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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Location
    That shady bar on Nar'Shaddaa...
  • Interests
    Wanna know why you're single?...Because you're looking in "Alderaan" places!
  • Occupation
    Profeshinoal Toe Cleaner
  1. I agree, the KOTOR armour helm looks insanely off. But then again almost NOBODY uses that armour set. The full set hardly even sells for much on GTN.
  2. Uh, yeah it is. It doesn't have to affect gameplay per-say to be a bug. A cutscene that isn't a "movie", that works fine for one class, and not a wide verity of other classes, that takes players out of the immersion of the cutscene is, infact, a "bug". As someone who this has happened to as well as a Senti, I think it'd be a nice little atheistic detail for them to fix as well
  3. Oh yay, this again. Hopefully it doesn't take almost a full day to happen again like the last patch did. Usually I wouldn't be salty about that, about this, butthey they did a patch like last week so...
  4. 2 pages. I left for 1 minute and like 24 seconds. 2. Pages.
  5. I seriously cannot even read this. By the time I'm done reading one reply there's literally like at least one new page.
  6. We should help him publish his book together. Look at all that effort! It brings a tear to my eye.
  7. Nice biography, you should publish a book. (if you think ANYONE is going to read that ****, hate to break it to you but...)
  8. And, from glazing through, crying and complaining seems to be a huge part of whats going on. Seriously people. It's like you've played an MMO for a day. They're installing an update right now. Nothing is going to reverse that, nothing we can do. Sure, the nerfing might not be great, but insulting the patchers for being lazy, and just people in general, and b*************** about something that you'll forget about for the most part in a months time is like staring at general chat spam for an hour. It's why I avoid forums, and have replied to them maybe about 5 times. Chill out people...holy baloney. The amount of de-railing and sodium in this forum is exhausting.
  9. I don't feel like reading 40 pages of ****, so what's the current sitch? Judging by the launcher pop-up still there, still no idea when anything will even be remotely fixed? Getting itchy without my fix...I'm running out of things to do
  10. Just don't play PVP flashpoints then, and toggle your PVP option off when on both faction planets... what...
  11. Calm down. It hasn't been a single day. Check the support forums and post there before you get your panties all tangled up. Obviously you enjoy the game if you're willing to sub to it. Maybe contacting support would help? I'm 99.9% sure it's not a permanent issue, unless you entered billing info incorrectly or something.
  12. Thanks. Yeah, I'm sorta regretting it is all. I want my dude to smooch her pretty badly. She's cool. Literally almost every time I do a dialog option with her she approves. I like a char with similar character traits yo.
  13. So, I just did the first real "flirt" with Kira Carsen, the one where you kiss her, and I dun goof'd... I was using the "esc button" trick to see what all the dialog options where all about, not something I do often, but as a lot of them where revolved around "kissing" I was sorta nervous that It'd press something I didn't mean to. I went from the button up, and as I hit the last dialog button (the "It's not the Jedi way" option/the only non-kissing option) and played through it, I hit the esc button 1 millisecond too late, ending and locking in the convo. My question is, in short, have I sealed my pants for good, or will there be another kiss/romance opportunity down the road? I still haven't decided if I want to be the Anakin Skywalker and have a secret romance, or if I want to stear clear of it and commit fully to the jedi order. Either way I'm leaning more to the "romance" option (Kira is cool), and would REALLY appreciate if anyone has experience on the matter and can share. Googling literally has 0 results. (spoilers to a minimum would be appreciated )
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