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Posts posted by efffel

  1. Hey folks,


    Over time, we have received quite a few reports from players of items that used be available in-game, that no longer are. We don't mean Cartel Market items, but items that used to be available on vendors or from drops, etc. We are doing planning around some Mission rewards coming up and we thought this might be a good opportunity to try to get some forgotten items back in.


    Here is what we are looking for. What are some in-game items that are no longer available that you would like to see come back, for the following categories:

    • Mounts
    • Mini-pets
    • Stronghold Decorations
    • etc.

    For this feedback thread we are currently not looking for weapon or armor set suggestions.


    Let us know your thoughts!




    Drops in veteran star fortresses would be nice to come back

  2. My agent chose Ms Temple over Kaliyo in the class story

    He went all the way for the Lana romance

    Initially, he couldn't complete the chapter and when debugged, he could resume his affair with Kaliyo, which he did.

    Then came a break-up scene in his Odessen quarters and the line in Lana's description has been erased

  3. When you complete the 20 influence for Sana-Rae, she reveals her vision that can be interpreted as jedis and siths forming the new jedi order, so the outlander takes the lead.


    Nadia and Kira are still too young to lead the entire jedi order that is more or less dislocated when the outlander emerges from the carbonite. Same with the sith, Acina is only empress because there's no one to contest her.

  4. My sage is all light side, so he displeased Lana a few times. Regardless, he did lock the romance. Not that it seems to mean a lot, it is not referenced at all in chapter X. What I think are important factors in getting the romance option is how you treated Lana prior to kotfe, If you are honest with her about Valkorion in your head and how you use or not the power.
  5. Does the tooltip for the item in the crafting window say that it is Bind on Possession or Equip?

    It says bind on equip :mad: Luckily, 208 relics work as intended and don't require 6 "I don't know how they are called, but they cost an exarch or 25 brilliant crystals"


    Augment your 186s, the difference is not very big.

  6. Both times it was in the rakghoul tunnels, which as far as i can see is not a pvp area. And yes it was a flag i hadn't gotten around to turning off as i was busy helping some players. And i only whispered them to figure out why they did it, no please don't attack me nothing.


    Happened to me a few times in the tunnels and also on Yavin. When you are not flagged for PvP, be very careful of those who are, their name is yellow. If you happen to touch them while stomping monsters, you'll be switched to PvP and some just hang around in areas where mass attacks happen often. When I see yellow names, I am very careful of aiming before hitting

  7. My female Consular had both {Flirt} choices pop-up. I didn't choose either...'cuz I really don't like Kaliyo and my character is romancing Lana. I was actually surprised to see the second option (in the cantina) since I didn't take the 1st one.


    Also, my friend played through on her female Sith Warrior and she says...


    Kaliyo basically tells female characters that she only plays "head games" with women, but since she likes the Outlander she won't waste your time doing that.



    Basically said the same to my male smugglerr, settled for a drink :p


  8. Luckily, i didnt need to go through the bit raider steps because i have already had to deal with that

    Best advice i got on these forums was to buy a hardcopy of the game from amazon and reinstall (i was lucky that i got a new pc and was able to just start from scratch)


    This command promt help just worked wonders- didnt speed up tons but it was continuous (though i had to pause/play maybe 2 or 3 times)


    thanks for fix and to all those who have the bit raider client either follow the instrucions or if you have minimal pc skills- just get the original cd of swtor


    The ping worked wonders, in a few tries speed of download went from 40kb/s max to over 1000kb/s

  9. If you mean Genghiz Khan, then there cannot be any descendants with such a name - as "Khan" is not a name, but a title.

    But again, it is not too surprising in Star Wars universe - there are lots of examples. These are the mild ones; if we take Warhammer 40k universe, for instance, there are families with history of ten millenia.

    A title may become a patronym. I have Knight as an example in my lineage. His proper patronym would have caused trouble for nothing, he was the natural child of the queen of England (her 5th) and the Earl of March (at least his 15th). Knighted by his brother, he simply went with Knight instead of Roger de Mortemer as his natural father.


    Rather funny and mostly caricatural the way lineage is treated in the game. In a span of 300 years, one has thousands of ancestors and is more defined by the unions (thousands too). In a span of a thousand years, it's millions of ancestors, some repeating themselves.

  10. you clearly never did the rishi JC quest :)


    indulgence (n.) Look up indulgence at Dictionary.com

    mid-14c., in the Church sense, "a freeing from temporal punishment for sin, remission from punishment for sin that remains due after absolution," from Old French indulgence or directly from Latin indulgentia "complaisance, a yielding; fondness, tenderness, affection; remission," from indulgentem (nominative indulgens) "indulgent, kind, tender, fond," present participle of indulgere "be kind; yield, concede, be complaisant; give oneself up to, be addicted," a word of uncertain origin; perhaps from in- "in" + a derivative of PIE root *dlegh- "to engage oneself," the source of play (v.) and plight (v.).


    Did it trwice :p When done as part of a mission and duty, it is not indulgence

  11. It's not terribly bad cost wise if you only do it for a few characters. It gets to be slightly onerous if you have north of 10+ toons.


    It's useless to buy the items when the Rakghoul event is up, the price gougers are in full effect.


    I just buy them a day or two after the event when prices drop back to more reasonable levels. You can always turn in mats to Lokin, you just can't actually complete the quest until the event comes back around.


    So I just complete the turn in part when prices drop low enough for me, and when the event reactivates, all I have to do is the Rakghoul tunnel portion


    I have 13 toons, Lokin is one of the easiest to get. 4 toons are into bioanalysis, when they went to recruit Talos on Yavin, plus doing the weekly, they gathered enough mats for Lokin. When a character not into bioanalysis needed the mat, another went for the Yavin weekly. I devoted an entire section in my legacy storage for materials, mostly for crafting.

    All in all, it takes way less time to get Gyzen plus Lokin than it takes to get Pierce/MX

  12. I think this one was an easy one, but I have diplomacy on a few alts.


    All I had to do was doing rank 8 diplomacy missions while doing my weekly heroic 2+, and when done I had more stacks then I needed.


    Though it is probably best to do this one between Rak Ghoul events so one is ready to do next part during it.


    At least this one does not require PvP.


    You did it an expensive way :p The only thing about it is to wait the event, but it also makes it easy for the probe part, you don't have to group or wait for respawned to benefit from the actions, anyone in the area of the probe gets the benefit of it going stealthy, better than those H2s where there's a waiting line

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