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Posts posted by seahorsey

  1. lol I laugh at all the poor people playing on this server. The queue times last night on the server selection screen were over two hours.


    lol at the raiding guilds. Someone DC's and your raid is fuct.


    Yeah it sucks and being Australian I don't really have much choice. It's either suck it up, or run the risk of being on a server which doesn't have much activity during the hours I play.

  2. So I know there is already and unofficial oceanic server announced being swiftsure. But the queues are a joke at the moment.


    I know they will normalize down the track but right now it's annoying having to wait 2 hours in queue just to play the game.


    Does anyone know about any other PvP servers that will be heavily populated with oceanic players as I don't want to be stuck on a server where when I play, there is nobody to group with.

  3. Anyone have any insight if the queue times are going to shorten? Already invested time on characters on that server, so really don't want to re-roll. But 2 hour queue times earlier was ridiculous.
  4. I'm one of those Americans on Swiftsure. I didn't do it in spite of Aussies, but I've never been a hardcore forum lurker either. That's the problem with claiming an "unofficial" server without having it backed up by Bioware, although I've heard they transferred big guilds here. They could have easily kept it located in the west coast and added an Oceanic tab on the server list to help out.


    Regardless, don't be the red-headed stepchildren because I'm sticking around. :)


    -the Sign Painter


    I was only kidding man, not any of your fault by all means :)


    Oh yeah I forgot to mention Swiftsure is the unnofficial oceanic PvP server*

  5. So "the Swiftsure" server has become the unofficial oceanic server, due to that, there are a lot of oceanic players as well as heaps of US players... Queue times on that server are most likely going to be the worst because of very high population...


    IMO Bioware really should have made 3 "Oceanic" servers, a PvP, PvE and RP.That or all you Americans could just leave :p

  6. I think the game does a good job in masking what it really is. It gives the player the illusion that the story actually matters. The problem is as you progress through the game the class quests tend to be few and far between and most of the xp you rely on to actually level is given to you by sidequests and grinding. The problem is that once you already have a level 50, there really is no reason to go back and run through the same planets and same side quests simply because that is the bulk of the content.


    The solution would have obviously been to add more class quests. Just because its an mmo doesnt mean you absolutely need to have sidequests and I think its either lazy design or they're simply thrown in there to make the game feel like an mmo. Either way it was a bad decision.


    With that said, I wouldnt judge any mmo based soley on its leveling content. I havent been able to see the end game yet but from what Ive seen in beta with the pvp system, there wasnt even a level bracket. Does the game have potential? For the first time you level, yes. After that, there really isnt a reason to level another character unless you absolutely want to the brief story line of another class. What I think it really comes down to is if Bioware can keep end game content up to date and fix the pvp balance issues.


    This launch was one of the worst Ive ever seen for an mmo. As much as Bioware wanted this to be smooth, all they really did was piss off the majority of their paying customers. Its not even the staggered entry that I disagree with, its the fact that the way it was done was simply unfair. The invites should have been random instead of by which date the person registered their preorder. And at the end of the day what was the purpose? Servers are still in high queue and some have even crashed.


    I say buy the game and give Bioware the chance to learn and improve on how they're running this game. But I will say that even though the game does have a huge amount of potential, if Bioware doesnt stop ignoring their customers and purposely pissing everyone off or if they cannot or will not update end game/pvp content, this game will NOT last 6 months. It will go the way of AoC, Aion, Rift, etc. etc. and eventually become F2p.


    Shut up! just, shut up.

  7. So I've been reading these forums for a bit and can't fin anything in it. Anyway will there be space docking? For example, if I'm a male twi'lek sith warrior, can I land my "ship" in a male chiss imperial agents "space dock"?
  8. First they cried about not getting into beta...

    Then they cried about the game not being exactly what they wanted...

    Lastly they cried about a staggered launch...

    Next they will probably cry about (class) being op and that they can't beat them.


    Seriously guys harden the f*ck up. It's just a game. If you don't like it, don't play it and let the rest of us have a happy launch :)

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