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Posts posted by Batwer

  1. ....Or choke and lightning.


    We need this...... -.- Immediately.....really.

    I sometimes have the need for it. Unfortunately, this is not really possible through the internet. -.-"

    So please do it via an emot. Thanks.

  2. There are going to be a bunch of story guys saying veteran can only be played by group and will be extremely pissed off,

    I do hope Bioware have considered this and will think about offering them a toned down SM version or some of those players are going to leave the game. Which is the last thing this game needs,

    Then they should raise the FPs to 70. That you can run them only from 70. It is extremely annoying with 70s high. It just does not work. A high-ranking 20's can not do the same thing as a real 70's. :rolleyes:

    At the end ... Will most of them run away as soon as these FPs open. :rolleyes:

  3. Either way, so far I've not seen one person complaining that the Bug is bugged again. So OP was either bugged or trolling...Or if true, ppl don't care anymore. lol

    Nobody cares. They has probably come to terms with it. Maybe just on Tulak Hord. Pfff...Then I'll let Ossus stay again. :)


    If I wanted to troll I would have written something else. (Ask the people in the German forum.) ;):p:D

  4. It's not about laziness, it's about a bad story trope. It's about lazy writing where the devs didn't write a story that encompassed all classes. They wrote a story for force users, JK, JC, SW and SI. Who are the lazy ones here? The story was for force users and if you can't understand that, well that's on you.


    When did I write that? 2018? :rolleyes:

    The story is for force users. Exactly.

    Who cares? Lana and Theron are the only ones you'll spend more time with. All other love interests come once and than never again. Most of them you get, too, if you skip.

    But the love stories with Lana und Theron built on the story. Most of the interactions with the two are in the story.

  5. Anyone have insight into why there have been no new classes despite there being new species. I mean looking at other "successful MMOs" they added classes in addition to species when they released their expansions. KOTEE/KOTFE could have been a prime opportunity to do this.

    Will we see new ones in the expansion, no. definitely not. and really all it is using a "C-Table" and mixing matching from the new class equivalents. For Example, Blazing bolts and heat-seeker missiles for a Gormak XX.

    Simply stated: BW would like to spend as little money as possible.

  6. The problem is Bioware tends to conclude their story lines with operations. Operations should and would remain end content. They will still require a group to complete. They will still pay out accordingly. If there is story content involved, giving a solo player an option to run it without gaining any rewards one would get as if running it with a group gives them the opportunity to experience it at their own pace. Raiders still get all their benefits and lose none. Soloist still get all their benefits and lose none.

    Only Oricon ends in an OP. (I'm still waiting for an option for solo players) Everything else ends up in a story FP.

    I often play solo too. But I am against a solo OP. The ops are for groups, so it should be. Give us a solo option for Oricon and I'm satisfied. :)

  7. I disagree, I want to be able to solo, solo content. With this change that is not the case. Also, this debate has happened many times before and for those who want to group up there is always the Heroic and Veteran modes etc.

    BW is to blame itself. She had made the companions so overwhelming. It is clear that many do not want to lose them again.

    If it annoys you, make the Companions passive. :rolleyes: I do that too when I feel like it.

  8. Eric this system is a worse System, why - the rewards are to low for playing the content.


    Keep in mind that there are many solo players and not only raiders and flash point runners. The rewards for the dailies and weeklies are to low.


    For examble: in the Moment you revieve 4 command chests für the yavin 4 Weekly, but here not even one renown chest for the same effort - that is frustrating.


    I got 3 chests and 2 contents green parts below the level of my char, the next Frustration.


    BTW: 50.000 points for conquest a much to high


    I also like to play solo. There should still be a difference in the effort. One or two boxes for a weekly, nothing else.

  9. [*]Does acquiring gear feel too fast? Too slow?



    [*]Do you understand what to do to get gear?

    Yes. Equip gear that has the highest level regardless of appropriateness to my class so that I can get gear of a higher rating that doesn't appy to my class.


    [*]How do you feel about the primary sources of getting gear? (playing content and Missions)

    Hammer Station dropped a ton of gear and I like a resistive hilt as much as any merc, oh wait, I'm a merc. How many barrage, immunity enhancements, resistive hilts and tank relics do I need? Oh, nice to see trash mobs dropping level 4 gear.


    [*]How do you feel about the contribution of the supplementary systems? (vendors, crafting, Renown)

    Tonight I started get some gold moldable gear. 3 pieces of 279 that were class specific to someone else's class so I couldn't even equip them to raise my gear level to get higher level gear. Still getting lots of 272 gear when all of my gear is 282 or better. Got a few pieces of higher level tank gear out of the crates as well.


    Do ya really want to know how I feel about this?

    You are a little mad? :D :D


    But you are right.

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