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Everything posted by ruffolofi

  1. After 7.0 I, like many others, was very disappointed in the changes made to the game and even thinking it might be time for me to stop playing SWTOR. However, now with the Galactic (and PVP) Seasons and other recent improvements I find myself enjoying the game once more. I still wish the game got story updates more frequently.... But free stuff is always good and the weekly objectives have made me play certain parts of the game I haven't felt like playing in a long time like Starfighter and the new Manaan daily area. Same goes for PVP Seasons.
  2. The cinematics were impressive but that's about it. Mandalorians being able to trap the Force User Player Character was absurd. As if no one had ever thought about that before - and I bet we will never hear about it again either. Other than that it was just us dragging along fighting endless mobs while having absolutely zero impact on anything that happened. It's not our story - it's about Viszla and the Mandalorians inner fighting. Boring, especially if your character is not a Mandalorian themselves. I wanted at least an update about how the Alliance is doing or how the war is going but there was nothing.
  3. KOTFE/KOTET had lots of class specific dialogue and unique content but other than that I agree with what you're saying. Why can't they even do what Shadow of Revan did... which is still make the story feel unique for different classes even though it was mostly the same experience for everyone.
  4. I would be willing to wait 1-3 years for this to happen.
  5. We get about 2 story updates per year. It has been ages since this boring ass Mandalorian story arc started and same with the Malgus thing and both storylines haven't gone anywhere. In the meanwhile there's still supposed to be a war between the Republic and the Empire as well as our Alliance and the whole saboteur story arc as well... but nothing has been done with those story arcs either. And when we do get new story our role has been reduced to a mere bystander, there to listen to Shae Visla and Darth Malgus go on about something that has nothing to do with us. I miss the times of KOTFE/KOTET/Traitor when it still felt like our story. My suggestion is to scrap these storylines entirely and just make two new class stories instead: Imperial Trooper and Republic SIS Agent and make a new melee class for them so our non-Force characters can finally use melee weapons.
  6. I didn't like it as much because the story didn't actual progress at all and once again it felt like the player character was underpowered and just a passive observer. The cinematic battle scenes were cool though.
  7. People like different things... surely this is not news to you? Obviously class stories were superior since that's 8 unique stories with unique characters and companions, but I for one loved KOTFE/KOTET... it might be the best Star Wars story I have played through (with my Sith Warrior I love how well those expansions work as a sequel to that class story). Obviously some things could've been done better. Probably should've just been a true single player RPG separate from SWTOR.
  8. In the saboteur storyline you don't have to follow through with the options to sabotage your original faction from within. Is this leading up to a playing all sides or triple agent type of a situation? Basically keeping all your options open.
  9. I would be in favor of it if it means bringing Valkorion and Darth Marr back.
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