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Posts posted by TaxmanBob

  1. 6 Warzones today, 4 wins, 2 losses, none counted towards weekly or daily.


    How am I supposed to get geared when I complete quests, it doesn't count, and you say you fix bugs, and are proud of how well you fix them, but THEY AREN'T FIXED. This is why I have unsubscribed.

  2. I agree, the 1st fix they can do is let us mount is spaceports, and get rid of the nonsense airlock portion. That is an easy fix and will speed it up a lot.


    The next step is to let us just pop up a menu while in the spaceport to quick travel to other planets! This way the RPers can still get on their ship and stuff, and the players who don't want to dilly-dally with all that nonsense can get things done.

  3. The issue with this exploiting is using the /stuck glitch to get back to where they died instantly. This trading thing can be fixed easily by making is so if you /stuck in Ilum, it moves you back to your base. THen they have to spend minutes meeting back up at mid to do it again, and are easy to pick off in real PvP.
  4. What it does is give me a chance to even the odds against imps who don't know how to do it - which is why I like it personally. If they just gave that to republics or whoever is outnumbered as a click button option I'd be very happy.


    It's an exploit that SHOULD get you banned, but the devs don't seem to care about anything anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if someone found some credit dupe that never got fixed from here on out.

  5. To be honest, it disgusts me on a human level, that people are willing to put that much effort into NOT putting in effort. On my server, we're constantly stopping them from farming each other, and they would relocate, we would follow, they would send out "fake" groups of players to lead us away while they found glitches in the mountains to hide in, etc. It's really, really sad.
  6. The Valor gains are as designed. Players cooperating are not.


    I'm aware that the valor gains are as designed, but players using the /stuck exploit after dying isn't. It's an outright cheat, practically a speed-hack, and Bioware is doing nothing about it. If this kind of thing is okay with bioware, can I just have a trans-locator device that lets me teleport wherever I want, whenever I want, by just typing in the coordinates?

  7. It's infuriating to think that Bioware has no hotfix, fix, or response for us regarding this manner. They thought the turret was a mjor problem but its starting to look like Bioware is okay with this kill trading going on. What's the point of this game anymore?
  8. 1. this supports zerging. With constant faction imbalance this creates anti-fun for both factions. Once the loosing faction has lost they have no reason to remain in the zone making your well earned valor boost useless. This is simply a bad idea.



    2. The same as my 3 and i agree whole heartedly.


    3. Hard capping causes a huge line up especially at such a low amount of people. Doing something like a soft cap and keeping a 5-10 player threshold so each faction must be within a certain amount isn't a bad idea though as long as it has a baseline so the threshold doesn't go into effect until 15+. You don't want zone lockouts when one faction simply isn't there.



    Zergs are bad for everyone. Including the server.


    I agree with your 2 and 3 here. I think what you fail to see is that Ilum is big, and that if you don't direct people towards a common objective it too, will be boring. Driving around a wasteland looking for armaments and getting 2 minutes of excitement every 20 (when you finally see a player to kill), is also not fun. This also supports solo gameplay, discouraging small group PvP, which is what you want. (having to share armaments you find with the players in your group).


    Now there are solutions to breaking up the zerg. You can spread the current objectives horizontally across the zone more, and require all 3 to be destroyed in order to proceed to the next point. This will make it so the group has to split up more (into 3 groups), and cap all 3 and hold them, in order to progress. You can see how effectively this can play out simply by looking at alderran warzone, and see how often all 3 points get crapped. It happens, but it requires a lot of teamwork or a very certain degree of luck.

  9. It's pretty obvious that all iterations of Ilum so far have been flawed. This thread is for discussion of the subject.


    1. I propose that Ilum be changed to a tug of war system where the base at both ends should be attacked. When the base is successfully taken, it rewards battlemaster and champion commendations as if it was a raid boss. This can happen every 2 hours or so (obviously this time can be changed). Once that happens, the nodes are permanently in the victor's favor, and it awards a faction wide buff that grants bonus valor and commendations.


    2. The armaments should be spread out zone wide, but a bit more scarcely. This would encourage players to be more liberal with their movements during times of low population in Ilum, and encourage smaller group battles at certain times.


    3. The population cap needs a balance of say ~10 players. In the current system, there can be 90 repub and 10 imps and it will cap with that ratio of 9:1, and because of this, it will be difficult to sway the population.

  10. It's pretty obvious that all iterations of Ilum so far have been flawed. This thread is for discussion of the subject.


    1. I propose that Ilum be changed to a tug of war system where the base at both ends should be attacked. When the base is successfully taken, it rewards battlemaster and champion commendations as if it was a raid boss. This can happen every 2 hours or so (obviously this time can be changed). Once that happens, the nodes are permanently in the victor's favor, and it awards a faction wide buff that grants bonus valor and commendations.


    2. The armaments should be spread out zone wide, but a bit more scarcely. This would encourage players to be more liberal with their movements during times of low population in Ilum, and encourage smaller group battles at certain times.


    3. The population cap needs a balance of say ~10 players. In the current system, there can be 90 repub and 10 imps and it will cap with that ratio of 9:1, and because of this, it will be difficult to sway the population.


    Discuss, and please, I ask that everyone only posts constructive feedback on the subject.

  11. The main issue isn't that melee is underpowered, increasing damage output of melee classes would make them crazy strong. The issue (esp with sent/mara) is that its almost impossible to get rolling with your skills before you get bursted down because you:

    A) stand out more.

    B) Have the least armor of the melee classes.

    Aaaand the big one...

    C) Get CC'd like mad making you completely and utterly worthless.


    C is the big one, there are too many immobilization abilities in this game. Not only do melees have to deal with stuns like everyone else, but immobilize is pretty much a stun to a melee, they can't output a single point of damage while immo. I've been talking about this for weeks now, the fix is to make every kind of CC grant some resolve, so melee's can be more effective from chain CCs. Honestly, how can a sent/mara deal with a sniper in cover doing a knockback that roots for 3 seconds after it, and then gets slowed on his way back to them, and can't leap because the sniper is in cover? And this is all built into what? 2 abilities?


    This is coming from the perspective of a L.50 V.60 Vanguard, with a 36 Gunslinger and a 30 sentinel.

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