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Posts posted by Hawkebatt

  1. From a game aspect I would welcome mixed groups in operations and flashpoints. The revan flashpoints foundry and maelstrom not so much, but I could see it happening.


    A mixed guild I am all for that. One bank so everything doesn't have to be constantly monitored to balance which guild has what. logistically it would be better and for conquest you will always have your members on regardless of which faction they are on.


    These options come down to logistics and ease of play and nothing to do with lore.


    Lore wise you always have members switching sides. Most of the Rebel alliance was former imperials who stopped being evil.


    For this game I would think that the several alliances would sway some to switch just to follow the Commander. That a third faction would arise that would try to end the conflict on both sides as they proved they could work together.


    Jedi or Sith Dark Jedi/ Light Sith


    Troopers could switch and become mandos or imperial troopers. Mandos could join the pub military or work for the republic as a mercenary. Havoc squad going imp as an example.


    Smugglers work for whomever that pays. Money has always been their faction and agents could be on deep undercover assignments or double triple agents.


    You would not have to change the beginning chapters as the shift would happen during Kotet or onslaught. Onslaught would have been a perfect time to create a third faction as the Emperor/Empress of the Eternal Empire is already a third faction just a NPC one.


    Some things would not make sense, but this is more a game mechanic than a lore issue.


    As far as lore is concerned some of my toons the war for them ended on Corellia they defeated the Emperor and the Sith Empire collapsed as a result. For others they would never be so stupid to have all their ships in one basket. The stupidest action any military commander could do. My Eternal Fleet would have been spread out defending my territory from Zakuul to Coruscant. For my Sith the Eternal Empire would not have changed much and would have forced the Imperail Empire to merge with the Eternal Empire and then subjugate the Republic through treaties or conquest.


    My Jedi would have their eyes open and see the conflict between the Sith and the Jedi as a destructive part of the Force. She or he would also have her military assets spread out and would not have lost them above Nathema or wherever the Grave Stone was. My commander would have looked to see a merger between the Sith Empire and the Republic and would have the military strength to back it up.


    The Jed'aii would return and my Force users would be paired together.


    A Jedi and a Sith as a team. A team to balance each other and work together towards getting stronger. Working inside a moral code that allows them to fluctuate in the Force. One to keep the other moral and the other to keep the one human.


    Because of the large gap of time this third faction could dissolve back into us vs them at anytime.


    Smugglers, agents, and Mandalorians could have been a third faction working both sides. Force Adepts or Bendu monks could have been as well. This game has had many versions of a third faction. Revanites, The Alliance, and the Eternal Empire.


    But again the question here is not lore, but player convenience. One guild, one LFG a larger pool to pull from. They do it for pvp and starfighter why not ops, FP, and uprisings as well?

  2. Do you understand the purpose of the deconstruction window?



    Do you know how to use/access deconstruction?


    Do you understand what you are getting from deconstruction?

    YES we get junk.


    Before we would get half the mats that would be used to make said item. Plus an augmentation component for making augmentation kits.

    What we should be getting from the 268 recipe item.

    Half the mats on a 268 would be ten conquest mats, 10 instance or pvp mats and then the half the mat components.

    What you get is less than one percent of the cost to buy the mats with Jawa scraps. So we get junk.

  3. Ya they nerf you hard now per planet, but it works okay in some stuff. Ossus was not designed with such a reduction in mind I think. Then again a heroic should require 2 or 4. Thought soloing vet is still easy at least on Hammer Station. There is just no balance to level sync. Now if there was a % debuff then gear would matter and all stats would be nerfed or buffed.
  4. I can just imagine now what the prices of Augmentation Slot Component MK-11's, Augmentation Kit MK-11 and all the new Augments that fit into them will be on the GTN. 50 mil? 75 mil? Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if we see them going for 90 Mil and up.


    The only people who will be making and selling them will be from HUGE guilds that require all their members to donate said mats to the Guild Bank.


    Crafting has been decimated by the changes in 6.0.


    R.I.P. SWTOR Crafting 2019


    How about I deconstructed hundreds of gear pieces and only got 3 mk 11 augmentation components. With such a drop rate no one will have the mats to make the new mk 11 augmentation kits. Unless there is something else that you need to deconstruct to get them like how the mk 10s only come from blue cell grafts on pts instead of both the green and blue.

  5. Please ITEMIZE the deconstructed items. I don't care where the mats came from. but I would like to see more than scraps from gear as the mats cost 200 scraps a piece. Also where do the MK 11 augmentation components come from? for 1-10 it come from every piece of gear at least one. I have deconstructed hundreds of pieces and only got 3.
  6. Gear has always been close to your level, even world random drops. With the new system if I am 306 I still maintain that if there is a world drop and it is BOL then it better be within my I rating level. I don't care where it came from. If it is going to be green 270-274 then it should be BOE.


    If I go into an operation I do not want to bum rush the whole operation and kill the last boss in a bit over the time to run all the way from the start to the final boss. If it is not balanced at all with us being level synced to the operation there will be no other reason to run it other than getting achievements if we can face roll everything with half an ops group. Sorry I want the operation level synced to my level so it is a workable challenge. Or at least the VET and MM modes. MM flash points are level 70 on PTS if this is intended then I can see that for the Operations too. Have not seen KP on pts.


    Speaking of BOE there is none so no one can find cheap gear to sell on the GTN. If the BOL is made for all toons some how then all cheap gear on the GTN or world skins that people like but cant find or don't have the will to grind for will dry up.


    This brings my request of bringing the flashpoint and operation original drops backs for cosmetic reasons.


    On today I did Hammer Station with my 306 gear didn't get a single 306 to come from the boss. Did get a Simulated gear piece.


    Ran the weekly on CZ 198 and got only a 270 green random drop. The renown the quest was telling me I would receive 195k only gave me 88k


    Ran the Onderon Weekly and only got 95kish with the weekly quest saying 212k So legacy and boost was not working.


    Onderon Map is very low quality compared to what it started with. Mini map is horrible too.

    Turned in a bunch of visual bugs that will make some quests hard to complete. Many of the quest points need to be raised or the vegetation thinned a bit to see them. Didn't have any real problem finishing the quests. Though the untamed torch quest is a bit buggy with the champion not being green until you light the pyre.


    The two reward chests from Onderon gave no 306 gear. The four renown crates I got only one was 306.

    With the reduced amount of gear coming from the Hammer Station bosses this will make gearing take longer. I see them reducing the gear drops to only one per boss and then the gear grind will drop to a crawl.


    I like the hell out of BOL gear, but Hate the RNG.

  7. Your gathering goes into another bag and if your companion is set up to scavenge the dead robot then you will not see what he or she recovers as it goes in your materials bag. I had to turn comp gathering off and stop auto loot to see this.


    Your legacy gear is still legacy gear, but the color of the gear is dependent on the mods inside the gear.


    Took me 30 hours to go from 270 up to 306 on a stealth toon. Modifiable gear is another grind, but I did enough to get the basics.


    This system is a shock and all RNG. Have fun with your personal testing.

  8. I would love level lock not just for certain toons or levels but since they are bringing back the level of the flashpoints, Operations, and other content that I could then lock my toon for that planet until I am ready to move on. or lock my toon at the tier one pvp level or lock it for level fifty if I had a NIM geared toon for level fifty.


    With a level lock my main would be locked at 70. I would just advance one of my other toons. I have some toons that will never go passed Ziost or Revan. I had for a long time did not allow one of my toons past chapter 3. For her the Emperor was dead along with the war. I have gear that is bis for level 55.


    I have a level 10 in purple gear just because I could but would love to be able to do stuff with her without the fear of leveling. I could then do this for other toons and crafting levels. A side part of the game but with a level lock it would make it easier.


    Not that this is part of the PTS but still would be nice. WoW has level lock for those unwilling to level certain toons. Might be a thing for RP players as well. You can't level your toon to the next level unless the story RP promotes you to the next rank. Would bring another level to a lot of niche players.

  9. So for the 18th I put on my 268 gear and did a few Hammer stations. Selected my gear drop tab as Deception.


    I got only two pieces per boss instead of the four that I started out with per boss.


    When I switched to Darkness I got two tank pieces.


    When an enhancement dropped in Deception gear selection it was still a tanking enhancement.


    Takes 276 gear to show that a 268 with an augment is better.


    Still showing a side grade as better when it is only switching from critical to accuracy.


    The one modifiable piece showed 272 rating with a 270 armoring, 276 mod and a 272 enhancement Meh, but an improvement over the 268 I was wearing.

  10. Imperial side I will see anywhere from 7 to 13 on fleet during 5-10pm central time. If I do a who search with nothing in the window I will see twenty to thirty people on in all locations. Do realize that not all of them are in queue for a group. Many are running solo through Hammer Station. Bring a stealther with scavenging slicing. A level fifty companion. If you do not have those crew skills change if your comp is not fifty then buy the golds about 151 of them to get all the way to fifty if your legacy is set up with all the perks. A bit of mat gathering on Onderon to get you to the 60 or 75 point minimum and you are set for solo. Observer the Mechanics use your heroic moment and unity if you have it.


    Have Fun

  11. Latest Patch gearing observations --


    No Isotopes dropped (why? they do on live)


    I want this to be fixed as well I am sure they will add them back to the game for the new tier level but it would be nice to see how many will drop compared to the past. Two per person for master mode one per person vet mode would be best for the horrendous mat requirements we have now.



    [*] I was getting random green gear for level 17 or whatever from trash mobs.... I'm not sure what should be done about this. But either way, this gear was not deconstructable and probably should be


    Would rather see original gear that dropped from flash points not random trash

    But ya seeing level seventeen gear from a random drop is I think an odd left over. Seeing 274 gear for random drop is not expected if I am in 306 gear.


    Also, please remove the base-class restrictions from the set gear. There is no need for this.


    NO, the restrictions they placed does need to change to class spec specific and not just class restrictive. The class restriction is because it was a faster programming change to implement. This is my guess and as confusing as the gear is I don't want to be wearing something that does nothing for me. However, I see your point if it is an upgrade and you cant use it then it is as good as trash. However, I have 20 plus toons and one of them will need that piece!


    Changes to Vendor Takanna:


    They have the spec switch tab on your toon picture but I have not tested it when selected though it was auto selected for my spec but I was still getting tank mods.

    The stats you get should be equally random so if I want crit or alacrity on my off hand then I get it. That I get so few retribution relics compared to the other two should be fixed as well.

    I should not get fifty offhands in a row that are all accuracy.

    I am sure this will change many times over the next few weeks.


    ACCURACY: 3 x 306 Enhancements + 1 purple Proficient Stim == 1557 Accuracy

    Accuracy needed hit 9% (+1% companion bonus = 110%): 1589


    Enhancements with accuracy starting at 449 the highest I have seen with the 240 stim and one 228 with 96 accuracy my toon has 1612 That is an average of 425 per enhancement.


    Hey folks,


    We are going to be bringing PTS down today to start pushing our next patch. Unlike what I said above, we did actually get some of the new loot acquisition changes in. The things in this next patch are:

    • Dxun Changes
    • Vendors have been added that sell tacticals and set bonus shells directly
    I want to see this vendor as how can I test certain things like sorc or assassin without the sets to go with the new skills properly without seeing the sets?
    Loot now drops only for your current discipline

    I will spin up new feedback threads with more details once we are ready to bring PTS up fully, hopefully today or tomorrow.


    Thanks all.



  12. My suggestion for former legacy items is to retain the shield or have it change to a square circle or triangle. DVL gear should retain the shield. Any vendor gear that requires either token DVL reputation, social level should retain the champion symbol. That the former legacy gear could also have the adjusting border to reflect the mods that are inside them.


    I can see changing hundreds of pieces of gear maybe too much but if it is as easy as the newest gear than probably not. Still having some type of marker on the outside even if it is AS for alliance specialist then it would make the gear identifiable. Then again other than their look and that they were used to transfer mods and augments to other toon most will trash those items.


    Some items should just be grandfathered out of the new rules, but I am fine with the old legacy supply crate gear being blue. Just not with the specialty gear DVL leveling gear, dark or light gear, reputation gear, social gear. Those need to stick out as unique.


    There are more colors than gray white green blue purple orange and gold. Different shades of the other colors. Yellow pink lilac, light blue, light or dark green. Bronze, silver, gold, and platinum is used for cartel so the borders for cartel could have been all platinum with just the symbol showing bronze silver gold or platinum status leaving the brown for former legacy items.

    Turning everything blue I think is a lazy programmer's way out. Then again I would rather have them working on making the game work right and without bugs so I am fine with the color.


    EDIT: I took some gear with different mods in them whether legacy or supply crate legacy and they change color depending on the mods inside. I like this.

    Still need a marker for the specialty former bronze orange shells. END EDIT

  13. Okay so a few things I noticed today just messing around since PTS came back online.

    My detailed tool tips are back when looking at my gear on my toon or in my legacy. Good we have it back where it was.

    Better would be it showed the Amplifiers and set bonus as well in the banks.

    Amplifiers are showing up under details with a color scale like gear saying how good the amplifier is. This is nice to know I am on top with a gold color or green if it is way too low.


    Problem is that left side shows a far lower color than right side gear. Had a 1% at green on left side but a 0.65% at purple on right side.


    Still need a consolidated tab to show the combined effects of the Amplifiers. Could be another window drop down or a different tab altogether.

  14. Locking out the Story Operation for only 24 hours is not the point of a lockout. The only reason you would do that is to prevent anyone from doing the operation over and over again.

    A lockout was intended not only to prevent spamming the same operation (time gating), but to allow a group to pause for the night and pick up on a different day.

    So I see it as an either or situation. Maintain the week long lock out(no change) set it for 48 hours (middle ground) or no lock out.

    A better idea would be to require all bosses to get credit for all quests and missions for said instance.

  15. As far as the level sync is going in no way should a level 11 be WEAKER that they were at level 10.

    This makes what they have done with level sync terrible. It was done without any thought of how it should go.

    They made this change with no thoughts in the difference between a level 11 ton with quest greens and a level 70 with 258.

    The solution is not hard make the level sync balance with the green gear you can get at those levels. rank 32 on a level ten toon. What ever that toon has for stats everyone else get when you are over the sync. Hammer station should be a level 16 in rating 46 gear and so on every 4 level or what ever is slightly under the planet or flashpoint level cap.


    For ops it should be whatever the best gear was at the time IE the nim gear stat with augments of the time. So if I have my full 258 set and I go into Gods of the Machine I should still have the same stats. If I went into Gods with my 306 gear then my stats should scale down to what I would have had in 258 and not what I might have had in 230 gear.


    Ossus with 258 gear and I only have 106 k health??? compared to 132k on live? you cant survive story Gods with that health


    The I19 buff that I have should always give me comparative gear no matter where the gear dropped from whether a starter planet or Onderon. I can see it being green gear but its Ilevel should be very close to 306. Only gear gear I saw that was 300 was a modifiable green

  16. Okay so a few things I noticed today just messing around since PTS came back online.

    My detailed tool tips are back when looking at my gear on my toon or in my legacy. Good we have it back where it was.

    Better would be it showed the Amplifiers and set bonus as well.

    Amplifiers are showing up under details with a color scale like gear saying how good the amplifier is. This is nice to know I am on top with a gold color or green if it is way too low. Problem is that left side shows a far lower color than right side gear. Had a 1% at yellow on left side but a 0.65% at purple on right side.


    306 gear testing DPS on my lightning Sorc I play lightning the base gear gave me 8k DPS 1.4GCD and power crit relics

    306 modded gear aug 228 1.4GCD running mastery and crit relic did only 8.9k DPS so I am not impressed with the difference in DPS. 5388 to 6161 base damage to 5875 to 6661 base damage bonus goes from 3843 to 4302 so that 900 DPS could just be from the increase in mastery.

    With me not knowing the spec and having a bit of lag the DPS I was getting was not impressive but it is similar to what most are doing at 70 so no real change in dps as far as I am concerned.

  17. I don't expect that to change. Even on live right now, green gear and blue gear from heroics are at a lower level. There's no reason to expect endgame gear from that type of content.


    I did expect that to change as the gear drops are supposed to be close (relevant) to my gear level if not matching. I expect this for all gear drops it should not matter where I am or what I am doing or who I am fighting. They might as well keep the current trash drops or restore the original trash drops for each planet if the change is not on everything.


    I would like to see the original gear to drop from the flashpoints, operations since we are going back to their starting levels.

    I would like to see the original heroic 4s to be put back in the game as well. There was no need to take them out.


    but I know that will not happen.

  18. Level 75 with 258 I rating 92-120 damage and 35.5 bonus damage. level eight gear I rating 32 82-120 bd 35.5 1373health

    sitting in stronghold base 75 damage is 342-365 bonus damage 295.4 in the level eight gear.


    Level ten with level eight gear 143-162 damage 106 Bonus damage 2797 health

    with her purple gear with left side 210-240 damage 151 bonus damage 4345 health

    naked 73-77 damage 72.1 bonus damage 1810 health


    I do have all datacron bonus stats.


    Anyone who goes from level 10 to 11 will be then throttled to 169 mastery and 131 health. Just tested this.

  19. I have done Hammer station over and over and over again. Took about thirty hours with at least half just picking through gear to destroy or to keep. Did Not concern myself with what gear I had on at all. ONLY the I Rating of my over all gear.


    As I ranked up my gear I tossed out the lower gear to my bank to keep five sets. I kept all the mods that dropped until I had at least ten of each type. Enough for a full set.


    I have balance my stats as best as I can and I have FULL modifiable gear at 306. I did not use the tech exploit until after I had full 306.


    The old set bonus gear is way too powerful. The effect of the new set bonuses are a joke. That is why the old sets don't work as you would never get rid of them.



    Gear drops like crazy.

    Alt friendly if you switch your gear between alts. Only need three basic sets plus weapons.

    Four pieces per boss.

    Enough gear once you have 306 to outfit five other toons or more depends on how much you hold on to.

    There is modifiable gear. just rare

    Tactical items are nice

    Level sync is okay for a level 75 with a fifty comp to solo vet hammer station.



    New skill is great for some specs, but trash for others. Or a copy of an existing skill used by a different spec.

    Too confusing to get BiS gear or even decent gear if you don't know what to get.

    Up arrow shows bad gear upgrade if a side grade and ignores some true upgrades.

    Gear is all over the place with rank and stats.

    mods are a way too many different types 20 different armoring, 60 different mods, 60 different enhancements or more.

    Set bonuses are so weak there is no real to have them.

    Tactical items too many 124

    Tactical Items are not labeled correctly should be labeled by spec and not class.

    tactical items are not all equally good.

    Tactical items linked to the new skill are meh!

    Tactical items copying utility tree skills.

    Set bonuses are useless under level 75

    2% of 2000 points is 40 less than the points you get for a crystal.

    Sets not labeled to reflect it is a raw percentage and not a final percentage.

    Level sync is a joke in how it is working as my level ten with fleet vendor gear is three times stronger than a level 75 in augmented gear.

    Level Sync in general is making content that was easy hard with the nerf to the companions even harder.

    If you do not have a level fifty companion you will die period on trash mobs.

    There is no balance with level sync going down and only going up does it work better for you. I saw this on live with a level 55 186 geared and augmented toon. Low power but good balance to stats. The other way around on pts you are weak if not for you crit alacrity and accuracy.

    Mastery and power relics are useless in anything other than level 75 content.

    Level 75 gear will only be useful in the Dxun Operation and on Onderon. Everything else a toon in questing gear is better than you as they are not nerfed for the content.


    Con for BW

    That is classified. BW does not have the security clearance to see how this system will hurt their stockholders more.



  20. I like the LIVE character interface better there was nothing wrong with it and their time developing a totally new window could have been used elsewhere. It doesn't even show detailed tool tips from the armoring, mods, and enhancements.

    Lengthen the bottom of the original tab, add the Amplifiers tab and stretch the middle a hair to add the tactical block done.


    I like my window curved like my toons have curves.

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