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Posts posted by Raptorice

  1. i posted a few pages back, I rerolled my JK, already back up to lvl 20, i chose to reroll because not only did Kira never continue her quest line...but T7 as well. Doing the end of Act 1, my guildy (he's playing a female JK so thus did not flirt with kira) had convos with both of them. I did not. I secured my legacy, and rerolled.


    bet I'll be back to lvl 35 before we see a fix for this, so i'm confident i made the right decision.


    I'm still enjoying a reroll, i mean i'm kinda spacebarring through the sidequests as i don't need to listen to em all...but with the credits/mats etc and knowledge i ahve now...It's a real easy ride back to where i was so far. only took me 2 days to get back to lvl 20 and I'm done 1 section of Taris.



    good luck to you guys that plan on waiting. I'm having more fun doing something rather than waiting.


    Thanks, rolling a vanguard in the meanwhile so not just sitting around. Weird that your T7 bugged out, I would have rerolled too. My T7 sang like a canary. Re-rolling wasn't an option with me as I was levelling with my gf and I didn't want her to wait.

  2. I'm in Chapter 3 currently, have about 6.5K reputation with Kira, and am level 41. They just "hooked up" per say...."meet me in my quarters in two minutes" sort of deal...disappeared off screen. I'm not having a single glitch with her knock on wood... It's been interesting to say the least. It's such a deliciously entertaining take on padawan/master relationship. Hah.


    Seriously, are you just trolling or rubbing salt on our wounds?

  3. You, sir, just became one of my all time heroes!


    But, to chime in with the rest of you guys, my Kira is also broken and silent. Was originally going to postpone the last part of my story arc untill she's been fixed since she is, imo, an integral part of my story. But now I find out I'm missing out on 5-6 daily missions on Ilum if I do that! That's alot of daily commendations that I need for my tanking gear for when I respecc tank.


    So, now I'm left with a choice; gimp my story, but gain more commendations or cut my commendation gain in almost half, but get to experience my story like it should be experienced (in my case)...


    My exact situation now, I chose to wait though I suspect it's going to be futile. I'm done chasing gear like a goddamn dog like i've done in WoW so I'l just do something else.

  4. another thing is that after you complete companion stories, you wont ever get anything else from that companion until they add new content... so its going to be extremely dull getting all her quest and finishing them in 1 hour or less, (maybe a lot less beings T7 is at 10k aff for me and still hasn't given me a quest that me and him actually leave and go confront someone) then have to wait til bioware releases new content before i ever talk to her again.


    I was actually expecting that each companion gives us a follow up mission and not just act as talking heads. In this respect it's pretty disappointing.



  5. Just hit 50 so a reroll is NOT going to be an option. I've decided not to do the last chapter of the class quest, but that also means I'll be missing out on all the daily quests that gives commendations on Ilum. Yeah not very happy, luckily there's gw2 and d3 around the corner.
  6. Apparently the bug has been fixed, according to the latest patch notes. I'm not sure whether this means they fixed the cause of the bug only, and left the pre-affected romances for a later date, or they fixed everything, the messed up romances included. Though I have a slight feeling it might be the former, if you haven't gotten a companion quest that you are sure you should have got.


    Think you're a week late on that info, its already common knowledge that they've fixed the bug only for future knights.

  7. Wow... really?

    Patch 1.02 on PTS and not a word... so this means it's NOT this maintenance and the fastest it's going to get fixed will be in 2 weeks...



    That's the way to show your customers that you do not give a flying **** about them


    Gonna be interesting to see if they'll fix it before the free month is over, and people stop subbing due to this nonsense way of fixing issues.

  8. Well here's another effect of the bug - we lose the on level experience gained when we interact with Kira. For example, me being a paragon of stupidity focused on Kira and the Doc while my gf focused on Iresso and Nadia her 4th and 5th companions. End result she was able to get them both to 10k affection effortlessly and gained about 650k experience over me (she's a sliver away from 49 while I just got to 47). We practically did everything together since level 1, aside from the occasional class quest. My affection with Kira and Doc is at a snail's pace and since both refuses to speak to me I'l basically SOL.


    Consequently I'm now trying to gain affection with Rusk and Scourge now but having a companion similar to a guardian seems really dumb so I had to switch companions and play a little meta gaming with torhead and checks during conversations. Not really what I'm aiming for in this game.


    Even if they fixed kira we would still lose the xp since we've "outleveled" their conversations, i think.


    Seriously, really regretting not rolling a Vanguard instead. GG me.


    Edit: When speaking to your romance interest apparently you get 448 affection pts each time. Don't bring your Kira past 7k before the fix and waste your efforts imo.

  9. As an aside, is this a bug? Half of the luxury gifts I passed onto Kira yielded zero points even though she said "Now that's what I call a gift." The other half ranges from 19 to 24 points, even blues.


    Thinking of dumping her altogether and start the process of gearing my other companions. She's one broken ****.

  10. This issue sucks, but those of you crying up a storm about how unconscionable this is are just pathetic. The companion story SIDE quests are like 1% of this game. I particularly interesting part of the game, but tiny nonetheless. Has no effect on the rest of your class story. Move on with the rest of the game and you can finish the handful of tiny instanced quests that you get from companions whenever they fix it.


    TLDR: ITT a bunch of pimply-faced nerds cry about their character not being able to bang out some NPC and that's somehow a major portion of the game for them.


    Nice try troll, I play with my gf. Its not about getting virtual poon but like so many people mentioned it tarnishes the experience.

  11. They actually have a completelly seperate team working on Mass Effect 3 so thats no excuse. BioWare lack of communication and failure to release a fix is just plain out ridicilous and possibly the worst i've experienced in any game.


    The best part is you can't even communicate with any support. Try talking through a ticket? you're just going to get a droids middle finger. Try talking in twitter? you're just going to get ignored or get a simple "were still looking into it".


    This bug has existed since beta meaning it shouldve been fixed way before release. Honestly, ive seen free 2 play games with better technical support team (assuming BioWare even have one).


    In all my five tickets I've raised, they were closed by droids who told me the equivalent of "pike off ye sod".

  12. We have the right to whine if we want and i never said i was the most loyal im just say all the people that have waited years for this game most likely preorder and now we are screwed for it. this page is for people who have to problem and want it fixed so you can join us or stop posting here.


    Well said. Prove loyalty with patience? Sorry but my loyalty isn't blind and they've got to work for it too. And what is wrong with customers voicing out their dissatisfaction with a product?



  13. It doesn't affect the actual outcome of any of the quests, but it does change some of Kira's lines if you have her with you during certain moments. This is what I have been told by another player who did not get stuck with the bug.


    Yeah this is what we've lost, an irreversible tarnish on our experience. gg bioware. Give us a Jawa plsthanks. Screw Kira. :cool:

  14. I have to laugh when someone says that no serious PvPer with a shred of skill enjoys PvP in this game. Some people on here say the most ridiculous things....


    As far as melee in PvP though, it just seems that it takes more finesse right now than the ranged classes do. It's always going to be more of a struggle, but it's not impossible to do well as a melee class. You just need to make sure to utilize all the tools you have at your disposal properly, and you need to make sure you're not making serious mistakes like over-extending/over-committing, not disengaging when you should, engaging when you shouldn't, focusing the wrong targets, failing to interrupt the most important abilities, etc.


    As a ranged class, there's certainly room for finesse and you need to do a few major things to keep your distance, but it's generally a lot more simple to do that. As a melee class, it seems you're fighting more of an uphill battle at times... but if and when you can succeed at getting in someone's face, and they are a ranged class, then you're going to really wreck their day. So I would say for a start you should just learn the push-pull of combat vs. a ranged class and learn the enemy classes abilities so that you know what they're capable of and what their strengths and weaknesses are.


    Good advice, but these are basic ones learnt from almost any pvp game out there. I pvp as a warrior and paladin so am pretty familiar with the concept you lined out. It's just that my capacity to contribute is curtailed badly if targets are rubberbanding and skills aren't going off or constantly getting snared.


    I'll try to hit 50, and perhaps babysit a healer. I do guard them almost every match (almost always topping protection, - still not sure what it means lol) but its still an exercise in frustration. Like the responses so far, devoid of trolling and some good points.

  15. Right many people don't realize it takes a team to excel... solo players can enjoy getting stunned to death as they try to rambo their way to glory.


    Quite true, though I have not felt as helpless as a melee before in other games. Also thanks for your write up a few posts above, hope it improves at 50.

  16. You can't be serious. Force classes in this game are by far the easiest to pvp with. All you have to do is close on a ranged class and any force using class can take down any ranged class hands down. It's not even a far fight really.


    Yeah...I'm quite serious. By any force using class, do you mean Jedi Consulars and Sith Inqs? Could you be a little more specific? Like I said, my only uptime for a few swings is when force leap is off cooldown. Then I get stunned/snared to oblivion. I have a trooper and he isn't afraid of any melee whatsover and rarely gets killed.

  17. Get a pocket healer, dominate the warzone, top every stat on the leader board.... repeat.


    Will that solve the uptime issue? It's pretty sick how they can stun>snare>stun>snare me somehow. My targets teleporting around me and givine me facing issues doesn't help much. Don't get me wrong i like the complexity and the fact that there is potential for smart play but if i am not even able to use my abilities at all or they don't work when I use them(ie hilt strike going into cd with the right sound que but no stuns - 10 times same thing in a warzone) it is frustrating.



    Edit: I'm not new to pvp, having played in arenas and battlegrounds for years now in WoW.

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