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Everything posted by Starladytwo

  1. I don't know how many times I'd report a credit spammer for spamming only to find that the same one is still there hours upon hours later. Someone should take care of this, put in a more efficient way of reporting credit selling spammers or figure out a way of blocking them entirely! I'm sick to death of filling up my /ignore with them because they're always there. Day/night. NO one bothers to stop them. I do wonder if they're giving kick backs to the guys who run this game and that's why no one bothers to stop them. Since the very beginning of the game there have been credit selling spammers. You guys put in can't talk/send tell until level 10 if you're not a subscriber. This did nothing to slow them down nor stop them. They just level up characters and then off to fleet and start a spamming. I know you can't monitor all the time but how's about having a system where you check reports of credit selling spammers? Have that as some sort of option on how to report so its not just a wave of reports on spam?? I know someone who made a few stupid lines of white in general chat and less than ten min after he started he got a 12 hour suspension on his ability to use any chat channels. Yet spammers go on and on for HOURS on end. Honestly this is pathetic and since people pay you a LOT you should be taking care of pests like these that ruin the game.
  2. I'm playing a sin, she's level 25 now, problem is she's overly squishy and regardless of what I do I'm always doing LOW levels of actual damage. I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing...or is it just one of those class' that doesn't get real good until a point? I'm using a focus for off hand, can't remember the tree but it starts off with that stance that you build up energy and let it all out after gathering 3x it for one powerful zap. I've seen other assassins doing massive damage but I'm assuming they were higher levels than I am as I can't seem to do anything but die very, very easily. I try going with the group and working along the healer or tank...squish and little dps. I go and try for a solo target...again squish. I've all blue gear that's up to level with my character, mod able ftw, double saber. I haven't bothered with augments yet because I'm kinda broke and they're very expensive. I'm losing intrest in doing pvp as I feel so underpowered yet everyone expects me to be OP.
  3. Here's the thing I love the strongholds, I love the fact that there's somewhere to go as "home" for your characters which makes it more RP friendly however...there's something missing. The missing is somewhere to go bathroom and somewhere to cook/get food from. If you're an RP you use your home as a home, but how do you eat when there's no where to cook food? Where do you go to the bathroom or shower? There's a refresher on I think the agent ship but I don't think I've seen it anywhere else. Just a thought but hey how's about adding those to stronghold?
  4. Its been said but really not enough since nothing has changed. The ability to buy Cartel Coins should be easier for those of us who can't just go to a store and buy the cards. There's that stupid wait a week after x number of buys before you can buy anything else...mean while there's other stuff that you may want that you cannot pay for with in game coin. Race change, redesign characters and so on should be in game coin available as an option. Sell Cartel Coin cards to Canadians or other countries other than the US. I've been told by the guys on the phone to have a US friend buy me a card. This is their idea of a solution to the Cartel Coin lock outs?! There HAS to be a change made as this is the ONLY game I'm aware of with such stupid restrictions on in game coin buys. If we want to waste our money on Cartel Coins we should be able to instead of feeling like some parental figure is standing there telling us we can only have so much.
  5. I decided to go down the line to use surging charge. However I'm still figuring out, or trying to, as to which attacks charge which skill so I can maximize damage. I know shock charges up fairly easy but which skills charge up surge? I only rarely get to 3 with surge and haven't exactly figured out which skills charge that one. Anyone with info on this I'd be much obliged.
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