companions and now you messed up the armor coloring features.


    *** guys?!

  7. I dont see it fair what as a light armor DPS class with full warhero gear can be killed with one stun,flsh duration. I have resived over 10k hits from ranged and melee. The greated hit I have been able to do is 3k. Even the sorceres would have 4 cc:more its not balanced. At least TB should do 4-5k with longed cd maybe. I have played almost all the classes and most of them do much better with blue gear. PvP is all about burst damage. Maybe Sorcerer would be better if they would give us the real BG:s like 64 players.


    And I dont understand you mainstream wow players who support everything blizz does I think the whole resilience/expertice stat is needed. 10-49 wz is 100 times more fun. And also they should have ranked wz as simply cant join as group.


    PS: e.g today I resiver hits from silgle smugler 5k + 4k +4k combo... Thats really fair...

  8. Lucky me, that now the respec is free. Gosh I have spend millions for respecs. Im Playing with madness atm, still the point is that what is this thunderingblast used for 2sec cast for 3kdamage 9sec cd? And that is the ultimate-last thing you get?


    I wish to stay on inquisitor topic but that is only 1% how this game was bashed out for mainstream wow clones. And if someone says now here that its not gone bad, it did I did go bad the day it where set as free to play. Free to play was the last despred shout from EA to get ppl playing it.


    I waited so long for this. What did we get? World of StarWars with less classes and more buggy engine with empty worlds.

  9. I keep whining and whining un-till my voice is heard. I keep fighting for the Inquisitor rights to be balanced class.


    Its incomprehensible how EA does not get the SWTOR classes to any balance! Just how hard can it be? I simply cant understand how come .e.g hitting with rifle (Commando/BH) does more damage than Thunderingblast/Turbilence. I can hit 2.5k and I have resived 4k hits from rifles on melee hit. Or in any case when e.g Inquisitor as caster does about 2.5k to 3k crits with full Battle master gear and Commando/BH does more in Healing spec, -Do you think its fair to give healer the same DPS?.. I dont even want to think those 5-10k smash hits from warriors. Whats the idea of the PvP when you are dead in 1.5 secs!


    All of you who are now about to type l2p or reroll. To l2p I have played enough to know what is going on with the class. I have played most of the classes on 50. And I do not want to re-roll I want to play this class. The Inquisitor sorcerer has been out of balance for years!


    I miss that good Bioware before EA-games.

  10. PvP with sorcerer is about ok, but there is something missiong on it. Other classes do 3-5k hits on you repeatetly example BH rockets. Yes you can avoud or ecape them with line of sight or cc what ever you got. Or face them and die.


    Meanwhile your own dots are weak and crappy. If able to add affliction, Crushing darkness and Creeping terror to a target and channeling force lighning about ten times maybe he deis if no healing. Aye targets die but slowly. You are unable to outrun healers even the crappy ones.


    The damage done with Madness is ok, but its missing the final blow. Sorcerer dosent have a ability to deal bursts, Thundering Blast is a joke, maybe if it would be a instant cast I would be worth of taking for. Now I see people mixing Madness and lighning specs to get instant chain lighning whats kinda ok, It deals about 2.5k you your lucky. Even so its nothing compared to Operatives, assasins and BH`s specially BH whos being able to use heavy armor. Im mostly being killed by Operatives while im in stun or duck and cover missiles...


    I missed the patch notes about chain lighning but did they also nerf the chain lighning damage? Well it still beat up the shock...


    I want to know what you think, do you think sorcerer misses something?

    My spec atm: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZbsMrdRrZcrbRsMz.1

    now I put my fate on affliction, forcelighnign, wrath and chain lightning...


    PS: I dont know much about other classes I belive everyone is facing some level of problems but I know Im unable to deal 3-4k hits. My gear is avarge I have full blue pvp set + few epic pvp parts added.

  11. I dont think Sentinels are OP, you actiually need to be good to be good and I have most respect for Marauders who are able to do this kind of damage. its like my Marauder friend is saying you need to be a pianist or a korean to be able, to survive. Also dont forget the delay on lag. melee has the problem with their skills with the lags and cd`s.
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