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Everything posted by Vallerine

  1. I was queuing ranked and I went to the toilet but when I came back I noticed I wasn't in the queue, so I scrolled up my chat and saw that I actually joined a game and people got annoyed at me and raged at me before I was kicked from the WZ. How come when I queue non-ranked I get removed from queue, but when I queue ranked I get put in the game?
  2. Well no, he's not going to buy it, that's why he made a thread about the price of it. Not sure what you're missing here. Do you really think the OP is forced to buy something that he doesn't want to buy? Not sure which planet you are on tbh. The OP didn't like the price, so he's come to the forums to talk about it. Which is what the forums are for, to talk about the game. And the OP's problem really isn't solved just by not buying something. You seem to be very confused here. Actually, if enough people speak up about the pricing, Bioware may consider lowering it. So actually yes, Bioware may lower the price. branmakmuffin, if you don't like the game, don't play it. it's simple as that.
  3. And you can sit there and ridicule people about their issues with the game if it makes you feel better. Looks to me like your definition of "No logical argument" is very different to everyone elses definition. But that's entirely your view if you think it's just an "emotional argument" or whatever. Maybe you're reading the thread in a different context. I agree with you OP, I'm against weekly reputation caps because it would save space in my bank/inventory for tokens and it would feel better to buy reputation items quicker after saving up loads of rep tokens
  4. No big deal to you. That's your view. Meh, you just lost all validity in your post by saying that. Someone has an issue with the game and you call it a "first world problem". Looks to me like your Maturity Card has expired and decided to go full on attack/ belittlement/ ridicule mode. Grow up.
  5. This community is more toxic than I thought. I'm surprised Bioware aren't banning these trolls and removing these off topic attack posts. Funny thing is, ill probably get a warning or a ban for even mentioning forum moderation.
  6. The op is just posting his opinion about the game.... Not everything posted on these forums is meant to help anyone or anything all of the time. Exactly how are your posts helping anyone? All you seem to be doing is shouting "troll!". Why don't you actually read what he said about bioware and the game and respond with your thoughts and opinions about bioware and this game, and state whether you agree or disagree with the OP, rather than whine about whether or not he is trolling.
  7. So far all i've seen is people attacking the OP, calling him a troll, saying he's baiting. But does anyone agree or disagree with his statements/opinions? Is the OP wrong? If so, why is he wrong? Maybe someone can explain why the OP is wrong? I agree with the OP and I can relate when he said this game could have been so much more. I haven't "completed" the game yet but from other sources i can see where he's coming from.
  8. That's the thing. To you he may be a troll, but to me isn't not trolling. I don't have a troll "rule book", maybe you can lend me one. Again, just because you don't agree with someone, or just because you don't like what they said, doesn't mean they are trolling. (well, to you they may be trolling, but to others he is not).
  9. I'm sorry but I don't think it's baiting in my opinion. He is simply saying what he thinks. Maybe you're just paranoid he's trying to bait us. It wasn't bait to me because I wasn't offended by what he said. I was pretty surprised they only have 2 level 60 operations...I did expect more from this game. But I am enjoying the lower level operations. I'm not one to look up someones posting history. Whatever they said in the past is irrelevant to this thread, and I don't judge people for their past. I simply judge them by what they say in the thread I'm looking at. And my judgement is that they are not baiting. Thanks, I'm really enjoying myself in this game, i've been sucked in for good
  10. I'm currently enjoying Path of Destruction right now, I find the voice actor fantastic to listen to (one of my favourites). I listen to an hour or two of it when I go jogging. What do you do when you listen to audiobooks?
  11. Just because the truth hurts, it doesn't mean it's bait. I'm pretty new to the game and I have yet to play all of the class stories, but I know after a while it will become stale, like all games eventually do. Right now I'm enjoying the game but I can see where the OP is coming from (if he has played for years). I can also see how toxic the community is when it comes to criticism about the game. Anything negative about it is instantly defined as "trolling" or "bait", when in fact people are just passionate about the game and WANT it to succeed and so point out issues about the game, which some people on this forum can't seem to accept.
  12. Yeah, theyre OP, they're clearly dominating the leaderboards
  13. Well I hope it becomes that way. After playing my first 10 games of ranked ever, and losing 9 of them, I have no intention of going back into ranked because i wont get any rewards. And when i was queuing the pops were even longer. And like a person said below, if it was this way then more people would be playing ranked.
  14. I agree. It makes no sense to me. If you look at the leaderboards, look at the person with most wins. Blackrain has 338 wins but only has 1168 rating. Is he a bad player? Who knows? Was he just unlucky with the teams he got put with? Most likely. I think it's funny that he has the most wins/participation on the leaderboard but gets a bad rating. Then you look again on the leaderboards. You will see someone has only 59 wins and 1886 rating, and on a different server. That person will most likely get the Tier 1 rewards, and blackrain will get no rewards.
  15. Alex hasn't posted in over a year Are they still looking at this thread for ideas for Warzones?
  16. Are there big fat slugs in game that i can place around in my narr shadda stronghold?
  17. It would be awesome to have rocket boots, not the ones coming out of your feet like in the 12 second one, but actual old school big metal boots with jets on them? Like this Or this
  18. You completely miss the point. By using the term "forced", he means he is reluctant to do that particular thing. We all know we have a choice whether we do something in this game or not (thank you, captain obvious), but sometimes we don't have different options in order to get a particular item (no choice in how we get the item). It's either do this particular thing, get the item. Or don't do this thing and never get the item. By forced it means he has no other option to get the item, and so he must reluctantly do said thing in order to get the item. Hope that helps.
  19. Tromper mount = plenty of content? Erm okay whatever you say... Unless you think plenty = grinding something, doing the same thing over and over (dailies), then sure. Think what you want.
  20. Vallerine

    An Idea for PVP

    I think there should be a score count for guilds (like in conquest) for how many PVP wins the guild gets, like when one person wins a PVP match, their guild will get 1 point to their score, and at the end of the season the guild with the most wins in unranked or ranked PVP gets 10% bonus to XP or credit drops from monsters. The scores should be displayed on a board in the PVP area of the fleet for each faction and so at the end of the season it would be 1 guild from each faction that gets the bonus. I think this would encourage more people to get into PVP and more people to start playing ranked warzones. And whichever faction gets the most wins should also get a bonus or something, and next season the faction who lost would get 10% extra damage in warzones or something to balance it out
  21. haha. Why delete them? because you didn't get top 1? apparently rwz is about luck with the people you get grouped up with. are you doing bad on season 5 or something?
  22. How can I make my hotbars, and the top bar and the target thing disappear when i'm not in combat?
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