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Everything posted by Sukhrajsgh

  1. I agree, KOTFE feel more like SW or JK story. The way the Valkorion say "You are a part of me I wish to keep". Only the SW or JK have enough history with the Emperor for him to say such a line. None of the other storylines even meet the Emperor before SOR and Rise of The Emperor
  2. I have started a thread in the suggestion box asking for the return of the heroic cutscenes upon completion of the heroic mission when we finish the mission. Customer services said that stuff mention in the suggestion box would get the development teams' attention. Please go an sign over there asking for the heroic cut scenes to be restored. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8965471#post8965471
  3. I think there has been some miscommunication here You are talking about the cut scenes that we get from heroic quest giver npcs at the START of the mission, when we get the missions from the npcs. We are asking to restore the cut scenes we get when we AFTER complete the heroic mission and return to npcs to hand it in. The cut scenes we get from handing in the quest to npcs AFTER completing the heroic missions have been removed. In some cases the npcs on Hutta like the ones who give "Factory Recall" and "Man in the Metal Mask" have been completely removed. They have completely disappeared.
  4. Yeah this is what I meant. We should be allowed to have the option of whether or not we want to have the cut scenes. This way those who want to skip it get to skip it, and those who want to watch the cut scene or revisit get to watch it. Its a solution that satisfies everyone
  5. As the title says, I believe that the development team should restore the cut scenes we get from the heroic missions, when we hand in to the heroic quest after completing the quest to heroic npc quest givers. I'm a star wars lover and I started to play the game because of the story that it provides. Therefore I think that removing the cut scenes that we get from handing in the heroic missions to the npcs heroic quest givers contribute the the story experience we get as well as show us the results of out actions, Some heroic mission even require us to mkae lightside or darkside choices upon handing in the mission like "A Question of Motivation" on Balmorra. However due to the auto complete of heroic mission, we no longer get to make that choice nor do we get to see the results of the missions. In some cases the npc heroic quest givers have been completely removed like the ones who give us "Factory Recall" and "Man in The Metal Mask" on Hutta. And the most ironic thing is KOTFE was supposed to be about the return to traditional storytelling that was the root of the SWTOR game to begin with but the development team actually butchered a quarter of the story telling in the game with the release of KOTFE. I know that many players like that the need to hand in the heroic quest have been removed as it allows them to do the weekly heroic faster, I do too, but BW should at least allow us to have the heroic cut scenes while we are leveling up or even better they should make it optional thus allowing those who want the cutscenes by handing in heroic missions to the npc heroic mission quest giver the ability to do so. I actually wrote a ticket asking this very question, the reply I got from customer service was that there are no plans to restore the heroic mission cut scenes as far as they are aware of at this moment. I was instead advised to start a thread in the suggestion box so that it may get the development team's attentions. So we are apparently going to have to make some noise if we want those cut scenes back. Please sign you want them back as much as I do.
  6. I wrote a ticket 2 days ago asking whether or not there were any plans by the dev team to restore the heroics cutscenes and restore the missing npcs heroic quest givers. The reply I got from customer service was that that as far as they were aware there were no plans to restore the heroics cutscenes or the missing heroic quest givers. They advised, that we should start a forum in the suggestion box and get people to sign it and hopefully the dev team will take note of it. So I guess the best thing we can do is start a thread in the suggestion box as well and get as many people as possible to sign on
  7. Same thing happened with me. My SIth Warrior managed to get Broonmark to not kill the Wookie and after that I tld the Wookie that Hylo sent me and that he should go make her happy. He agreed and said he had matters to tend to and left. When I returned to base to talk to her, she speaks as though I let Bronnmark kill the senator. What is up with that. I managed to make them both live, why was she so pissed. I'm guessing this is a bug and only the Sith Warrior would be able to get Broonmark to spare the Wookie
  8. Does not look like they have any changes in regards to the cut scenes, though we can now get the codex entries upon completing the heroic missions. Still I hope they will look into a way that will allow us the have the cut scenes while we are leveling our characters or at least install an option that allows us to the option on whether or not we want the cut scenes.
  9. I think BW should create body type 2.5, a body type between body types 2 and 3. A body type with the same build as body type 2 but slightly shorter or the same height as body type 3. Body type 3 just strikes me as too huge and overly exaggerated whereas body type 2 is just a little small for some classes. A body type that is in between these two would better suit some of the classes.
  10. Signed. I too really miss the cutscenes. The reason I started playing SWTOR in the first place was because of the cinematic story telling. That was what got me hooked. I really hated it when they removed the cutscenes and the quest givers in some cases. I really enjoyed the cutscenes from the heroic quest both when relieving and turning in the quest. I understand that sometimes people simply want to quick finish the quest and get on with the game, but they should have just made OPTIONAL, which allows some player to skip the cutscenes if they want to. Now they moved the bonus series quest givers to the fleet and only have it trigger at level 60, which is pointless seeing as they have locked our levels based on the planet. It would have been better to simply allow do the bonus series while on planet rather than having to go to the fleet and then go back to the planet. Just place the npc quest givers somewhere we can spot on the planet, and have it trigger, once we have finished the main storyline quests on the planet. I'm actually really surprised by this becasue when the launched KOTFE, Bioware said it was a return to cinematic story telling, then they went and removed the cutscenes for the heroic, after completing it by auto completing the mission, and they removed the quest givers for section X and black hole from the fleet. I really hope that they will restore the npc quest givers and allow us to once more have the cutscenes both when receiving and turning in the completed quest. It really makes no sense to say its a return to cinematic story telling and then removing a significant part of the content. It makes the whole statement of "returning to cinematic story telling" propaganda they had going on pointless. Hopefully, they will take steps to correct this on the next patch.
  11. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before or not but the npcs that give the heroic quest on hutta have also gone missing not to mention the the section x and black hole npcs on the fleets are also still missing. Also, the codex entires that we recieve from doing the heroic quest are also no longer attainable due to the fact hat we can no longer turn in the mission to the quest givers. I hope that they will be restored cause I enjoy the theatrical stories that they provide to the game
  12. I wanted to ask, will we be able to turn in our heroic missions to the npcs that give for the sake of story and .theatrical Some of them provide good backstory that explains what is happening on the planet not to mention the light side and darkside choices some of them have. Plus, because we are no longer able to turn in the missions to the npcs that give them we no longer receive the codex entries that we get from them. On Hutta the npcs that give the heroic missions have completely disappeared. This hold true for the section x and black hole npc quest giver that used to be on the fleet that have been removed as they explained what was happening in regards to the war. One of the great this about SWTOR was the theatrical story telling, I feel disappointed that they removed the theatrical from the game. I really hope that this will eventually be restored if only for the first time we do the missions.
  13. This is just an enquiry but will the Section X and Balck Hole npc quest givers on the fleets be restored to their location in the future. They seem to have disappeared completely and I cannot seem to find them. I know we can still get the quests from mission terminals and all but I enjoy playing for the sake of the story and them having disappeared feel a bit strange to me, seeing as they give us an update as to what is going on with the war after finishing chapter 3 of the class storyline. So just asking will they eventually be restored to their location on the fleet?
  14. As the title say, the npc quest givers for Section X and Black Hole are still missing from the Imperial Fleet.
  15. Like the title say, The codex entries that we used to obtain from completing heroic mission are bugged and no longer obtainable.
  16. In my humble opinion, I believe that the the PT Jedi Order, were in many ways superior to those of TOR, I kind of get the feeling that TOR was more of a quantity over quality, though they were definitely some Jedi and SIth that were a cut above the rest. In regards to the Wrath, I do not believe he would be able to beat Dooku, Anakin or Vader. Make no mistake he is powerful in his own right, I will never deny that, its just that when you compare some of the situations you see the wrath in during some cutscenes and that compare it to the scene in TCW, you will see that the TCW era Jedi and Sith could overcome them with not much trouble. In regards to Vader, I think the wrath would be slaughtered. No offense meant to an wrath fans, I myself am a big fan of the Wrath, but I believe that is facts. I am one of the people who believe that Vader was/is more powerful than Anakin was. Bear with me here, sure Anakin had all his limbs and did not have his potential stunted by the injuries he got on Mustafar, I accept that. But let we must also admit that potential and connection does not guarantee power. Yoda and possibly Windu were more powerful than Anakin, despite having less potential and sensitivity to the force. Vader while being greatly diminished in potential when compared to Anakin, learned one thing Anakin never did which is control. Also, the new canon comics and novels have depicted Vader performing feats that many of the Jedi and Sith of TOR era have not been seen doing. If you have read the recent Vader Down #1 comic, you will realize that there are few if any Sith or Jedi during TOR that can match Vader. Revan is on par with him on some level (Revan fans, please do not start a rant about Revan's awesomeness and greatness, I have had enough of that to last me a lifetime), Vitiate/Valkorion is on a whole other level. I personally believe that Vitiate/Valkorion was the most powerful force user alive save the Father, Daughter and Son on Mortis. Anakin/Vader would have been able to match him had they never suffered the Mustafar injuries but we need to deal with what is NOT what could have been. No point dwelling on what will never be. So yeah, I believe that TCW era Jedi and SIth were vastly superior to their TOR era counterparts, with one or two exceptions
  17. I'm suffering from the same issue I cannot complete my legacy for blizz and skadge due to the final conversation not appearing
  18. Just like the tittle says. I cannot seem to get the final conversation for blizz and skadge for my bounty hunter. I have over rank 10 influence with them and I have completed the class storyline for BH but the final conversation is just not appearing for blizz and skadge.
  19. Just like the title says, the Title: Imperial Scholar which we get on Korriban for completing the [Heroic 2+] The Hate Machine mission is no longer available. We no longer get it upon completion of the mission. Probably because we no longer have to turn the mission in to Ephren Zell
  20. Just like the title states, The npc quest giver for both Section X and the Black Hole are missing on the Imperial Fleet
  21. Apparently, The codex entry achievement title: Imperial Scholar that we get by completing {Heroic 2+] The Hate Machine, has become bugged. Its no longer obtainable. Maybe its because it auto completes, instead of allowing us to hand in the mission to the guy. Hopefully it will be fixed soon, cause apparently this has happened before and was resolved.
  22. Yeah, I noticed as well. They are both missing which is a real pain for me as I play the game for the sake of the storyline. Hopefully they will fix this bug soon
  23. To Torvai, Thx for the advise, I know I have the tendency of being annoying with my question and I'm glad you were patient enough to explain stuffy me. I think I'll try all three and see which one I like best.
  24. To Decrepid, In that case I guess I'll level 3 juggs and find which one I feel is best for me. I do not know shy but the Sith Warrior storyline just drew me in from the start compared to the other, not even the Jedi Knight storyline could do that for me. I guess your right in that the jugg tank will work out fine as long as a person plays it well. However, I do hope that the developers will give the Immortal Juggernaut some upgrades when Knight of the Fallen Empire finally comes out. They did say that they would be more changes right?
  25. To Torvai, So Immortal is still a good option to go for then for leveling ans storyline purpose. Also, I'm curious, why has rage suddenly become so popular after 3.0, I started playing a montha go so I'm not entirely sure but I get the vibes that rage juggernaut has become immensely popular since 3.0 patch. Has rage become much better since the last patch? I apologize if the question are annoying but I would just like to understand the jugg class, since I prefer it over the marauder even though marauder does have greater dps.
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