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  1. Hi, I'm not well versed in "Guild stuff" but as I understand, there's a perk called Warzone Valorous III, which gives you about 9% extra Valor points from Warzones. I've been trying to find a guild with this perk in-game but it seems they're pretty scarce. The grind from 60 to 100 is quite the pain so any extra bit of additional gain would be really useful. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello there, I'm having issues with the Outfit designer when applying a chest piece of armour. I've bought this item: https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/hypercloth-force-expert-pub/ ...because I really liked the combination of that blue and reddish brown on my character. When I wear the robe on my active gear tab everything looks fine, however as soon as I apply it to the outfit designer, that reddish brown turns into a paler, much darker brown, which I don't like. I wasted 150k credits buying another set of armour called Nanite Threaded Aegis which has exactly the same model and pallet but I got the same results. Also paid to unlock the 3rd outfit designer tab for 30k and applied just the chest piece without any other gear and still no fix. This is already 200k wasted trying to fix this problem. Any help or advice would be appreciated! Update/edit: Here are some screenshots: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1019446507842483228/5FD9BDC4D3F8969428D941DB443888F142118B84/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1019446507842482859/D0EEDF7A3971CA6DDC91F7BB04C7AE512CD814D2/
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