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Posts posted by JEDIKATT

  1. Bioware, this is the single most frustrating issue I have encountered in playing SWTOR. You see an awesome piece of gear that would look perfect on your cross faction alt, you go to the Nar Shaddaa GTN, sell it, quickly jump to your alt and buy it, but low and behold, it has changed appearance and now it is useless to you.


    Why Bioware? Why...


    Some have said it's so that you can instantly recognize opposing factions in PVP. Ok, I can get that, a reasonable goal to be sure. But... here's the thing. You can already recognize classes by their weapons. Large cannon = commando, rifle = vanguard, single pistol = scoundrel, dual pistols = gunslinger, and so on and so on.


    I don't know about you, but I don't go into pvp, see an enemy, and think, hmm... why type of brown robes is he wearing? I see the guy, see the weapon, and I instantly know what I am fighting.


    Bioware, myself, and many of my guildmates and friends are exceedingly frustrated by gear changing appearance cross faction.


    What is wrong with wearing brown jedi robes as a light side Sith?


    Or black sith robes as a dark side jedi?


    I personally very much want to be able to wear Mandalorian armor on my Trooper. With the new legacy system being implement, my trooper is my bounty hunters father, he is a Mandalorian but chose to fight for the Republic instead of the Sith. I want him to wear Mandalorian armor. Is that too much to ask?


    I don't think this would be too difficult to fix. Why not change it so that an items appearance depends on which faction it was ORIGINALLY crafted or looted on. You could simply add the imperial or republic symbol to the tooltip info for an item, to show which appearance it will have.


    For example, Elite Vanguard helmet crafted by a republic character as the republic insignia on it's tooltip, if it is traded to an imperial character via the Nar Shaddaa GTN, it will still look like a trooper helmet, and vice versa.


    You wouldn't need to change the loot system significantly or anything, just tweaking it this way would fix so many problems with gear customization.


    Please consider it.


    HOPE WE GET THIS OR that has control of what style version one to look at so few of the bounty hunter and you want him to wear an outfit that looks like a trooper from habits one that's just a PC gear that you found in the game and not by it would be great if we have a soft or if you had about how about you want to put on your true city at customization control side wishes on we're looking at WOULD BE GREAT

  2. Sure if you're a high level character like a level 50 or 60 or what about level 10 to 20 characters for players that are new to the game and would like to be able to have access to it as well shouldn't they also have the ability to be able to use a relatively soon instead of completing a complete line to level out before they can use it the collective trade network should be more of a just a tool used by the super rich


    There should be economic balance across all servers for the collective trade network that way you don't have to server job just to get a good deal everything is equal


    I'm sorry you're not understanding my original point


    Guess there comes a point of economics but there also is a point of ridiculous price gouging which is gone too far in this game I speak not just for myself and I speak for other players who have had to suffer and enter this as well

  3. I think the reason we cannot see other players strongholds are tops it factions because they are faction bound to either the character's name that you list is the owner or the symbol of what faction in belongs to


    I think that's the reason why this happens also if both factions were able to be friends of each other it would be very interesting and enjoyable and find and it would be no peace in the game



    I don't know if anybody wants that it might make everything very confusing you've got the entire troopers and Republic troopers working together I think that would only work if there was actually some kind of a third faction that you could play as to where you had to have the two 1st factions come together to defeat the third happens all the time and TV shows up

  4. If milk was a luxury item that was completely unnecessary for playing a game and the easiest way to get it was to pay $500, then yeah, that's how much I would pay. There are other ways to get items that involve work and effort, if you're not willing to do them, then you pay the price set by the person who has the supply. Because that's what you're talking about here. These aren't real life staples that benefit your health and well-being, they're toys. Virtual toys in a game.


    If they are too expensive for you, don't buy them. But if traveling to another server and finding a lower price is a better use of your time than earning more credits, do that. If buying a transfer makes more sense to you than buying your own cartel packs, do that. But don't complain about other people making different choices just because you want everything handed to you. If you demand that everything cost the same, that just makes everything worthless.


    Why do you think that you have the right to tell other players how much their items are worth to everyone? You can tell them how much it is worth to you, by not buying anything. But why do you feel justified in telling everyone in the game that the money they spent on hypercrates or the hours they spent earning credits is worth no more than how much you happen to have, and that anyone who asks for more is greedy and should be punished? Maybe if you put just as much effort into earning credits as you do into making angry posts you would be a little better off.


    It's a game, you get out of it what you put into it. You have to play with other people, that's 'with' not 'over' - you don't get to control how or why other people play. You compromise and you accept that other people might have more time and get different random things. Being nasty and jealous because you want something is detrimental to everyone. Either you work for it or you learn to do without. That's what fairness is. You're asking for handouts and price controls so that you can get what you want with minimal effort. That's not fairness to anybody except you.


    Finally, your comment about the chair exploit is beyond ridiculous and you should be ashamed for making it.


    tl;dr: I don't drink milk, but if it cost $500 and I needed it, yes I would pay it because complaining to the grocery store that the prices are too high won't get me any free milk.


    For one thing when you really think about it now is a luxury item you can get by just by drink water plus I do not feel ashamed about my chair exploit analysis I feel totally valued about it you disagree with it but that doesn't mean I'm any less correct on it



    Up and let me ask you a question what you think you have the right to tell me I don't have the right to say that when I'm making a post on behalf of anybody that struggled to try to make a purchase in auction house the auction house should be available to every player no matter what their level and players should not have to grind for days just to meet a seller's ridiculous price may be the GNT should be boycotted

  5. If milk was a luxury item that was completely unnecessary for playing a game and the easiest way to get it was to pay $500, then yeah, that's how much I would pay. There are other ways to get items that involve work and effort, if you're not willing to do them, then you pay the price set by the person who has the supply. Because that's what you're talking about here. These aren't real life staples that benefit your health and well-being, they're toys. Virtual toys in a game.


    If they are too expensive for you, don't buy them. But if traveling to another server and finding a lower price is a better use of your time than earning more credits, do that. If buying a transfer makes more sense to you than buying your own cartel packs, do that. But don't complain about other people making different choices just because you want everything handed to you. If you demand that everything cost the same, that just makes everything worthless.


    Why do you think that you have the right to tell other players how much their items are worth to everyone? You can tell them how much it is worth to you, by not buying anything. But why do you feel justified in telling everyone in the game that the money they spent on hypercrates or the hours they spent earning credits is worth no more than how much you happen to have, and that anyone who asks for more is greedy and should be punished? Maybe if you put just as much effort into earning credits as you do into making angry posts you would be a little better off.


    It's a game, you get out of it what you put into it. You have to play with other people, that's 'with' not 'over' - you don't get to control how or why other people play. You compromise and you accept that other people might have more time and get different random things. Being nasty and jealous because you want something is detrimental to everyone. Either you work for it or you learn to do without. That's what fairness is. You're asking for handouts and price controls so that you can get what you want with minimal effort. That's not fairness to anybody except you.


    Finally, your comment about the chair exploit is beyond ridiculous and you should be ashamed for making it.


    tl;dr: I don't drink milk, but if it cost $500 and I needed it, yes I would pay it because complaining to the grocery store that the prices are too high won't get me any free milk.


    You're just going to have to realize that not everything on the auction house GNT it is a high demand item basically everything gets put upon their because that's the only resource players have to sell their stock to other players but not everything on there is a high demand item

  6. As with most everything you can purchase, everything falls into two categories.


    Need, and want.


    You need food, water, shelter, and clothing.


    Lets see, the first one, you can live percectly fine on basic food staples, milk, bread, fruits, vegerables, assorted meats.


    You dont however need soda, chips, cookies, beer, pizza, mcdonalds, taco bell, outback steakhouse, starbucks coffee et cetera, you -want- those :p


    Just like the gtn. You can get perfectly good & servicable (and usually ugly) gear from the comms vendors.


    You dont -need- cartel armor, weapons, toys and whatnot, you just -WANT- them.


    As with everything in life if you want luxuries (anything thats not basics/essentials) they cost extra. Just because you want a Cadillac but can only afford a Volkswagon Rabbit doesnt mean Cadillac should just give you one of their cars for the price of a Rabbit...



    (He had a Volkswagon Rabbit!) :D



    What I needed was a device to shield me for moms at any given that even though I kept asking people for information about the device I was looking for I got no answers and I thought this device some windshield me from mobs it was the holographic disguise it was the only reason I purchased it because I have an ax will need a shield myself from mobs for my lower level characters and that the

  7. Sorry OP, I disagree. Players should have the right to sell their stuff at whatever price they want. No matter how high or how low.

    Is this thread topic much different than the one you started a few days ago?



    Then maybe what really needs to be done is to increase the time from a two day time limit to maybe a two week time limit and then give players more time to come up with the funds to buy items on some of these outrageous GMT prices

  8. The economy of the Galactic Trade Market is a player-defined economy. BioWare doesn't and can't control what players price their items as.



    Up yes BioWare can do this every thing is controlled by a central system from Lou traps to currency to an immune response everything you can think of in the game's control bicycle system oh BioWare need to do is put up a currency pricing subroutine so players don't get gouged out to be honest it's really not fair that players have to server john just to get a more reasonable price I'm sure everybody's gonna be disagree with me but I'm just telling you that guess it is possible to do this and two are just pricing values but that and the to make them more reasonable and more universe will



    Up the only reason I can think that pricing would be so higher on a European server besides a U.S. server is maybe a Euro is more valuable than a dollar and maybe that's what players are basing their pricing on but I don't really know it's only a theory

  9. Trolls are red players they think they the best gamers ever so they act like super jerks / as long as there he i hope they sub / only good thing about them is there money keeps game going / other then that down with red players


    point of fact red players can be 13-19 years old aswell

  10. To be clear how about my case the Point I'm trying to make is there should be balanced economics of the quality to where you don't have to server jump to purchase an item basically if there were fixed or AIDS at least where things are balanced of not being able to spend too much or too little people would not have to server jump I guess another way of solving this problem is when level 60 characters are available I guess a lot of players will be putting them on every server because it's impossible to do Gillies on a server that you don't play on normally at least that's one way to solve the problem but yeah I was just looking for a little bit of a quality not just for myself but for many other players because if you do search the thread there are more players to myself that are very angry about price gouging and that they are sick of it and so I thought I would speak up on behalf of those players and try to help everybody out



    The item in question I struggled to purchase was a holographic disguise I was under the impression that this would help me from mobs and let me sleep by them Aidid asked my guild and the general chat before I did communicate about many other options and I did try to get information on this item before I went to purchase but nobody answered me so I was under the impression that this would help me from MOBS if I knew how the item actually functioned I would not bothered struggling for three days trying to purchase it the demonstrations on you to buy about in game items how they react in reality is literally no insight and no help



    By the way when I do buy things I do not buy them for luxury purposes is for necessity of reasons if I had accurate information at the time or somebody wouldn't give me some information about the item in question it would've been a tremendous benefit all of this item I learned the hard way that the


    Are all items on the collective trade network like this or do they actually provide some kind of on benefit to actually owning them 20 help you in the game?

  11. SO I TAKE IT YOU GUYS are perfectly IP happy for grinding for days to estimate of basic price of a single item would you also do that in the real world and pay $500 for a gallon of milk ?


    why is it when somebody actually asks FOR A BIT OF fairness when it comes to economic trade it seems like the players that seemed to gain the most by price gouging always seem to object to it



    If by aware did not care about economic fairness in the game they would not have bothered removing purchase a chair for one credit and sell it for a hungry

  12. I don't know how many people play as an alien species when it comes to being an imperial agent or whatever class you're playing but he just seems when you're playing an alien especially on the empire side it doesn't seem to fit or make sense that they would be speaking for example with the imperial accident or even in English for that matter it would be wonderful if we can have some alternative audio voicing to address this


    That the possibility one alien dialect speaking with subtitles


    And the possibility to the option of two have the choice to not have to listen to the imperial accent so it makes the character feel like you that's really in the venture because the accent can be a little offsetting actor not a person that speaks with an accent of that nature


    Maybe there could be languages without the accent ?


    Not everybody that works for the empire speaks with an accent it would be great if we did get this displayed in our characters as well


  13. Okay for the past three days I have not been on my main server because the pricing on that server is ridiculously outrageously high so what I had to do was go to a server I don't normally play out with a lower level character to get access to the galactic trade network based took me three days to do to finally get the item that's three days of me not being able to enjoy the story or any other fine content made by by aware because I'm struggling trying to get credits together to purchase a small item


    This was a tremendous struggle for me



    And that that if anybody else has had the same experience are some similar please post

  14. Because I saw a lot of people ************ and moaning about 51 not using the word "Meatbag" in SWTOR when neither HK-50s nor HK-51 used it in Kotor 2, ever.

    I'll admit it was a gross generalization but the "Meatbag" use was explained by HK-47 in Kotor 1 to be his alone. He explains how he came to use it, why he kept doing it....

    And then people suddenly decided every HK droid ever was to use the word "Meatbag".




  15. The reason this is being asked for is because it would be wonderful if we had the ability to transfer the color schemes that were able to acquire on one server and be able to unlock them on every other server I just unlocked black on black DYE model I could do to appease secure that I like but I'm unable to put it where I want to on my proper server please consider adding this feature


    Up there so many different items between cartel market and just standard game generated items it would be wonderful if dYe were included in this process is well

  16. Untrue. HK-51s were a new line produced by HK-47 himself on Telos to help defeat the HK-50 line (If Kotor 2 Restored Content is indeed canon).

    It's a new body and a new software inside.

    It's not the same droid and 51 never says "Meatbag" (Which is totally OK since it was a HK-47 quirk meant to annoy Malak, not a staple of HK droids. Fandom decided it was but it is not.)



    How do you know that's true about the FaNDom?

  17. Ooooh.. So I'm guessing you're an American who prefer generic voices and hates British accents then?

    And that only when the British accent is completely abused in saturated in many different forms overly an unnecessarily that is when I don't like British accents but that does not mean that I like generic VO work so you're off by your assumption




    By the way just because Tara strong has done many different parts in many different rules that does not mean that her work is generic


    Plus the fact that it does not sound right to have that accent coming out of a nonhuman type character just because an ailing is serving the empire does not mean that she was raised from birth to speak with an accent there could be alternatives to where she could be a collaborator who defected to the empire and earned her place as an agent because when I play that storyline I don't play IT as human

  18. I am not able to readjust my stats when it comes to having data crONS attached to my characters which a spouse do is be able to maxim out to feature level but the problem I have is that once you attach them to a certain level and you level up they really are no good for you anymore it would be great if you could go back to the original spot we found one and get a new piece then you could throw the old ones away
  19. I read out here that we are getting a new age came all it would be great if he was tank as well as DPS because tanks are really do last longer in a fight and the HK I have now really is a disappointment because I like to stand back and let him do all the work on my classes and he can't really last long in the fight so I hope my suggestion makes improvements to the new model
  20. You get the option to be <name> The Pure at Light 5 - That should be a beacon enough if you wish to flaunt how good you are.


    Though TBH most saints let their humility and their deeds speak for themselves. :cool:



    I am only requesting that the light side ability has a cosmetic change to itself as well just like Ali was in the KOTOR 2 GAME as someone else mentioned earlier in in my topic when you got to be light side you looked more happier and more alive something like that would make the game play a more balanced because it seems like everybody's rolling dark side characters mainly to see the cosmetic changes I know that's the reason why I'm doing it

  21. Hk-51 is a DPS.


    HK-51 is nothing BUT a DPS. He uses a Sniper Rifle and either Cunning, Aim, or a mix of the two if you really feel like trying to min/max him. He is not just a DPS; in fact he is ONLY a DPS, no tanking or healing abilities on him.


    Let's hope that the new reached a model that is coming out is partake because that way to last longer in a fight because tanks have greater resistance to getting shot at

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