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Everything posted by ialuddington

  1. Guardians of Tython is currently recruiting more members to fill our republic 8M progression ops team. We are seeking all roles. We have: Mumble; Guild Ship; Guild Stronghold (Yavin); Guild Website; Additionally, our guild runs SM ops, FP and SF regularly, tends to have at least 10 people online with more in peak hours and we are increasing our participation in conquests. If interested send me a mail or whisper in game on Ilúvatàr, Maharièl or Yauntyrr.
  2. I went through and got all of them last weekend. I didnt go by the codex. I just made sure to get all of the planet datacron achievements on pub and imp and then right away got the title. No fleet datacron or assembler. Edit: I also didn't get the Rishi datacrons either. I found it useful to go to the Datacron Master achievement to see what I was missing under Planets, General, Exploration.
  3. I noticed this too, kind of peeved after how many credits I spent on the set. I am hoping it gets fixed soon. On the flip side I'm happy that it's actually a jetpack though!
  4. I mean go to the long lost dailies that aren't section x
  5. I like the old Belsavis dailies. Usually a ghost town.
  6. Quite the curmudgeon. Why post at all if you're keeping to yourself? In any case. Run ziost with all your alts. Don't pick up the 4th probe quest item and kill as many more probes as you can. They have a good number of credits on them.
  7. Hi all, Just a quick question about devoted allies gear. Is it worth it at all to get the tank sets? So far I outfitted the tank comps in DPS gear and it seems to work well for all my characters. Any situations when you'd want to outfit them in the tank gear? I never use comps in tank stance anyway.
  8. Thanks for the reply. It's not quite what I had in mind though. I just came across silent ghost. It seems to have what I'm looking for: http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Silent-Ghost-Male-Breastplate.png Ideally I'd like something more heavy armor-ish though.
  9. When Moff Kilran says "the droid has been keeping me 'appraised' on your work" in Black Talon.
  10. Outside of ops you can't unless you buy a 192 hilt/barrel for tonnes of credits. Just buy a crafted 186 hilt/barrel and rip the rest of the mods from a 190 offhand.
  11. Hello all, I'm just wondering if anyone knows if there are any other chestpieces in the game that have a hood like the Revanite Vindicator's. i.e. http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Revanite-Vindicator-Female-Breastplate1.png I ask because the hood doesn't fall over the forehead like all the other hoods. Looks horrible without a mask but with the set it shows off more of the top of the mask. I'd like to see the top part of the mask on a different style chest but it seems to me like this the only hood like it? Thanks!
  12. What does the Nar Shaddaa bonus series have to do with Revan? I've never done it.
  13. I believe that means the planet vendors will now sell for 2 and not 7. They were not changed with the introduction of 12X XP for some reason.
  14. I'm pretty sure the price is reduced as part of the 12X XP boost. They will probably be reduced until that is over.
  15. Yeah for sure, for Jedi's you can roll a Seer Sage and be pure healer. My main character has that spec, it works very well and is fun to play. Not sure about all the other classes though. Healers are very valuable to groups as they keep everyone alive. Oftentimes groups wait for awhile just to get a healer in their group I find!
  16. Oh ok, awesome! Thanks everyone. I'll most likely pick up the Nar Shaddaa stronghold to use as my main one.
  17. Hey all, Just a quick question. I have a stronghold and I found out you can access crafting supplies for all characters from the storage when crafting. In order to put stuff in there my cross faction characters have to pay 1000 credits to get there. If I buy the faction specific stronghold will the legacy storage still be the same one?
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