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  1. Dear BioWare, I read your blog saying there are no new blogs coming for Knights of the Fallen Empire, and that is disappointing. I don't understand why you don't give the long time players something new to do every couple months. Now we're playing through EV, KP, and all the same ops that we have been for 4 years and being told we aren't getting anything new. That is a huge let down to the Ops community because after a while in KOTFE the old ops are going to get old, when they keep giving the same gear, and there is nothing new to do. If you wanted to work on a Single Player Star Wars game, why didn't you make KOTFE KOTOR3 instead of making it a single player focus in a Massive MULTIPLAYER ONLINE RPG? If the point of a Multiplayer game is group content, why not make new group content? The main focus of a multiplayer game shouldn't be single player content, it makes no sense at all. I enjoy logging into the game, and doing the ops, and talking to my guild. But without new group content, I don't know how much longer people will stay interested. Unless you are intentionally trying to kill the game, I don't understand not working on content in ALL ASPECTS of the game.
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