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Everything posted by Facotix

  1. Hi! Ye ye yeh, i know, i make a lot of posts and i keep just coming back here whit a lot of crapy questions, but is necessary for me :C Anyhow, i just don't know what this game is about, i'm ending my sith warrior storyline as a subscriber (lvl 44) and i don't know what i will do next to that. I know that if i want to continue the story i must buy SoR and KoTFE, but if i don't do that, what will happen?, what i will do?, like an example. Once you get the max lvl in games like Archeage, WoW, and that stuff, you start making raids, dungeons, pvp, exploring the world, etc But, what will i do in SW ToR?, im a noob and i don't know, just worried if this game bores me once i get the max lvl whit my main character :'C Well, that's it, thanks! Cya nerds (?
  2. Ok, thanks then, i will only be able to keep doing the main storyline if i buy the expansions, buuutttt, if i don't do that, then, what?, what will i do?, just, what? xD
  3. Then, if im not a subscriber, i will be able to get to lvl 55 and then, only BG, some DNG and... that's all? :C
  4. Hi! The expansions are like WoW?, i must buy them to keep leveling up or what?, because i don't know what i can do once i get max lvl, im lvl 44 actually, SW Juggernaut, what i must do or what type of cool things i will be able to do once i reach the max lvl? I don't know if i was clear, because, i don't want to just get the max lvl and just, have nothing to do :x
  5. Hi!, im playing a Juggernaut Fury lvl 40, i want to be a good DPS, but i don't lnow exactly what to do, so, its simple, can somebody bring me a guide of this class?, i just want to make damage but don't die so easily (that's what i think when i see this class) Well, like always, thank you all! POSD: If you can't understand something, tell me, im learning english, so, you can reply me in spanish or english, is the same Cya!
  6. Ahh, now i understand it. thank you broh!
  7. Hello! I was just playing and i notice that the quest tracker shows that the main storyline quest i was doing is going to give me 100k-140k of exp (lvl 36), but, when i finished it, it just give me 50k, where is the problem? Anyway, thanks!
  8. Hey, thanks to all of you!! Annd, last question, i have completed the first chapter whit my SW, and i get a "PACK" and whit that i can buy a lightsaber in DK, but, i have a better lightsaber, but i notice that the lightsaber that i can buy in DK is "Legacy" or something like that, what's that?, and what must i do?
  9. Well, i buy the entire adaptive set in the fleet, the warrior one, but the mods seems like low level, how do i get the really good ones?, im lvl 27 at the moment, and i die trying to do the main storyline, A LOT I must buy the mods in the fleet?, or... what? Do you think that will be better make another character or what?, because, i can do nothing, i can't get through the storylie because i die, the mobs kill me Im a Juggernaut Rage, and i want to become a good DPS, if possible Its seems to be so complicated and annoying to buy a few new mods every time, i don't know Anyhow, as you already know, im bad at english now, so, if you don't understand something and you want to help me, notice me, senpai Goodbye and thanks to all of you again
  10. Thanks to everyone, butttt im a suscriber, and i don't want to dissaproach my 10 dollars, so, i'm going to get slowed if i do EVERY mission? POSD: Thanks for the adaptive gear explication, i didn't know that haha
  11. What do you mean whit "adaptive gear", and, where do i get the mods?
  12. Hi! I started to play this game whitout any suscription, but i liked it and i bought one, anyhow, the problem is that i have an SW Juggernaut lvl 24 and... my armor is lvl 11 and i get killed by mobs sometimes >.< I'm noob anyhow, but not that much, i must do aaaall quests in the game for the gear?, or.... All this time i was doing the main storyline, they told me that being a suscriber i can do that, but now i have this problem Anyhow, im sry if i write something wrong, im learning enlgihs, you can reply/answer me in english or spanish, is the same Thanks and goodbye!!
  13. Hi!, im actually playing a Sith Warrior (Juggernaut), and i... well, this will sound ridiculous, but i want some affection whit Vette, cause, you know, she is so bad whit me :C Im plating full light side, (1000 LS, 50-100 DS), actually she has 500 affection, something like that, i see somebody that has 8000 affection at lvl 25, giving her gifts and that stuff, i don't give her a damn, just the Tremmel ring xD Anyhow, some tips to get more affections whit her?, i am a suscriber, i'm lvl 22 and i don't have so many credits or cartel coins, i wanna know how to get gifts and that stuff, whitout using too many credits, i don't have much. POSD: Im sorry if this post get annoying to read in some point, im learning how to speak and write english, i accept answers in spanish and english, anyhow, thanks! POSD2: I **** the Grathan's wife xD, i wanna see what's going to happen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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