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Everything posted by jaratamous

  1. 100% agree. I played the game awhile back and fell in love with the Sith assassin. Mainly because I could use force lightning. But it all came together so well. Loved the saber combat. I come back to this game heart broken. Started the fallen empire expansion and immediately was confused as to why my lvl 60 assassin cant force lightning anymore. All that work. All that time. Wasted in my eyes. Because they took away the one thing I enjoyed most about the class. Now I'm starting a stupid sorcerer. Just for force lightning. I won't enjoy it as much because I already have a healer on the republic side and I really really hate this. I stood staring in anger at my screen for a long time. Out of the million things star wars has done to tick me off this takes the cake. When will developers learn they shouldn't remove features. Only improve or add. I'm really trying to like this game and give you money(I subbed again and regretting it) but jeez when you do everything to push a player away I dont know if they're purposely trying to kill this game or what. Like... people want star wars. But they dont want this... I know that became a huge rant. Forgive me.
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