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10 Good
  1. +1 civism It's actually very, very nice to see. /*NO* Sarcasm
  2. I can understand. I guess our experiences are what's making us cling to opposite directions. I see my daughter, who stills plays WoW, changing factions and race with her toon at least 10 times (and trying to convince me that she didn't do it at least 20 times ;-) ) to play with her friends. She is still enjoying the game. I, on the other hand, left a year ago because I was tired of levelling a whole bunch of toons.
  3. Not everyone enjoys the "research" behind the class so you can't expect everyone to go and read on the forums and look at YouTube to get an idea. In my wife's case, I'm the one who selected her class knowing the play style she likes to play in other MMOs. Heck, I’m the one who sets the skill points for her because she doesn't like having to analyse the different skills within a tree and determine what is best for her. Interestingly enough, I made the right choice for her but it wasn't the case for me. As much I read my AC, I too, in my early 20s, was starting to wonder if I had made the right choice. I'm not a fast leveler (I play in the evening after work) and the only character I have that I’ve been playing since December 14th at pre-launch, is level 30. Although I can appreciate the fact that some people enjoy re-rerolling and can do it in much less time, I can't. Reading about it and experience it is two totally different things. Instead of locking the ACs like they are now, I think BW should do one of the following: 1 - Start the AC as a real class from level 1. I don't mind if the ACs for one class become two different classes. 2 - Give us some AC specific skills beforehand the actual AC selection so that we have an idea of how the mechanics of that certain AC work. 3 - Allow us to change ACs (my preferred solution) At the moment, this is the biggest pain point for me in the game. It's not like I'm asking to boost my class nor asking to nerf another. This is simply a request to allow people to chance AC. To me, this adds value to the game. It has no effect on those who don’t want to use the feature. *edit: fixed weird formed phrases
  4. That's simply not true. It's not because a druid can do almost everything that you *only* see druids on a single server. People won't necessarily enjoy the mechanics behind the class. I had a 85 druid and even though it could do almost everything, and I also had an 85 priest, and 82 paly and an 83 hunter on a same server and faction (sorry for enumerating some of the class roles I have but if I don't, people will still think I don't know what I'm talking about). Blocking the AC without having "tested" what the AC is all about just doesn't make sense. You get your "special" spells *after* selecting your AC. If I recall correctly (sorry, it's been a while), when EQ2 had something similar, you at least got some of the spells beforehand *before* selecting your real class so at least, you had a "feel" for what the class was going to be about. I don't see how this restriction adds any "value" to the game.
  5. I totally agree. The mechanics and skills were totally different between each spec of my druid. (and that's not even oonsidering the extra sets of gear to switch from cat to bear, to heals, to boomkin). Also, it's not because they tell you that it's a ranged healing class (or whatever your AC is going to be) that you're going to like the mechanics of it. A good example of that coming back to WoW is that Shaman, Druid, Paladin and Priest are all heals but they all big differences in their implementation which you may or may not like.
  6. Well, we could convert Project to throwing our Lightsaber, instead of some debris. That would give it some usefulness
  7. You know, as mush as people defend why we *shouldn't* be able to change AC, it just boils down that it SUCKS anyway. We do get warnings but honestly, at that point, we still have no idea of what the AC is really about since we haven't had a chance to test it before we make the final decision. Saying that it's a melee DPS and a ranged DPS and or healer/tank is just not enough. We need to be able to experience it beforehand. I, for one, do not see why it should really be locked that way. It has no impact on the class story.
  8. But I'm still a Consular. If I were to do a comparison to WoW, I had a druid and could change spec from healer/dps/tank. All specs required me to have a different set of armor/weapons because required stats were totally different from one spec to another. Each spec had it's own abilities. No matter what spec I would choose, I was still a Druid.
  9. I agree with the fact the we should be able to change "advanced class". I definately see the advanced class as a specialisation (SPEC) of your class. It doesn't change what your official class is all about. In my case, I'm a Consular and would like the opportunity to change from Sage to Shadow. And even though they can give long descriptions about what the spec is all about, you don't get a real feel for it until you've played it for a few levels. So even though they warn you many times, you're still just guessing at how much fun the AC would really be.
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