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Posts posted by efffel

  1. I agree that unfortunately Senya is most likely, in fact that entire family is in danger of that. I also agree with LI (especially KOTFE) probably safe or at most choice based.


    Now I do not agree with non-LI main companions being safe. In fact they are almost as likely to die as Senya. Alert based companions are probably safe since they might not been recruited during story.


    Now NPC wise options are unlimited, anyone could die.


    And die multiple times too, they tend to respawn :p

  2. Only my smuggler accepted to use Valkorion's power. I have 2 dark siths, a dark consular and a neutral knight, they all kneeled and refusedto use the power, Valky said there would be tests and they feel accepting the power is a show of weakness on their part.


    The smuggler and the agent I have there simply feel they are in a madhouse :p and even have a chance to express it to Valky at the end , he disapproves :p

  3. I have a full lightside consular and a very dark sith warrior that went trough kotfe. The consequences are mostly in minor details. For example, the foreman was scared when my dark sith came to meet him in the Xalek quest,


    Simply play your character as you intend to, there are no right or wrong choices, more like left or right side of the same road

  4. My female sith warrior chose Theron in the cantina, but without the flirt. Lana is always a little upset when you choose Theron over her :p She also chose Theron on Yavin, it's just that it is intriguing to have the son of the jedi grandmaster having such an obvious crush on a very dark sith lord :p


    For Lana, it is clear that she only has eyes for the outlander-to-be, especially on the imperial side. What Lana and Koth have together is trust and not much else. Koth probably has a crush on her, but as hopeless as the flirts the smuggler has with all the jedis he met in his class story.

  5. Started another thread a few days ago


    If you are to do the PvP requirements, don't spend them on 208 regular gear, 190 gear would perform better and you should be PvP equipped in no time, relics and 1st hand weapon included. Before Odessen, you can buy gifts on fleet and on Odessen, you have the gift/crate vendor.

  6. OK I can agree with the Warrior ones that makes sense


    Inquisitor can be a lot of the classes imo except pure blood


    Hunter I can agree with


    Agent - I cannot agree with either Pureblood or Chiss as on balmorra

    Your character goes undercover with the Balmorran resistance, considering purebloods and chiss ties with the Empire I doubt they could ever infiltrate the group.



    On Nar Shadaa, you have a chiss double agent in the warrior story + the jedi knight can recruit a pure blood sith in the jedi order, so anything is possible


  7. Looking through the emperor, it is IMO more clear


    The sith emperor can and does kill whoever he wants, but after Ziost, it seems he lost the will to do so. All siths and jedis can gang up on him, he still is likely stronger.


    For any regular sith, if he goes and kill senselessly, he may anger the emperor or others will gang on him. Which is what held the dark council together, any member may feel to be the strongest (aside the emperor), but to prove it would be to either die or become a focal point alone at the 2nd position.

  8. About Kallig


    The SI character is the descendant of Kallig, Lord of The Sith. This means that the descendant is either a Pure Blood Sith or a Human, because Kallig was Human or Pure Blood Sith. When Lord Kallig was betrayed by Tulak Hord, his family line was brought down, resulting in Kallig's descendants to be slaves and nameless nobodies scattered throughout the galaxy. The SI character had the bad luck of being born a slave in a slave family.


    Play the SI character again, and this time don't space bar passed the cut scenes. Pay attention to what is said. Perhaps you'll learn something.

    My last character is a sith witch and a miraluka, guess what?


    Kallig was then a miraluka :p


  9. If the sith allows outright killing, yes. But then, what is the goal?


    In this set-up. authority is more formal than anything else. Any sith can challenge any sith, but at the end, only the most powerful would be left. Also, that you may misestimate your opponent, like Thanaton vs inquisitor.


    In both sith stories, you have the illustration of what happens if you kill everyone you can vs having other goals. You either end up alone or with a big powerbase

  10. Because it was obvious who they meant, also, Rattataki was not an Agent option to begin with. So, it's less a matter of paying attention to the story and more a matter of being lazy and going back and changing dialogue.


    Don't think they want to run the risk of introducing bugs

  11. My lady warrior has a definite no romance stance and even told Valkorion. Pierce has his additional duties, she's amused of Theron Shan's crush on her (think she kissed him after Revan and got his letter) and smooches Lana a couple of time.

    In the cantina, she chose to casually talk with Theron

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