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Posts posted by Bobs_YourUncle

  1. When they said they are working on new group content, what did they mean by that? Why wouldn't they say "we are working on a new operation" instead of group content?


    Yeah after they said they would start working on operations after kotfe launched, I thought we'd be getting something a few moths later. I guess they might have meant after kotfe was over, but I believe if they had new ops in the works, there was no reason for them not to say it now. New group content is going to be more like EC and star fortresses. Something new maybe, but not much like an operation.

  2. I made a post a while back expressing pretty much the same. When I play republic, other than maybe the smuggler, I'm playing very much a principled anti nazi (sith empire) pro freedom character. From their standpoint the sith are pure evil, just about as abhorrent as one can be. Bent on domination and subjugation of the galaxy. So now that their leader wants to kill everyone, my characters are supposed to team up with the sith, who enslave worlds, experiment and kill aliens at a whim, and would still resume their quest of galactic domination after their emperor was eliminated? Hard for me to rationalize that.


    Of course my imp characters have a whole other outlook, and its much easier.

  3. You have no idea what their player base is, what type of player it consists of whether pvp, pve, or RP etc. Like others, you just assume it is filled with people that match you interest. And no, the majority is not just people that play for just "story", there are many different types of players in this game, for many different reasons.


    Umm, its based on their target audience. Words from the game makers own mouth, and the countless ragequit threads from traditional mmo players. I have little doubt what is left enjoying kotfe and the vanilla game are a majority rpg, story loving, SW fan players. Of course there are those, like me who like group content as well and are relatively (2yrs) new to the game and thus aren't so tired of the group stuff yet. It's good news if I'm mistaken, but I doubt it. If you are looking for new traditional mmo content, why would you look here when they have made it quite clear thier focus?


    Edit: You know as well as I do, Mr."majority is not just people that play for story". Take your own medicine, Freud.

  4. It was a copy with small variations such as in voiceover, conversations choices, cinematics. But a copy of WoW 2008 , released in 2012. Like Wildstar emulating vanilla/tbc . Both ended appealing to niche audiences.

    What Blizzard understood is that wow needs to regularly evolve, and they are steps ahead of Bioware. Legion undertakes a re-melting of many wow features, including classes. Engine is gradually updated.

    For a long time I though swtor did leveling better , but it was false, since quests variation is almost nonexistent compared to what you see in wow.

    Things I'm afraid we are unlikely to see in swtor, also because it seems the budget allocated for development is very tiny here.


    In mechanics yes, but in content? Far from it. From the beginning this game set itself apart with the depth of story, and that's largely its playerbase.

  5. How does bolstering work? If I get a level 20 character into a Warzone without the two relics will I be bolstered the same way as another level 20 characters with all gear slots filled? I'm under the impression that the second character gets more bolster, but I'm not sure.


    Full bolster with all slots full. Your first pvp mission gives you relics and all for that.

  6. I played Tank. There was 4v4 and we ended up losing, and the healer blamed me for not Guard-swapping (whatever that is). I don't like PvP but I had to do it to recruit M1-4X. Now that I have him, I won't venture to PvP again.


    You could take it as an opportunity to learn. As someone new to pvp, there is a lot to learn. It's unfortunate some are aholes, but I find the same when I'm doing ops and fps. Just ignore the aholes and don't let them dictate what you play.

  7. 208, all modded up, with Bowdaar at 26. No difficulty until the last part. 2 groups with elite knight in both. Slammed. If I last 20 seconds I feel fortunate. I wish I could pull just one group at a time but 2 knights in heroic just too tough for me. I'm a MM Sniper btw.


    I'm a solo player, no in game friends and I don't chat. As long as losing companions doesn't effect Chapter 10 and beyond I guess it's all good. It was cool to land in jail early on..


    Have you tried cc'ing one of them? I wouldn't give up, you can improve your gear and comp level too. Heroic SF is meant to be a real challenge solo. Check out YouTube. Gl.

  8. Because you think the perks are worth it. If not, then you shouldn't. Maybe I'm confused on the email. Purchase game time and get expansions to date has been a thing since kotfe...
  9. Wouldn't this be a naming and shaming thread?:p


    Idk, everyone gets on my nerves at some point, but ill never forget tux encouraging me and others to keep at pvp and give I a good try. I went from solo player to pvping religiously in two weeks... Well pvping a lot and thoroughly enjoying it..

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