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Everything posted by Wimbleton

  1. Ok ok ok you're way out of line here.... 19 screenshots is plenty. Clearly though, you know what you're talking about so I'll go with your recommendation. Better safe than sorry my granny used to say before I'd punch her for talking without permission.
  2. You gotta understand the mindset of a min/maxer. The top is relevant because its the top. I tracked progress through warzones without any gear on and did fine. It's not because its necessary. I just really can't get behind an entire new gearing process that, unlike previous unnecessary gear processes, didn't even build off the previous one. And all that this accomplishes is a time sync. The game is just not fun enough to sync the time, for me personally, so I voiced my displeasure.
  3. Didn't think it was possible. https://i.imgur.com/Ks20R3L.jpg
  4. Well 6 months is not a very long span of time over which to expect sweeping balance changes. The "merc meta" is still there because the defensives are strong and people always like strong defensives, regardless of what they do on offense. Bot those mercs are pretty easy to kill. Mercs offense (and defensives) have been hit. Their defensives are definitely over-tuned when you consider them all at once and the fact that the class is ranged and that they also have net. All in all I'd say they are much less of a problem than snipers and maras.
  5. I've read that games in that day were expected (budgeted) to carry 500,000 subscriptions for at least 3 years. EQ and WoW did it, SWG almost did it. That went south super quick. They had to add item-mall stuff like Korean grinders had. They had to opt for pay to look good instead of pay to win (killed any game it was introduced in). Fortunately, pay to look good was very popular. So games have a life line. Copmanies simply arent going to invest money at the rates they were invested during the MMORPG ramp up days. It will never happen again. They want a 2 year ROI and even that is considered risky nowadays. You want 200mil for a game, show me how you are going to make 200mil+operating costs back over the next two years + 30%. Lets just say 200mil initial investment, then 10mil per year operating costs, so after two years you'd have invested 220 mil, you want 30%, so 286mil, lets put that at 300 for ezpz. 300,000,000/500,000 subs = $600 per sub in 2 years. They'll pay their 15/month which is 360 per year, so you need them to spend 240 in some other way. Release the game at a cost of 49.99, now we need 190 spent in 2 years on a market, on average. Oh wait, and thats if you can promise me 500,000 subs. What if you only get 200,000? You now need them to spend $1,500 in the first two years. There will be no SWTOR 2.0. It will all go the route of shooters, BRs, and other games you can make quickly, throw on the market, and then let skins be your day to day income. Look at Hearthstone, theyve tried so hard to make that game mainstream, and it just isnt. And graphically, well its card flips and some effects on the screen... p simple. It makes the statement clear from the investors "what can you give me that's cheap to build, simple to maintain, and has multiple revenue points (sub, initial purchase, skins etc). The investor wants their money back, then the company gets to start making money. So there's a good amount of risk to a company as well knowing that they don't really get to cash in until year 3 and after.
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, having two servers has caused queue times and lets not pretend that the 27 people on SS would put any strain on SF. #seflrekt
  7. Crit or Mastery, power is pewp and endurance is worse. Crit pays dividends and doesn't even begin its diminishing return till after 2200. But realistically you're talking about a difference you wouldnt be able to notice without 100 hours of parsing doing it both ways.
  8. You're onto something here. We DO IN FACT have a use for the solo queuers. They are now able to queue and wait to be backfilled into any premade game. They must go down to a lower, dirtier and less shiney part of the fleet. This area has seat cushions that are ripped, wall hangings that are faded and only servers water at the bar. To add to that, the bartender is very rude. Chat is disabled in this area. They can read chat but not type in it. They may queue as backfill fodder and sit in this area and wait to be called up. I'll add this to the list under your name, since you inspired it.
  9. Someone needs to confirm whether or not 258, not 252, armorings can go in anything but their shell. On PTS they couldnt. For the people saying 252 can be moved over, yes, I get that, but 252 is not 258, and that is the question. Since you cannot get 258 this week from Ossus non NiM, it will likely be next week before this is confirmed.
  10. Min maxing is about min maxing. When considering bolster, mainhand, offhand and relics are important because although the gear bolsters, tech/force power does not, nor does the proc on the relic. Gear is not game breaking, but gear min maxing is a game within a game. I just always want to hit the field with every possible increase in stats that I can give myself. Might not matter to most people... to others, it does.
  11. My ticket is still unanswered, I'll report back once it is.
  12. Yeah, I get that they want to avoid people just walking up not in an Ops grp and shooting the WB a couple of times to get credit for the kill. What they do need to do is make sure the encounter recognizes the entire Ops group that does the most damage and give them credit for the kill. Otherwise, people are going to make a group of beastly DPS with the sole aim of last-hitting the boss.
  13. I did not die on the bug fight. No credit. Everyone died (at least once, not at the same time though)on the droid fight, one group got credit.
  14. 252 gear is a net zero gain due to bolster. You need a 252 shell to get 258 (shell +~3 MWS). So you could send 258 components via legacy for the right side items. You’ll want to test if the armorings can be removed and reinstalled before you do this because on test you could remove armorings but only put them back in the or orginal shell, not in any other gear. So you’d not want to buy a piece of sorc gear on a mara because you’d only b able to send mod and enh, and the mara would be stuck with the sorc armoring. You could, however, funnel all mod/enh to a single char. Pretty tedious. You do want to do the Flesh and Steel (kill the two world bosses on Ossus) quest because you get choice of mainhand or offhand as reward (252). And even though you bolster to 252, previously tech or force power and relic proc do not bolster, making those a priority as far as 252 goes. I did Flesh and Steel world bosses twice yesterday and the only group that got credit for the kill was the group that got the kill shot. I put in a lolticket.
  15. Unless you do NiM raiding or purchase the NIM components or the gear that has been made with NiM components, my calculations will put those pieces around 150-200m per, early on. This is completely by design. 14 weeks to gear all my chars, they want 4 months of subs. Thats not including drops (252) from crates which I got a single item from >600 crates opened.
  16. >600 crates (more than 1 char), 1 item. I also cannot confirm if it was a new crate generated from opening crates or just a crate that I had already. NOT A FAN
  17. Killed them both, no credit, got loot and acheivements. Is it only the group that gets the kill gets the loot? P sad tbh. https://i.imgur.com/ULAPnLY.jpg
  18. 200% on opening. I always heal on sorc but at the end of the night would switch to dps to open once I had full healer set.
  19. Hmm... lets see.. .. protractor? um, kwontum fizix... and... Urkel... /unsure and uncomfortable
  20. If we can get this great idea list up to 100 great ideas, I'm certain the devs will read this great list of great ideas and implement them. If we can get it up to 25 I can copy and paste it 3 more times so that we have 100 great ideas in a single location for great ideas for the devs to read 5 times then implement.
  21. These are great ideas which I will add to the list of great ideas.
  22. I have 4.5 tabs of command crates. I have 4 tabs of cxp clickies. The only thing I was able to do in the time allotted to me before the servers went back down was grab 4 groups of 10 crates and open them. The opening of those 40 crates also leveled me twice more, so I opened an additional 2 crates that were created after the patch. As noted by others, 42 crates is a very small sample size. I'm not clicking my cxp clickies until double cxp on the 20th, so I'll have to report back those findings at that time but I'm fairly certain any boxes gained from clicking those will be "new" boxes, if that matters. I need someone to quote me a dev, talking about 5.10, saying the old packs won't grant new items before I'll believe it. No pouty anecdotal evidence necessary. I will o/c report back in this thread once I've opened all my packs after servers have been opened again.
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