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Everything posted by Steuern

  1. Powertech is more melee, with fewer ranged options. Gets lots of fire and is more survivable, capable of filling tank or DPS roles. Merc is more ranged, less tanky, but can fill dps and heal roles. Also dual wields blasters. I can't go much more in depth as I've never played BH past 10. Sorry!
  2. Why don't you PvP!? xD It's the best part of the game, besides the story quests!
  3. Ok I've decided I don't want ranged. Debating assassin vs powertech. Ideas?
  4. Also, really good AoE would be a nice perk on an alt.
  5. Broonmark is the coolest Empire one imo. I wish I could have him.
  6. Yeah, Kaliyo is just, ew. Troopers definitely look fun, just might be boring dialogue. (But that's what spacebar is for, right?)
  7. Considering going republic for my ranged class. Republic gets way cooler companions haha.
  8. Sentinel would start on the same planet, so that's a plus. I've heard the trooper has a pretty boring storyline though. I've only gotten to like level four with one, no cool dialogue options. Commando gets some healing of its own though and wears heavy armour. I've never really played republic but sentinel would probably be my choice between those two. Both classes have pretty cool companions. (Man I get screwed as imperial agent.) Have fun!
  9. Are sorcs always so common? They make up like half the people in pvp. =( The powertech BH looks cooler than merc to me honestly, but that's not much range either I guess.
  10. Can I play with? Heh, just pick whatever you want. Since she is healer you won't have any problem finding groups. Pick something fresh and fun and new for you, but, do NOT pick the same class or you'll have to do all the class stuff twice. All classes can help each other with class stuff, so don't worry about that. If you want to mainly group, going tank might be nice since you'll be able to coordinate better and get good practice at your roles so you won't have to worry about having bad tanks or heals in instances, but if you want to quest or pvp more go DPS. You can't make a wrong decision in duoing.
  11. Hey it's me again, my main so far is definitely the Operative. Love the mobile and flexible play style and he is a blast in PvP especially. For a main though, I would kind of like something with better range, so I was thinking Mercenary or Sorceror? But the huge quantities of sorcs kind of turns me off. =/ Which would probably be better for me though, since I like the op? Or could I get a comparison of sorc and merc? Thanks!
  12. Also, the BH looks like it has way cooler companions than the agent. I was pretty turned off by the general BH persona, but there are enough choices in the story it's still pretty dynamic so far. Not much different from my jug, except i'm in charge lol.
  13. Thanks guys! I'll definitely have to try my bh more when I get some time, I am looking forward to getting into pvp with a powertech. I've found I don't really use my stealth much as operative in pvp, just when I want to engage otherwise I prefer to stand back a little bit and heal allies or flank for backstabs. Hopefully I'll like pt!
  14. Hello! I've been eyeing up BH Powertech and Operative for my main class. I haven't yet tried the bounty hunter yet but I've tried my operative to about the end of Dromund Kaas. I am looking to pla a class that is rather versatile, I don't mind being in melee but I would like a little ranged and flexibility. Operative attracts me for the stealth and healing while having some nice AoE and range, and powertech attracts me because it's pretty tanky (I really like Sith Jugg, its just really repetitive) and well, flamethrowers are always cool. PvP and solo questing is what I am usually doing, so a high skill cap and flexibility in PvP is a must for me! Any tips or advice comparing and contrasting the two would be much appreciated.
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