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Everything posted by solonlost

  1. Same here, can log in, but the game itself won't launch.
  2. I'd say there are alot of people who bought subscriptions so that they'd be subbed when it launched, myself included. Pushing the release date like this means that all those people now have to pay extra to access the promised content. That is most certainly not ok, according to consumer law in this country anyway, and I'm pretty sure it will apply in many other places. The only reasonable way of doing this would be give everyone who had subs through to the end of september a free month of subscription.
  3. As of today I'm still having this bug. Leaving the instance doesn't help.
  4. Not bad really. Misses a bit of character customization, which I'm a sucker for, though. Other than that, not a bad idea.
  5. I pretty much have given up on MMO's as the combat is almost always a mindless number crunching slog. SWTOR is the only one that I come back to from time to time, and it's only for the story content, as the combat is just tedious interference getting to the next part of the story. The boss battles are filled with inane mechanics that have no bearing on the story. I'd rather just skip it and do the story. If the combat has to be there I'd rather just have it as mostly one hit kills so that at the very least it's a tiny bit cinematic. Mind you, I'm not saying it's a bad game. It's good enough to keep me coming back to it just for the story content. But it only just manages to keep the story more interesting than the never ending tedium of uninspired combat, and it's shame. Quite possibly I'm only here because of a lack of other decent games at the moment. The story content in swtor is great. It's just such a damn shame that it gets dragged down by pretty much every other aspect of the game, whether it's 2001 graphics, abominable combat or any of the myriad other amateuristic gameplay solutions that have been used. Despite all that it's still well worth playing, which is a great testament to the quality of the story content. So, I'd like a instajib button so I can just do the story without unneccesary annoyances.
  6. I don't want harder combat. I don't see the way combat is done ever being significantly changed in this game, so I'll just settle for a solution where it takes up as little of my time as possible. An 'easy' mode where you do 3x the damage should cover it, and be very easy to implement, and it will have no noticeable impact if limited to the PVE environment. I am subscribed btw, and have decent enough gear (like 208 or something on most characters). The combat is still immensely tedious and slow.
  7. Standard MMO Combat, like you find in swtor, is extremely boring. A ridiculous amount of skills that all do more or less the same thing and all you do is mash buttons for an eternity until everything is dead. It's mind numbing to such an extent that I regularly find myself falling asleep during the obligatory and annoying combat in between story content. The stories however, are great, and that's pretty much what I play the game for. The combat is so tedious however that it's seriously detracting from my enjoyment of the story content. So, my question: Can we get a mode where the combat is trivial. I don't really expect there ever to be decent combat in this game, so can we please at least have a way to waste as little time as possible on it? Triple damage, allowing me to get through the combat in a third of the time should do it. It's not like it'll have any influence on the PVP players.
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