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Everything posted by Lodinn

  1. I could only assume you actually meant 100% - [100% - non_dominant] ^ Attempts for success rate which is not only very intuitive, it's literally the same formula being used above. Get rid of the "dominant" and "non-dominant" notion altogether, it makes no difference at all because the calculation here is: 1) Find the probability of independently failing every time (since we're looking for 1 success only) - that's p_failure^attempts, or (1 - "chance to research the schematic")^deconstructions 2) Find the probability of this NOT happening = 1 - probability from the previous calculation. No matter if the success rate is 1% or 99.9% - the formula stays the same, the numbers are changing. For say 30 attempts that gives: At 95% failure chance the calculation would be 0.95^30=21.5% chance of not obtaining a single success in 30 trials At 5% failure chance it becomes 0.05^30=9.3e-40 chance of not obtaining a single success in 30 trials which, for all practical purposes, is a given success. That's just statistics 101, the part that is normally taught on like the very first lecture.
  2. Why wouldn't it be free for anyone else then considering they're already severely crippled in terms of income? The whole idea of that price tag was to introduce yet another money sink to the game which it does. Not that it actually helped the economy though...
  3. Most players sticking around for a while have toons both sides. Personally, my experience so far is that imps are toxic as hell (compared to the other game communities I've been exposed to lately, anyway), reps are also toxic but far more commonly hugboxey... And grossly incompetent. I'd say imps are just more vocal at the end of the day, reps don't confront people as often but on the flipside it also means they're teaching less, be it content-specific tactics or class knowledge. Which, unsurprisingly, aligns pretty well with Republic & Empire respective ideologies :) Pick your poison.
  4. DF is one op where you can basically bring a team with rather minimal HM+ experience and make it to Brontie without much hassle... The difficulty curve is weird there, some of the easiest nim bosses before one of the hardest in the entire game.
  5. Oh that they did. In the latest FPs it's literally easier to burn the boss sometimes, also doesn't help that in umbara, chiss, and meridian there are major burn phases where you are not supposed to even kill these adds first. Plus rescaling of a bunch of other FPs changed things. If done right mobs are going down much faster indeed. In VM I'm pulling these packs to LoS on a dps over 90% of the time, tank or not. I remember when people used to CC those, especially when slice droid was still a thing, now given how much people run HS the more efficient ways have surfaced. It really is much, much faster to LoS this 3rd pull and be able to aoe spam it down; sniper quite easily can tank it alone on VM with just diversion and a few more cooldowns provided people are pressing buttons. With how the pack is spread, juggs typically struggle with aggro otherwise and it's a hot mess where it doesn't have to be. So no, I'm totally with the dps there, although kicking is surely too extreme. Yeah that's a good way to do it. Since the slow way apparently bugs out these days more often than not, you only get 1 missile reset per fight, so it's expected for the healer to make up for it. Interrupting flame sweep is a good advice not that many people seem to be aware of, but again, with everyone 306 healer typically easily heals through before damage gets actually harsh for long enough. Now I'm curious about what you wanted to tell them. Healer doesn't need the guard but in a typical scenario, including the one you've described, there are no better targets for it anyway. That's more odd since comps are typically good with cleanses but it might be they cleanse too early and the stacks ramp up. A decent sin should still be able to negate nearly all of them ofc. Despite healers best effort the tank dies in the 6-second period that he has aggro from his taunt, doesn't follow cleanse mechanic and we wipe. The tank-dps quits group and we requeue, get a proper tank and complete fp easily. That's right, you basically aoe them down anyway now. Non-LoSing takes about twice as much time so it's rarely done like intended in groups knowing their stuff. Tython circles get meme-y but jokes aside, this boss is overtuned. Even ignoring desync bs and such, there's a huuuge difference between the regular MMFP boss where the healer uses cleanse once in a blue moon and can snooze for the rest of the fight and ~30%+ hp unavoidable raidwides with the need to move. DPS using cooldowns help immensely of course, but anyway the group breezing through say rakata may very well struggle with this one. While personally I think it's a more desirable level of difficulty for MMFP than what we have now, most of the rest bosses are tuned way lower than that.
  6. Gree event showcases this perfectly. At best there are 2-3 groups actually fighting, the rest of the playerbase gets mostly annoyed rather than anything by the need to suicide a few times running into gankers while trying to do the quest. Maybe the same dozen or few per server get some kicks off it but you surely don't suddenly have hundreds of people fighting over some stuff. It might be a nice community building thing if some big rewards were placed behind owpvp but it's more likely to go in a fashion similar to how people farm pvp achievements on planets every now and then, by collaborating rather than doing bona fide pvp.
  7. Uhhh this is helpful but mostly not cooldown-related and not requiring active response... As for the original question - hitting into ED is sometimes better than letting it expire; juggs and mercs survivability is like 30% based on that people abandon them early seeing that their efforts are futile while these classes are the most vulnerable. Playing each class to understand how it looks from the other side and what really kills you is really probably the best advice. Also with the abundance of buffs, animations would probably be a better cue but is much harder to record and besides, may depend on graphics settings... So stop tunneling hotbars and keep an eye out for these things Also also, keep in mind that if YOU know to switch from the target it doesn't mean your team does. Knowledge is power but it regularly leads to a frustration like "I know what to do and can reason about it but my team won't listen so I can't climb". That's a fallacy, sure, but it also has some merit to it: communication may easily outweigh personal knowledge but far less commonly mechanical skill.
  8. Yeah that looks more like my experience as well. There are also somewhat typical games where teams are not that comparable but that's a separate issue.
  9. Oh that's bloody lovely, so it's THAT kind of an argument - REEEEE EVERYTHING IS TOO HUGBOXEY WE ELITISTS HAVE A HARD TIME PROVING OTHERS WE'RE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THEM AT VIDYA, THEY DON'T EVEN REALIZE THEY'RE BAD HOW CAN I BE AN ELITIST LIKE THAT REEEEEE. In all seriousness though, the game design is and always will cater to the wide audience. With the few exceptions like Sekiro, this means going more and more casual. Then in case of a pvp there's the issue of learning curve/community trying to teach those willing to learn to smoothen this curve out. I somewhat like how LoL approached this with breaking down winrates by brackets and trying to figure out how the skill is rewarded vs raw numbers you'll almost inevitably will be having and adjust different parts of the champion design accordingly. This topic has also been raised repeatedly on the forums - there should be a carrot on a stick pushing people towards getting better (and trying to win the game), which is arguably the main issue with regs currently. There is no carrot. Indeed, people feel good about just going in and shooting at random at others and it's crucial that they don't feel bad about dying all the time because currently, there's hardly anything making them feel good and reward them for sick plays. I find it both amusing and a little unsettling how your kind would never ever miss an opportunity to drop a statement somewhere stating how much better are they than the common folk at the game even if it contributes basically nothing to the discussion. "LOOK MA I'M AN ALPHA PREDATOR HURRDURR". It really is funny. Now not so sure about that - there are games which basically consist of ranked pvp with all the other stuff serving as some preparation/training grounds for it... And not even sure about not dying - sports is commonly team pvp where no one dies, the idea is rather that: There should be clearly defined objectives and an incentive for all playing parties to go after them and follow the rules Players should be given tools helping them with said objectives, the basic usage of those tools should be as clear as possible and Skillful usage of these tools should be rewarded and beat any other circumstances not directly tied to the match itself (in terms of SWTOR PvP - group comp/matchmaking, complete RNG with attacks - think something like oneshotting attacks with 10% hit chance, that kind of stuff existed in games briefly but was largely abandoned) SWTOR PvP currently seems to satisfy only the 2nd point. What you make of it with regards to suggestions is up to you, but this thread specifically attacks the 3rd point (group comp)... But come to think of it, why we don't have as many healers as in 3.0 if it's so good and easy to get right? Maybe cause those people you blame for having low dps also would be useless on heals if they'd play it like that and also feel far less rewarded cause they want just to pewpew and hopefully watch people die?
  10. Oh I'm not saying there isn't a big problem with the design, there is, and there also is a big issue in objective wz that once the turret or whatever was taken it basically becomes a map awareness game because it's borderline impossible to cap with TTKs being so long you can't just eliminate 4+ people from the enemy team or cc them reliably enough to prevent interruptions 99% of the time. It's just not quite as bad as you paint it to be. Add to that some annoyance with pvp achieves (which I at least have) because 55 kills are just.not.happening even if you're killfarming hard, 10 solo kills per match are also a big stretch. It's hard to get right though, especially in a game with low population and high skill disparity - what's good for competitive play unfortunately has a tendency to drive newbies away ("I get killed by a bunch of nerds repeatedly, don't seem to be able to do anything about it, they're also toxic and elitist and the only option to git gud seems to become one of them, I'd rather not" kind of issues). This is the kind of thing why people always cry about the rogues do it from behind kinds of "issues" even if it's technically quite well-balanced IFF people play their classes remotely correctly, which most of the time they don't. Honestly, with the aforementioned learning curve/skill disparity issues I'd argue that increasing the heal received debuff percentage IS needed, likely not twofold but still, but more importantly, these kinds of balancing patches need to happen far more than once in a blue moon, they ideally shouldn't require any separate coding so that devs could put any intern to tweak the actual numbers while some game designer (or a team in bigger studios) keep watching what impact do these patches have on the community. I don't have hope for that much effort from the devs at this point unfortunately, do you? tl;dr: I agree that the TTK should be lower but proposed changes seem too extreme; it's also a big problem that any change left in the game for like an year or at least few months without supervision is likely to break something (nerf healers and tanks too much, by the end of the year you get a bunch of people crying about no one playing pvp anymore cause they spend too much time on respawn which is anti-fun).
  11. On a tank with tank gear, no tactical etc I've just hit about 1.5m basically fighting 1v1 for the majority of the wz and normally am hitting 1.2m at very least unless guarding the objective and no one comes for like the entirety of the round. Typical dps hits at least 5m from my experience. Unless you're turning a blind eye to people not actually engaged in combat for the majority of WZ cause they're playing objectives (like positioning for passes in huttball, guarding objectives or trying to sapcap) I really, really don't know where you numbers come from. Player skill issue is important though, being a bad healer is very very unrewarding in WZs and dps won't know the difference half of the time, similar to how it is in PvE sadly.
  12. Yeah. Maybe I'd finally rise above valor rank 40 that way, wasn't doing PvP at max lvl until like today and got over a dozen toons at valor 30-40. No idea why is it not per-legacy yet but well, given how deep it probably is in the code I'm afraid that's too much to ask for..
  13. Yeeeah, even considering the map pool it feels that the huttball pops disproportionately more often than other objectives maps. From a garbage player who quickly gets bored of arenas as well it's a real bummer, +1. It is weird that for dedicated PvPers there are hardly any viable rewards outside of ranked really, and if they choose to play lowbies it makes sense to get as little XP as possible to stay in the bracket... And for everyone else, the main reward from winning is playing less PvP, for daily/weekly purposes. I don't know what other incentive they could bring to the table but as it stands, rewarding people for playing well by saying "hush hush you don't need to play pvp anymore go do something else" seems weird, to say the least.
  14. Given how underused the blind bubble utility is in regs, I am really wondering about the context for the "sorcs are squishy" notion. Is it "I have PvE utilities and don't respec for PvP and get hunted down" type of scenario or is it "I use pretty much all of my kiting arsenal and still can't withstand the pressure, going down in 2 CC chains".
  15. OR, not AND. Maybe someone's idea of pvp is that 20 minute long matches where you fight until someone dies of exhaustion and starts making mistakes are the perfect way for PvP to exist. Alas, this thread looks more like complaints of someone constantly playing without a tank in their group or tank not doing tanky stuff. Removing the guard swap or at least putting it on 15-20s+ cooldown would improve a lot on its own already, that much is given.
  16. If you go into the fray without a phasewalk placed somewhere, without a bubble on you to blind the attackers and without CCing people yourself you're just asking to get killed. Seen lots of sorcs/sages like this but also seen lots who'd kite your entire team until the end of the day while you are just going down. Seriously though, PvP was never balanced class-wise but being globalled is something different entirely from playing a "wrong class" who actually has plenty of counterplay potential. Main issue in whole this discussion is how you make a team pvp all about you and your ability to counter something you're not supposed to. If you die because of no peel at all while being constantly CCed and your team doesn't manage to do the same or more to the enemy, well, you go down - typically as a team. If you just freecast while your teammates are getting globalled instead of CCing the attackers and go like "But I did so much damage how are we losing", well guess what. To clarify - I cannot and will not make assumptions about your play or situation specifically but all classes have some counterplay to CC indeed, but if you're going down and feel permacontrolled and can't do anything else about it it likely means someone else on your team isn't doing something they're supposed to. Under no circumstances you're supposed to be able to completely cover your teammates shortcomings.
  17. With 2 tanks peeling off them it's not as far-fetched. You're comparing oranges to apples here I feel.
  18. At the game's earliest days, Ilum OWPVP was the only "endgame" available. So yeah people did this. I've been playing since 3.x or so and it was not a thing then already. On occasion people farm achieves but no one does the actual pvping. Your best shot would be dueling people I suppose or going Ilum during the Gree event. Haven't really seen people doing rakghould tunnels pvping, no PvP quests there and fewer achieves...
  19. Lodinn


    Assuming it wasn't sarcasm your level of ignorance is quite astonishing. Yes, it's called raid utility. Besides raid buffs, it includes combat rezzes from stealthers (in PvP that would amount to just personal out-of-combat regen opportunities; in pvp though they also have stealth cc which is rather useless in ops), knockbacks (few bosses like Styrak and Revan require having some), immunities like sorc bubble to ignore mechanics (on bosses like Dread Guards you can use that to ignore certain oneshot mechanics to do things differently and make it much easier on the team), raidwide defensives like sniper ballistic shield which is, again, very powerful... And yes, predation. My old guild group was literally unable to clear Lurker without it. So yeeeah, it was pointed out already that without it dealing with roots/slows would've been harsh. If you thought that you can just sit down as a sniper, root people miles away and shoot at them laughing as they crawl towards you sorry, it has a counter in PvP. Sure thing it can be impactful in 8v8 WZs but cmon, if you think you get rekt in huttball cause of predation then something must've went wrong over many times (spoiler: pass exists).
  20. This is absolutely fine by me PROVIDED the entire group stays on the same page and it's not one of the "link achieve" runs where you get someone tagging along with "is it okay if I only have SM achieves" only to ask "what's the difference from SM" by 2nd or 3rd boss. (side note - from a PvE-er perspective, the single most insufferable kinds of people in ops is perceivably drunk PvPers who enter the SM op, get lots of things wrong even there, still have their sorry asses carried cause it's a roflstomp anyway and then proudly proclaim "I got bored with PvP, went to see if there's any challenge in PvE, ****'s too easy. What's the hardest op in game? Gods NiM? Why don't we go do gods NiM with this group?". Ironically if you take them on that which I did a couple of times way back in the day they bail out after the 2nd wipe still believing they're gods at this game and everyone else must be bad to not do mechs properly... Kinda reflects what's wrong with the mentality of "git gid" in rankeds). I DO agree expectations should be met but in too many cases they don't get communicated beforehand. Also, teaching is hard work sometimes. I maintain a bunch of learning resources both professionally and in some games and people ask things literally written at the start of the FAQ waay too often. Those who are able to come to the right questions on their own entirely are the elite already. You can choose the threshold below which someone is deemed too dumb to waste your time on them but if yours is "being able to find the stuff online" it's actually too high of a bar for the majority of the potential candidates to clear. It would be okay if not for the current dire situation. Similarly, I strongly feel like the issue here stems from different expectations from rankeds - in your typical game with a rating system as a newbie, I'd expect just entering the ranked queue, quickly be placed around the bottom where I belong, being clueless, and start working my way up and learning. It works in chess, it works in LoL, it doesn't work in SWTOR cause the queue is dead and only like 30 people big and (sorry if I'm getting this wrong, couldn't find a definitive answer on this) rankeds are not per-legacy thing which destroys the whole idea of it. Also, matchmaking is terrible even in regs. Off-prime times you just keep getting the same teams over and over without ever swapping people between them. So consider this - suppose after reading some guides I went to regs to practice there and more often than not I don't feel my good or bad plays are making any difference whatsoever. On top of it, it's much harder to learn with actually good pvpers not playing regs that much given the best learning opportunity is seeing someone doing cool things and attempts from someone else competent to counterplay it.
  21. I don't PvP any much and given how some 6m is not too far-fetched to hit on a sorc for pre-75 regs... Don't see that huge of an issue here. On the contrary, it's hard to get actually close to that dps in arenas (at least for me) cause the "constant fighting" there is just a cc/kiting galore, no time to land these sweet force storms on 6 people. As for "they weren't freecasting" - you've been there and seen it firsthand, we weren't, hard to draw conclusions. If anything, elemental tactical makes it possible to aoe rather hard while running around - a luxury you don't have pre-75. VS is one of the craziest maps for hitting dps numbers cause of all the concentrated fighting on 2 spots only, with people commonly less spread out than even in hypergates. Objective-wise it hardly matters though but I'm not fully convinced people care about those enough anyway.
  22. I hate them both enough to necro this thread. Good thing it's now possible to get rid of at least one of them. It was also surprising reading this to see how many people hate Lokin - he's probably my most favorite Agent companion - based on what, rakghoul experiments? I mean if anyone has been subjected to worse things in their lives it's agent. Not in a single of now 8 agent playthroughs the thought of rakghoul plague being considered as something extra bad from my PC perspective even crossed my mind, and now this... Anyway, the list of comps I'd boot out immediately irrespective of playthrough choices: Kaliyo, Skadge, Malavai, Aric Jorgan, Lana+Theron. Not too many. Now as to those I don't see any point in having on my ship the most often are, in no particular order: SCORPIO, Zenith and Iresso, Mako, Doc and Rusk, ship droids, Andronikos, all SW comps pretty much save for Malavai who belongs to the above list, all Smuggler comps save for Risha (Corso/Guss sometimes make sense but a token wookie sure doesn't)... Trooper is hard to comment on cause I just can't get into the story or general premise of being some relatively basic rep army scum. Morality makes things different depending on how you play the character, incompetence (hey Lana I'll show you to the airlock shortly) and/or annoyance (I see why people sometimes hate on Guss) make it hard to find a compelling reason to keep some random dunderhead on your ship.
  23. Snipers sure have lost quite a bit of burst and engi feels like THE way to go in regs, you can't expect one-two shot everyone like before (and it's a good thing!) but saying that snipers have poor survivability for a dps class is :confused: Snipers who make full use of their defensive/kiting kit is absolutely one of the scariest classes to play against. The only twist to it is that once you're out of cover, you lose. Because of all the resists/resets/knockbacks/rolls, dealing with a sniper is a big commitment if you look at it from the other side - and quite typically, it's seen as not worth it if the sniper is any good. The usual reason for snipers focused and dying before making any big impact is either teams being unbalanced (many other classes have it worse) or teammates being lured away from the sniper's nest and sniper having to run around any much.
  24. As someone who just returned to 6.0 from 3.0 era where having more than 3 healers in regs sometimes meant no one was capping mid for the entirety of the match and more often than not reg arenas ended with poison... Yeah. Current state does feel much more healthy. The big issue, already highlighted here, is heals' reliance on tanks. If you queue solo for regs, don't get a tank and it's the arena, odds are you'll lose miserably. If it's something like VS you're lucky and quite impactful. Probably less impactful overall than needed to justify NOT going to WZ to kill people for some but I digress... The question you ask is not wrong per se but it hardly determines viability of healers overall. What does is whether the team with a healer has better chance of winning (or having better K/D ratio if we're talking farmers) than without. Most likely - still yes unless it's a tankless arena. I'd even say regs are in a relatively good state now - from a low-mid casual perspective, anyway. The only really big issue I've ran into so far was PT survivability; it would seem only Canadian is fine with it The rest suffers from usual balancing issues SWTOR always had plenty but again, IMO it's far better now than it was when heals were sustainable until someone slips really hard or until the wz ends.
  25. I think other stats are capped, but in a weird way. There was some investigation on that matter, search something like "best gear for solo pve" or "stats for solo pve" on forums. If I'm not mistaken, it's technically best to get some defense on dps Back to the topic - gear means little for NiM raiders as long as they clear stuff with it. Brontie/Styrak are bit tough if you're full 216 After the whole tier is cleared, it just comes to e-peening in starparse/leaderboards/enjin cause why not and what else to do anyway Vanity is the true endgame, and I was always promoting stuff like titles as a reward - dirt cheap to implement, makes people go for it at least once if title is not too dumb (well Revanchist sounds dull but people still were going for it... Because of other reasons ). In that regard, timed HM could be a thing making priority ops bit better. In current state, priority ops just promote conquest guild approach "come and get it as many times as you can, just leave if you wipe more than once and zerg, zerg, zerg it until you get conquest points and loot". What makes 4.0 so deadly is that casual-midcore players have nothing to progress (NiM too hard, HMs except EV/KP still totally doable but completely unrewarding). So, getting better gear "in case some new raid comes out/they make NiM more accessible or HM more rewarding" becomes the only real goal besides getting couple achievements here, couple decorations there etc. Highlights are not a bad thing. Absense of set goals for the players is. NiM raiders got nothing (well, 50 and 55 content got upscaled but it was cleared in a few weeks by the guilds who had their raid groups intact and given how little it took to get gear (also, remember NiM not dropping 224 lol) it literally was way too easy). People raiding 55 NiMs and some few bosses in 60 HMs got screwed cause they either had their vanity stuff in 3.0 or it slipped far far away from their reach, making it inaccessible for many. Finally, casual players enjoying some lore stuff, DM arc and such got less involvement in story while doing SM ops because of everyone who could raid HMs went there and SM pugs got really bad. Rewards system is just wrong. It's mostly not about item rating, however, - if only developers put effort equal to that of drawing one cartel pack in the godsdamned expansion which comes once an year and made some really cool stuff ops-exclusive (and preferrably even dropping from HMs), participation in those would rise drastically.
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