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Everything posted by CommanderSund

  1. Thanks for the replies! Glad to know it's old news. I realize healing can only give out so many medals, but even if you get 5 medals for healing plus the defensive medals for sitting on a node; you get a lot of easy medals. It'd be so satisfying to take one out with a stealther just after they've depleted their HP... It also gives a force recharge penalty. I guess you could kinda say it's a risk vs reward manouver?
  2. Isn't it technically the same as in the 10-29 bracket? A level 10 vs a level 25-29 is 90% of the time gonna get destroyed. At least it's easier to level from 10-25 than from 30-45.
  3. Hey. First off, I apologize if this, or a simliar, threads exists. I just wanted to know if people were aware that Sorcerers / Sages can farm WZ medals by using that ability that drains HP and converts it into Force and then repedeataly healing themselves. A sorcerer who stands on a node the whole game and does this, with occasional attacking, gets so many medals. I just played with one such Sorc, and he got 17 medals in one game; most from just healing and he wasn't even speced as a healer! Now, I realize this isn't game breaking or anything, but since most (low level) players tend to give the MVP vote to the person with the most medals, I think it's quite unfair on the person who actually earned his medals.
  4. I don't mind that they fix a bug during the prime-time to play. I do mind, however, that they call it a "brief" fix. What is brief? It's been 1 hour now - is that brief? My idea of brief if 5-15 minutes, if I'm honest.
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