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10 Good
  1. My issue was an outdated launcher. I used the link to update it and I patched nicely. I wish I'd have known to do that earlier. Only the link from a couple pages back spoke of it, so I waited. I attempted all other options and this finally worked.
  2. I paused the self repair it started during my last attempt of installing yesterday, and restarted it upon waking. I got my normal speeds and zoomed through the install process until it hit another bump and reopened the self repair. That got hung up, stating (3.45 mbps) and going completely unchanged for roughly a half hour. I then decided to try actually hitting the repair button and it is zooming again. It's been repairing for several hours now, but at least when I look at the launcher it is doing something... Maybe I'll get lucky today.
  3. I've been working on this thing all day, starting this morning. I keep getting this error. I restarted the launcher, restarted my computer, paused and restarted, refreshed my connection, ran antivirus, ran cc Cleaner, ran malwarebytes, downloaded a new launcher, and finally called customer service. The customer service lady did nothing but send me an email telling me to go through all of the steps I already walked through. The last time this happened, a tech had me change a setting in my .ini file which instantly fixed my issue. I completely download main assets, and during the installation there is an issue. It tells me to run repair, and I do. During the repair of 51 files is when I get the 310 error. My connection drops to single digit kbps, and hangs between there and nothing. I really wish they would solve this issue. I haven't had this many problems updating an mmo, ever. I've had issues with this game since I started playing Hutt Cartel.
  4. Hey, I have a snow day from my Graduate program today. I planned on playing, but I'm getting some housework and homework finished. Therefore, once the game actually does go live, I can play. Lets stop complaining and find something else to do but call people names. It's funny that the ones slinging poop are the ones calling the developers "monkeys"!
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