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Posts posted by sithlordwulf

  1. people need to stop acting like this is a fair fight vitiate was a strong sith but not one of the best and that's the difference between them . Sidious is called by many the best and strongest Sith Lord ever . So why do people think vitiate even stands a chance ? I never hear anyone say vitiate was the strongest sith or even among them . He used rituals and consumed the souls of other Sithlords to get his power . Sidious was just naturally evil and killed his own parents and trained under a master of the dark side . Sidious would crush vitiate in lightsaber combat / force ability and anything else . Darth tyranus called sidious a black hole in the force lol . And I've only heard from a SWTOR character that vitiate eyes where as black as a black hole . Not a black hole in the force . But besides power , sidious was a master mind he was behind everything from ep 1-3 even turning anakin into a dick and trying to turn luke too almost did too . But vitiate wasn't weak he turned Revan and malak to the dark side which is great but not as great as sidious plan of ruling the Galaxy .
  2. This is how you want to earn respect?


    The truth is that MMOs have to take a step back graphically compared to single player games because of the technical demands of an MMO that a single player game doesn't have and still allow a lot of people to be able to play it. MMOs are played by many people at the same time and the higher the specs, the fewer people can play it. These are just simple realities out there that you seemed to be blissfully unaware of.


    If you want people to take you more seriously, perhaps you should stop insulting people yourself, because you've done that from your first post and I don't see why you expect people to treat you with respect if you can't even do that yourself?


    I didn't mean to come off rude I'm just tired of people saying the mmo games are stylized I know that I never said they weren't ? All I said is I wish and would love this game so much if it did have the graphics of games like skyrim or fallout 3 . I didn't say they need to do that or that I want next gen graphics people keep putting words in my mouth and it gets annoying .

  3. Really? his quote doesn't look at all the way you describe it, how could that be? :eek:


    In all seriousness, the game was styled a particular way for stylistic purposes, they chose to go with stylized over realistic to avoid being outdated in few years. If you don't like this choice, and it bothers you that much, you do not have to play it.


    Yeah I'm sorry just got a little pissed off been replying a lot this morning >.< but yes I understand that It's stylized I don't hate the game I love it . I would just love it way more if it looked like skyrim or had the slightest bit of reality in it . Cause during npc convos I can just easily get thrown out the game . I like to feel like I am in the game not out of it .

  4. The first point here is what I was trying to make. I was in no way trying to harass, assault or anything else. Might I suggest you (the OP) consider taking a deep breath and re-reading some of the posts in a more positive light ?


    Your were saying I was willfully ignorant ? I understand that they made it a certain way cause it's the easiest way to go all I said was I "wish " they weren't a certain way . But people keep saying its stylized ,I know I never said it wasn't ??

    But don't think all mmo games have to look a certain way cause they don't it's just opinion to say that . This is star wars a money maker and with die hard fan everywhere . Just think if they made the game with the look of skyrim or a fallout 3 it would sell like crazy . I'm not degrading the game I just wish they were like that .

  5. This game is greatly stylized in a manner that is both fantastic and real. Graphic settings at max and you see realistic textures objects, trees, grass, etc. The cutscenes are less so but according to the devs from way back when this was an artistic decision. I'll find the quote and link it if I can.



    Nevertheless, IMO, this hardly makes it cartoonish from my point of view. You look at games like Wildstar or WoW and they set the standard for cartoonish. This game is in no way similar to those games in terms of art style.


    Well I can only play the game with normal graphics but I'm not degrading them .I just wish something's don't look toon like . But it's just a wish . Thanks for not getting offended by it like other people .

  6. I don't think graphics are that important to me gameplay is more important, Swtor has a unique and fun combat system with some pretty nice animations.


    Yes finally someone who doesn't take what I said as a threat to their face lol . I love the game I didn't even critic it just said I wish they were better . And people most fanboys take it up the butt and attack me saying I don't know about mmos and and trying to scam people into referring like *** is wrong with some people . It's a game not your life don't get so angry over a opinion .

  7. First you insult the game graphics most of us love, then you suggest it would look better with realism (which we all know, it wouldn't), then you fish for referrals... classy.


    Edit: Also, KotoR graphics, LQL.


    Lmfao ! How do you find me saying I wish the game wasn't so toony as an insult . You must find any criticism as an insult then which is horrible it doesn't hurt to question a game damn no one loves a die hard fan boy . And so you speak for everyone wow didn't know someone could do that . The games graphics are not amazing nor great you must have not played another game ever . Just do a run through any flashpoint or the first one black talon lol the imperial navy people in light armor look horrible their outfits look attached to their skin . Maybe you have a nice expensive graphics card but I don't . Don't get mad at me for just wishing the game had graphics like fallout 3 which aren't amazing but can make me feel like I'm in the game .

  8. It's pretty obvious you don't know much about MMO design. MMOs use stylized art to help prevent them from looking outdated as quickly, important when many run for a decade or more, and to reduce the performance impact when a lot of players are in one place. It has nothing to do with being lazy or not caring, which by the way is the laziest way people complain about MMOs, which makes me think you are lazy. Also, this is what KOTOR looks like. Yeah, that is so much better :rolleyes:


    This game is absolutely gorgeous.


    Ugh what's wrong with you people who think all mmo games should look the same I swear you all act so arrogantly as if you know everything I just said I wish it didn't look so toony. That's it . Your all take it up the butt and get mad cause your fanboys who act like you know everything xD

  9. ACtually I do. The "cartoony" look you want to get rid of is what I call stylized. and for the record, I never claimed oyu wanted CoD graphics. The reasons for it beeing "cartoony" is several.

    (Disclaimer: I am not a programmer or designer, so this is mostly guesswork on my part.)


    -Less of uncanny Valey (Not a big issue, but hey, a game that aimed for millions had to take that into acount when settling on GFX style.


    -Less info to and from server. (This is mostly physics related, i'd think)


    -Easier to run on older harware. ( A BIG reason)


    -Refrain from looming to outdated to fast. (A lot of very old games still look decent, due to a stylized art choice)





    So no. fo a MMO that is few years old I think it look decent. On the other hand, they could do a lot of more work with animations IMHO.


    Lmfao *** is stylized your funny bro xD all that doesn't have to do with graphics they could be better your just making exuses for protecting the way it looks now .

  10. LOL.. yeah... he is projecting a clear sign of false memory. I bet he walked 8 miles, uphill both ways, in the snow, to get to school too. :p


    To the OP... um... MMOs are not meant to be anywhere near realistic in graphical rendering. And as cartoonish goes.. this one is pretty far down the list of MMOs that are currently running.


    I agree the graphics are better then most mmo games .but I just wish they didn't look cartoon like . Don't hate the game but npc convos can really take me out of the game .

  11. IHO, alot of the games that aim for realism, is the one that gets outdatet in the GFX department first. A stylized look , ala this or wow tend to look better for most people inthe loong run. Just compare a 5 year old shooter game or sometthing to the ones today, and you will get my meaning :)


    You don't understand and so do the 2 other dudes who argreed with you I didn't ever say I wanted call of duty graphics or next gen I just said I wish the SWTOR graphics weren't so cartoon like . It's a wish I don't hate the game just would love it more if npc convos didn't look like a toon show .

  12. Hmm lets see, maybe because on weekends threads about RAF links come out of the woodwork. lol

    There is no hate; it's just a rule.


    As for your OP, this game is way less cartoonish than WoW.

    Funny you complain about it, because when I came to this from WoW I hated the graphics. I liked the cartoonish of WoW. It made it more fantasy, game like. Not RL.


    I honestly didn't even know that I just started posting on SWTOR site recently and in my past posts I haven't put my refer link at all . And so I'm not saying SWTOR is more anime then WOW I'm just saying I wish they didn't make this game look cartoon like but I'm not hating I just wish .

  13. Considering this is our KOTOR 3, the graphics make sense.


    Haircuts is another question entirely...who says you can't be emo in Star Wars Universe tho? I'm sure plenty of things in life to hate there.


    Hmm it really doesn't make sense people seem to forget this is star wars we are talking about millions of die hard fans they could've made tons of cash if they fixed on some parts of the game including basic graphics . I know they graphic cards do improve texture but I don't think it makes them look less cartoon like . Having convos with npcs sometimes can really show the flaws .

  14. Those are the only two options you can see? The "tyranny of the or" raises its head. :)


    Truthfully, though, there are many reasons to have stylized graphics in a game. Some can be due to the models that an engine best supports. Going outside those model frames actually can cause severe issues with the engine and thus with gameplay. (And, no, this is not just Hero Engine. Anyone try the 2D high-res models on the Unity engine lately?)


    Also, certain graphic models allow the game engine to "de-texturize" in a scalable way to allow the game to be played as well as possible on various systems of differing graphical capabilities. My son plays SWTOR on an IBM Ultrabook Thinkpad laptop, for example, and his experience is quite good with the game.


    Finally, what is "realism" that you speak of? That can mean quite different things, particularly in the context of game design. Ultra-cartoon-like models can still exhibit realistic body motion (animations), which is a form of "realism." The most cartoon-like game in the world can have an excellent physics engine that models collisions and object interaction. That would qualify as a form of "realism" -- even with those cartoon graphics.


    People who want to be informed about realism in games (instead of just complain about it) should read various articles on the subject. A particularly good, if involved one, is here:




    Not all "realism" means photo-realism, for example. There's also the long-running debate of realism compared to style in graphics for gaming concerns.


    Clearly not everyone will agree on all of these things, of course, but at least being somewhat informed about them will make it easier to take certain viewpoints seriously. Who knows? It may actually lead to interesting discussion about the pros and cons of "more realism" versus "more stylized" and whether there even has to be a "versus" there.


    You need to chill to idk why people defend the game like it's their God . It doesn't hurt to have criticism or just a opinion on something . Yes realism what do you want me to say I'm just trying to put my point out there that I wish it didn't look so cartoonish .

  15. The graphics aren't bad but just wish they added some realism into the game even in the new trailers for the fallen empire the republic character looks like a cartoon . Or the emo haircuts lol they make characters look anime . It makes me think they are either lazy and don't give a **** to add realism into the game or they were going for a anime star wars . If this game had the graphics of fallout of the old kotor I would be so in love with it . :(
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