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Everything posted by WhatsUrprblm

  1. Gottverdammt! And now i get stuck at exactly 52%. The 3. time!
  2. What??? And i heared, that they again ruined the companions.
  3. Thats an understatement. Its 1 AM here now and i wanted to play, since 10 PM! I realy like this game more than STO, but especialy because, the guys here make less stupid mistakes... But today its only describeable as "HORRID"!
  4. In the first attempt. the Patch was stuck (unbelivable i know!) at 100% No chance of login in. Now the damm thing keeps jumping between 50-55% ? I can report that your "fix" doesnt work.
  5. Right after Belsavis i had to save Torian. it was then, the first time, i was even able to summon him. Right after that and afew conversations with him, Torian was gone completly. He snot on the ship and does not apear anywhere else. Now i , off course, have googled for a soulution. But i found only this... https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/3q3tlq/torian_went_missing_not_due_to_kotfe/. Did you actualy test that update before unleashing it on us???:mad:
  6. Exactly. A subscription isnt exactly "equaly cheap" for everyone. Some have more money left for fun expenses, others cant even afford a visit in theyr homepup. So if many subs are on one server, make it stable or give every sub the option, to transfer theyr toons. It must not even be all 10 or 20 of them! The 3 favorite ones would do. Sometimes i think, Bioware listens to the wrong people all the time. Example HK 51 is now pretty much a standard comp. It cant even use his "super fast kill mode" anymore! And dont even start with Mass effect!
  7. Maybe they should make that a free option? So people would be able to say: "Screw this server! I take my toons and go to a lighter populated one!"
  8. And we even cant transfer our chars anymore. So screw him!
  9. Can you please punch out an ETA? because when i would know i ha dto wait 2 hrs I would take a long needed hot bath...
  10. I dont know where you live? But whe had grey sky, heavy clouds, ****** rain and cold wind. And it is night here.
  11. 30 minutes warning would be nice. And make it via generell chatrooms ,in "PINK"! so we actually can see that!
  12. Yup. and it was not a crash. they took it offline with no telling of reasons and how long...
  13. *sigh* For how long? A WARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE...
  14. You are absolutely right! And even all that hard grinding you did, for your Comps, now is pointless. What the hell did they think as they decided that ****?
  15. My Jedis forceuser companion cant use her singleblade-saber any more and is forced to use that stupid Laserstaff. Also my shadow is missing her second fightinmg move and is unable to re-learn it. Several people also told me that "Masterstrike" is gone for good. That way you are making people angry not happy. That and that meen little PR gag with the "subscribtion for early access".
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