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Posts posted by Dagi

  1. Aww thanks guys :)


    Yes the point was to record just ambush hits. It was a request from the community. Players were interested what kinda hits it does. The footage is from one day about 3 or 4 games. But it seems to work, maybe I'll do another.. a no cover special :)

  2. Relax guys. It was not great play but all this is about is an ambush montage. I see a player that did some panic moves and just needs to settle down and learn. No need to slam him about it.


    Thanks man.


    Yes, I don't see the point to get in cover if the fight is something like 4 vs 1 where im maybe just able to cast that ambush before the guy is dead. I just wanted to have that shot.

  3. Only other uses for it would be to interrupt (white barred so that won't happen) as well as if you took the utility to insta-snipe (you didn't). That cover pulse had no purpose in your use.


    You forget pulse screen....

  4. TIL 67k = full gear with full augments in the 4.4 bolster bug. jk it isn't.


    are you going to include moves in your "SWTOR pros ranked and unranked gameplay" such as your cover pulse at 0:32 for no reason at all? (didn't see a pulse screen buff... sorc was still whitebarred... you were out of range lol)


    what about the fights like at 1:26 and 2:12 where you like to just stand there not in cover


    let me know when this video comes out, i'd love to learn how to play sniper from you


    Oh gosh, 1:26 I'm standing on the bunker almost in idle. no need to be in cover. 2:12 I wanted to shoot the specific target and there was a healer nearby. I don't see the point. You are like looking hard to find mistakes? Do you have your own material to show us? What comes to the sorc as I told you she is from the same guild, and it was all around chaotic situation. Phone on the other hand and trying to move by using keyboard. That part I just had add there for Onixa. Both teams had 4 player groups who were all in same voice, that's also the reason why I used the mouse to click.


    But please show us some of your gameplays so we can learn from the pros, k?`


    PS: I'm happy to answer all kinda questions on my channel as I don't usually come to community forums as they are such poison.


    Meanwhile cheers.

  5. couldn't even win the 1v1 vs a severely undergeared sorc (67k hp in 4.4)... clicks some of his abilities... watched a fight where he stood out of cover... never resets dampeners


    but i mean grats on getting some okay ambush numbers :s


    If you meant Onixa the first fight. She's from the same guild and has full gear on her sorc with augments. And yes I clicked the escape as It did not work. I'm making special, video for "SWTOR pros". I have collected ranked and unranked gamesplays where I remove "escape" move from arrows keys and back peddle the war zone and still able to win and remember to zoom as close as you can to your character...


    I usually don't comment to any critics, its the best way but In my years of playing especially SWTOR and other MMO games. The loud ones usually have a lot to say but, in the end they get less score and medals and end up to blame others. Even its not about the score and medals but still how to judge it... Cheers.

  6. Dagi I'm not trying to be rude, I was merely offering my opinion. As a side note, you shouldn't add your own commentary into someone's quotes.


    If you've played every class through PvP (which I have also) then you should know exactly what the single target/AoE stuns look like. The biggest problem with AoE stuns is that if there is more than just you in the area, more than likely the other guy is going to AoE and immediately break it. So you'll see the animation go off and just as fast disappear. Most players don't understand the concept of CC. With that said, CC at least can be taught.


    In regards to the LoL statement, I enjoy playing LoL on occasion. I do not believe that SWTOR is going to implement ANOTHER type of game mode with everything else it has going on, ie. PvP, Operations, Flashpoints, GSF, and the new story content. I was merely stating the probability of them implementing such a concept would not be practical.


    just suggestions , suggestions. But something new would be grat, e.g spendign millions to flagships and get nothing as return is a bit sad. Back in the day SWG had space battles and open world battles up to 100`s of players + all the AI present. Howcome it cannot be done today.

  7. I think its kinda sad that todays MMO`s are so themeparks that once you have runned the yellow question marks on the zone you will not return there...ever. Some games actiually tryed to make some pvp events running on zones. E.g Warhammer online etc. But in the end it comed crashing down as bad game desing and so.


    There is nice looking zones on SWTOR but I just simply have no intrest to go there, who has?

    Also the PvP space battles are a joke. I tryed it again and It feels like the ships are going 20km/h Where that drive.


    I just hope we game devs have learned something about these mistakes. and even SWTOR can still fix them we are talking aabout EA and Boiware, even the Other does not care and the other sold it soul they still have cash to paint moon red so they can change SWTOR graphic engine and mutch more.

  8. Well, I am not proud, so I would love to see more distinctive animations for mezzes, particularly when people are bunched together, Heck, I would love to see the target circle around their feet change color too to something distinctive, like bright purple or yellow or orange. Bio has all sorts of big colored circles in the Ops. :)


    True that, Specially when playing melee and fighting on mospits its a pretty messy, Cants see my own target and cant see if someone hits AOE CC etc. You can see it but compared to e.g WoW its a kinda clear. Blizzard always had that touch on smooth UI and animations. When everyone copies them why not copy well then.


    3. I agree with the part about a new bigger wz with speeders involved, BUT

    THIS IS NOT A MOBA. Go play LoL if you're having withdrawals.

    They're working on more story content so if we see a new map that would be a Christmas miracle


    So, if there is an idea from a working enviroment and a good gamemode its turned down just gos reason unknown. If you dont like MOBA its OK, but adding same type of Gameplay on other platforms is not attack on your personal belives. You must be able to give a good argument, not just tell us to go play LoL.



    7. It's rather noticeable when someone is slept or mezzed...they have their own animation. In addition, you'll notice that they're resolve bar went up. Sounds like a L2P issue.


    Sounds like total ignorance, I have played PvP for sometime, and making things better and clear is not a L2P issue. The comment was stotally stupid. If you honestly can say its clear as sky in "pvp malee moshpit" to see your targets location and its animations. I dont know what. well whatever.



    I dont want to sound like pro elite player, but I have leveled all classes in swtor just by playing pvp and I have a strong belive I know what im talking about. Therefor I hope these naabish comments and L2P pointings can stop here and now so stay in topic.

  10. that is the problem. BW was stupid and tried what so many tried before and failed horribly. they saw blizzard cashing in on all the brainless sheeps and wanted a slice of the cake not realizing that WoW in all of its mechanics is fundamentally flawed and only works cos of the theme.


    I miss SWG :/ meybe repopulation....

  11. 1. remove ALL objective based instanced PvP (cos its dumb as ****, pvp is about killing the opponent team with superior teamwork, nothing else. period) add PROPER open world pvp (not that useless **** ilum was)


    hmm done i just fixed swtor. yw BW


    I might not remove all objective based games, its true that its all about killing your opponent, but still objectives are a change. Its also true that Open world is emptry. After you done with leveling threse no reason to return. SWTOR has alot of issues. The only reason it keeps me playing is that a its StarWars and B I spend a lot of cash on it. Im in chains and I cannot broke them. But with the content there is now on PvP it does not need mutch to leave for another game.

  12. Ok guys, I wish to share some ideas for the PVP and Warzones. heres 10 fast ones. What do you think.


    1. I think its time to remove the speeder taxis from the Warzones, I think Its a waste of time to fly from a to b on respawns e.g Alderaan. I think it would be mutch better that there would be a wall like at huttball.


    2. Using spells/skills while carrying Huttball. I think it spoils the Huttball. I think you should only be able to use CC and offence talents while carrying the ball. This would result more passings and teamplay.


    3. We NEED new game modes and bigger warzones. And when I say bigger I mean like ones where you can use speeders. More players too sure. I was personally thinking a MOBA type of gameplay.. no no no let me finish. I was inspider by the New hope where the Millenium falcon is at Death Star hangar. Think If there would be a starship map as Mopa e.g 5vs5 Both teams have AI troopers pushing the lines and players push them. So called junges would be able to active turrets and shield walls etc on lanes. I dont know but that would sound cool to my ears.


    4. Target marker. When you target someone you cannot really see the targeted player when the red circle is on their feet. The target on player should be on the middle on the character or at least multiple options.


    5. UI modifications. There has been improovements on UI but its still not enough I want to see the Focus targets target etc. Also the Focus Target Modifier key should be able to set to CTRL/ALT or Shift. There is a special reason those keys are where they are on keyboard you know....


    6. Macros, Ok these ruin the games like World of Warcraft, but some macros should be there. Theres just too meny keys to use. Now playing PVP with out a 10 key mouse can be a pitch...


    7. Graphical modifications on Warzones. I dont know what is it but some places deom the FPS from 100 to 25 and theres nothing there. I would also like to see more clear icons when someone is on stun or sleep etc.


    8. Huttball pass skill.... Why isint it available to quickbar anymore.... Now need to click things with mouse.


    9. Choose do you want to play arenas, and show que on warzones, how meny players there is waiting to Warzones. Also cross relam PvP please, there is too little PvPers available on my server.


    10. Private games, for guilds and groups to chalenge friends and enemies. I would personally want to play private warzones like alderaan etc with my own guild. Even you dont get any valor from there.

  13. Dagi: You have used this excuse in multiple posts. If this continues to be an issue with you [English as your primary language] perhaps ask for clarification on the forums before it is an issue, or use the multiple languages swtor.com is translated into.




    janosszabo: You moan mo hobomoan blaa blaa blaa. Multiple posts... I see like I often come here and start topics or read them. If I say something of my english skills its usually to get rid of people like you. Who has nothing to give for the topic exept nonsense. If you have nothing to reply for this topic move along. -->

  14. Thanks for nothing because my prepaid card ended on 7/31 and I got a new one on 8/1 I got screwed out of reward and early access, yet have been a sub for years. WTG and thanks TOR.


    Same, I feel betrayed as I have been subbing from the beginning of SWTOR and im a Founder... Supported the game years before it was released with donations etc. now its like up yours.

  15. Removed all the other micro actions, I guess these are the subs.... yeah f me.....


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