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Posts posted by Keimanna

  1. or you could just buy the companion boost thingy from the conquest vendor, and poof like magic, you have a 50, for the low cost of 4.5 mill, a couple of dark projects, and 5 secs of your time :D:D:D:D


    I do agree, the constant pressing gets annoying, now if they could do it so you can give a stack at a time, that would be much better


    IIRC this way is kinda expensive. Cuz the dark projects are close to a million to make, or even more. And you have to hit conquest first and its BoP. But it takes just under 5 mil to get to 50 using purple 5s, especially if u use conversations and such to get a few levels. but yeah its waaaay faster than right clicking all day!

  2. What's In a Coin? (a play by J-)


    Boss: "Congrats everyone! We want to make sure you all feel appreciated no matter what job you do here. And no matter whether you're a red vest, a green vest, or a blue vest. So starting next week, we're going to be offering everyone Happy Coins as rewards for their work."

    Worker: "Thanks boss! What are Happy Coins?"

    Boss: "Happy Coins allow you to purchase stuff from the shop, but especially Elixirs of Happiness (EoH). And we all know how much everyone loves EoH, amirite?

    Worker: "You betcha boss, I love me some EoH!"

    Grump: "Nobody cares about anything else but EoH!"

    Worker: "So how do we get Happy Coins?"

    Grump: "You mean, EoH don't you?"

    Worker: "No, I literally mean Happy Coins."

    Grump: "And by that, you mean EoH!"

    Worker: :rolleyes: (look at this guy)

    Boss: "That's the beauty folks. You can earn Happy Points for doing any jobs in the company. The more Happy Points you have, the greater the Happy Coins you can get for your work.

    Worker: "So wait, Happy Coins and Happy Points?"

    Grump: "You mean EoH - stop saying Happy Coins!:mad:"

    Boss: "If you have 100 Happy Points and you do and hour of assembly line, you'll get 1 Happy Coin. If you have 200 Happy Points, and you do an hour of assembly line, you'll get 2 Happy Coins. Harder jobs earn Happy Points faster that easier ones too. We want you to be able to do any job here and get rewarded."

    Worker: "This all sounds great! I'm gonna try out docking bay work with a blue vest, instead of my red vest! I'm getting bored with the red vest."

    Boss: "Ahhh...that's the thing. If you change vests, you'll have to wear that vest for 75 days to get the 75-day badge before you start earning Happy Points (Or maybe not, we're not ready to say yet:p)"

    Grump: "You mean EoH! Stop saying Happy Points! :mad::mad:"

    Worker: "Dude, no one is talking about EoH. We literally mean Happy Points and Happy Coins."

    Grump: "That's what I said, EoH!"

    Worker: :rolleyes: (this guy). So lemme get this straight. If I work docking bay in this red vest, I will get Happy Points--"

    Grump: "--EoH--"

    Worker: "--I will get Happy Points right away no matter what job I do. But if I change to a blue vest, I have to wait 75 days to get Happy Points even if I do the exact same job I was doing in my red vest with the 75-day badge?"

    Boss: (silence)

    Grump: "Because endgame"

    Worker: "Huh?"

    Grump: "Sorry, wrong play. I mean EoH! Raar, everything is about EoH!"

    Boss: (silence)

    Worker: "So that means if I want to work in the Garden of Happiness, I have to wait 75 days before I can start getting Happy Points for that?"

    Boss: (silence)

    Grump: "Yep. You know you can't work in the Garden once you have the 75-day badge. Who cares about the Garden anyway?! I don't work there anymore, so who cares? EoH! FTW!"

    Worker: "But I love the Garden. And all of the new guys work there. And boss says they want us to be rewarded for working anywhere in the company we want to work. But who wants to work there now if we have to wait 75 days till we can get Happy Points for it? If they got rid of the 75-day requirement, then we could really work anywhere we wanted."

    Grump: "You know you're only saying that because you want EoH. That's the only thing you care about. For you, this is all about EoH. Because since Happy Points become Happy Coins and Happy Coins buy EoH, you must only care about this because you want EoH!"

    Worker: "Wait whaaa? Bruh, you do realize I have every vest already, each with 75-day badges, and if this was about EoH, I could just swap into one of those...You know what? Nevermind."

    Boss: (silence)

    Grump: "EoH, EoH, EoH, EoH, EoH!!!"


    Tl:dr: The moral of the play is that Grump is unable to distinguish between the concept of wanting all jobs to be a viable path to Happy Coins from the concept of the utility of Happy Coins themselves once they're obtained. Would Worker's point change if Happy Coins couldn't be used for Elixirs of Happiness, but instead only for other items in the shop (like decorations)? Hint: No, it wouldn't.


    Lol, I enjoyed this! I'm back and excited for the expansion. But we need to kick up PVP again in lowbies. This will help a lot if ppl don't feel like leveling is worthless. Devs, we need to start getting the new XP at level one!

  3. In the Clones Wars animated series, you see how Anakin really struggled with the Jedi code. He wouldn't ever give up on someone he cared for. No matter what. Was this right/wrong? Light/dark? WHy i really love the series.


    It's like on Esseles, Anakin would always have chosen to save the trapped engineers. Obi Wan? Prolly let's them day for the "greater good." Of course looking back it's like that's the wrong choice but at the time not so much. Does that make him evil, dark? I'm sure he's convinced thats love for greater cause. At least with Republic vs. Empire it's easier to see a big picture. Pure evil or pure good is a bit hoaky.

  4. Not so sure about that. A lot of the sith outfits have those large shoulder things that make my sith look like an airplane so I basically get outfits from the cartel market like the Sensuous dress, Xoxxan outfit and neither of those types are republic nor empire.


    True on the shoulders, but the imps at least got this - https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/force-invoker-imp/

    While the pubs got this - https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/force-invoker-pub/


    Advantage imps, lol


    Sensuous dress and xoxxan are my favs too, and darthomir shaman - but all on my pubbies <3

  5. If you are sitting 12 characters at 300, then you have thousands and thousands of Unassembled Components. I know because I have 15 characters at 300. You could easily deck out in full 248 for several of those characters. Not all, mind you, but several. The rest would easily be Ilvl 244 - 246.


    Alternatively, you could do what I'm doing and roll the dice with a couple pieces at 246 not wanting to spend the UCs since I imagine they will still serve a purpose long haul and I'm completing the content I want to just fine.


    Given that this is a SUPPLEMENTARY gear acquisition system as "mrwayn" notes above, not to mention bolster, I see very, very little reason to complain. As he notes, and I have often stated on these boards...


    If you want to bish about 5.0 in its original incarnation, have at it, and I would be standing right next to you with a pitchfork. After the release of 5.6 on Nov. 28th, those complaints have largely gone away. I can't even think of another game where there is a universal currency that allows you to play alts and still benefit your main.




    I unsubbed I think before this went into effect. Seems like a great QOL change for alts though if it's how you describe! Gonna take me a whiel to get resituated tho.:(


    Out of curiosity, what is the fastest way now to get geared up and to level 300? I like all content about the same except Ops

  6. That is EXACTLY what some players thought.. and why they did it.


    We even discussed in the forums the merits, pros, and cons of the studio possibly crediting retired token currencies with either CXP directly, or the ability to keep them just to purchase CXP tokens after 5.0 went live.


    See... what the PvP crowd really want is to not have to work for the gear but to simply buy it on day one when 5.0 goes live. They want/expect, begin PvP veterans, to be able to get the top tier gear, and immediately continue PvP with no time lag from the new expac whatsoever. Not all players by any means, but some players definitely wanted/expected this as the outcome (some have flatly said so).


    (Slow slow clap). 10/10 on the sanctimony. Well done. People want to jump right into the next expansion and get geared up - GASP! The horror! :eek: They announce an expansion and some people have the nerve to KEEP PLAYING after already being fully geared under the silly assumption that with the next release there will be some conversion of current currency to whatever's next. Evil folks they are! What an unprecedented concept in this game - I mean that's never happened before!


    And all that previous play isn't "work" mind you. "Work" only begins with a fresh reset and wipe of previous play. While we're at it, why even care about gear right - we should all just play for "fun" (of course, only "fun" as defined by others.) And a subscription-based game no less, where items and currency accumulate over months/years.:eek: How evil of subs to try to tailor the game to the way they enjoy playing it - GASP! THOU MUST RE-GRIND! Subs should HAVE to endure the "time lag". Why should anyone who's spent hundreds of dollars over time for a game have any right to hope that their accumulated digital goods will either continue to have value or be exchanged for fair value? It's atrocious to even ask for this!


    So you BETTER NOT complain - haven't you read the TOS?! Just do what BW says and LIKE IT.:rak_01: Oh wait, it's only YOU who gets to huff and puff and rage and quit when things don't work the way YOU want. When it's anyone else, aspersions casted. That's the ultimate in hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

  7. Why?

    I mean if someone has 200k warzone comms on one character and over 500k throughout their legacy it's not like that person was doing ANYTHING with them. Be glad they are giving you any credits for them.

    So every character in you legacy is probably going to instantly be 2 million credits richer. Why complain?


    We were saving them up for gearing in 5.0 since existing gear would be obsolete and our current chars were fully geared.

  8. There are significant inaccuracies in your statement, so I will try to correct them without derailing the thread too much. There is no way to buy a pre-mastered ship from the Cartel Market, in the sense that it is a ship with all components fully upgraded and unlocked. That is what most people reading your post would conclude, and it is patently false.


    Let's start with this. No. You are wrong. The ships sold via the CM are "pre-mastered". That's not the same as "fully upgraded and unlocked". You injected that. But people who play GSF know the difference. "Mastered" here means the 10% bonus requisition earned after you've gotten one of each component fully upgraded in a ship. If you buy of the CM, you get the ship "pre-mastered" and don't have to grind for that 10% boost.


    There is no difference between using a cartel market ship to earn ship requisition faster than it is to use a cartel market boost for experience, or valor, or social points. Its a modest increase in gain that would take roughly ten games to only get a tier zero component to tier one by one match sooner.* For higher tier upgrades the impact is even smaller.



    See above. (it's because you can earn upgrades faster with pre-mastered ships than not, because you earn req faster). In GSF that has significance because there is no bolster. So the longer you have to grind for req, the longer you get facerolled. Unlike PvP and other content.



    There is a convenience factor associated with converting ship requisition to fleet requisition for cartel coins, but it only has a significant effect when you have a large number of ships with which you can collect requisition using the daily and weekly rewards. In other words, it only benefits you if you play the mini-game a lot ... just like the extra requisition gain on premium ships.



    This "convenience" factor becomes a BIG deal with getting ships upgraded quickly. If you unlock the CM ships and then a couple more cheap ones with fleet req, you get BOTH the 10% boost on CM ships AND you get req applied from weeklies and dailes to EVERY ship you own. You can then PAY to convert that req to fleet req and upgrade the ships you care about much faster. Again, no bolster, so this is a big "convenience".



    People who push this narrative about GSF being pay to win simply don't understand the mathematics, and therefore are more intimidated by the presence of cartel market perks rather than speaking from experience with the mini-game. There are lots of problems with SWTOR in general and GSF in particular, but the presence of cartel market ship skins and the ability to convert requisition with cartel coins are not among them.



    No, seriously, I lol'd (applied math background, GSF regular, but whatevs)


    Lastly, if GSF was such a cash cow, it wouldn't be the proverbial neglected red-headed step child that it is. If you need evidence for my claim, just look at how much attention the cartel market receives and how quickly bugs with that are fixed.


    My apologies for derailing the thread.


    *EDIT: if you do not switch out any components for superior alternatives, and upgrade only the default stock components, it takes a minimum 147500 ship req to master a ship, which will take about 250 matches NOT including the daily and weekly bonus. Choosing a cartel version instead of a regular version can reach that in essentially 134091 ship req since it earns 10% bonus. That saves 13409 requisition which is on the order of twenty matches, not including the daily and weekly bonus. Twenty matches out of nearly 250 matches needed to master a ship. Since the maximum potential of the ship is the same with or without the bonus, getting there after 230 matches instead of 250 matches isn't really overpowering.


    Didn't bother the fact check the math above (even with your substantial QoL caveats), because as I said above, this is about getting req faster and avoiding facerolling sooner, which you concede here anyway.


    As for "cash cow", here is what I actually said:


    GSF also prints money, relatively. Because: it's alt-specific, converting to fleet requisition requires CM coins, pre-mastered ships require CM to purchase for EACH alt and cost basically $18 each, and if you aren't willing to pony up early and often you will be pwn'd by the regulars for a LONG time before you are geared. It's not P2W per se but it is P2 enjoy.


    Making upgrades acquitable by regular currency undermines the relative cash cow.


    "Relative" , as in compared to other parts of the game where you don't have the CM so intertwined into gearing. I specifically said it's NOT P2W, but if you want to get up and running faster and suck less much sooner, i.e. "enjoy" you can pay to do that (in ways you cannot do in other parts of the game).

  9. Yes, in the Same Post I have also stated that I do feel for those who lost out due to not logging in to get rid of stockpiles. My posts have been for those that purposely stockpiled after the message came out.


    I have no idea why you have no sympathy for people (mistakenly or not) doing what they felt they were SUPPOSED to do given Eric's post. As a sub, it's your obligation to do what's best for your time and money investment and that's all everyone was trying to do - but again, you don't care.


    So let's just focus on the first part , something we all agree on. How is it okay to give 24 hours, on the forums no less (not in game, not by email, etc.) to basically wipe out people's earned currency? I've already learned the hard way that logging into forums is part of your "duties" as a sub to this game, or else be prepared for shenanigans with your sub. But many players do not (I don't visit forums for ANY other game btw).


    This STILL gets at the gist of the frustrations here - it seems very clear, without much doubt that for the PvPers who grinded out lots of comms, BW either doesn't give a flibbedy flib about them or is just inept at communication/customer service. So there are subs out there who logged in and saw months of work just evaporate and without even a (credible) option to get compensation. Even if everything else you try to defend is true, you have to concede this basic point.

  10. GSF also prints money, relatively. Because: it's alt-specific, converting to fleet requisition requires CM coins, pre-mastered ships require CM to purchase for EACH alt and cost basically $18 each, and if you aren't willing to pony up early and often you will be pwn'd by the regulars for a LONG time before you are geared. It's not P2W per se but it is P2 enjoy.


    Making upgrades acquitable by regular currency undermines the relative cash cow.

  11. I have no idea why people are even arguing about "what Bioware REALLY said" in their post before they announced conversion ratios because in the end a lot of people were extremely confused and are getting boned out of the deal. Either Bioware intended this to happen or not doesn't change the fact that we are getting boned in the end so there is no point in arguing over irrelevant wording of developer posts.


    The real question that concerns me the most is why haven't they said a word about the matter? Seeing how this thread is over 200+ posts with very confused people, they clearly did something wrong. If they just made an honest mistake they could have easily made a post explaining that yet they don't. The only post we have gotten in 200+ is a one sentence by Eric answering a question about fleet coms which majority of people, including myself, had no idea what they even were. I don't understand what this hesitation means other then they know they messed up and don't want to own up to it. *sigh*


    Pretty much ^^

  12. 200+ posts of righteous indignation about an outrageous commendation transfer cap exacerbated by a shockingly shady bait and switch maneuver on the part of Bioware and all we get is a post about STARFIGHTER, the one feature of this game ignored even harder than end game PVP and PVE?


    Is this actually happening right now?


    You won the thread!

  13. And I will try it once more. If someone gave me 24 hours to move assets, I see this as a warning to NOT put all my eggs in one basket. To safeguard against loss. So would most investors in the world. You however saw a chance at greater gain which goes against conventional wisdom. People who take chances without knowing the facts can win big or lose big. Sorry for your loss.


    You're either intellectually dishonest or trolling. No one was worried about putting all eggs in one basket. Without the announcement, there is literally no concern about this. And no one is talking about "diversification of an investment portfolio", lol. Strawman much? So I'm pretty sure you're just desperate at this point.


    Look at what was ACTUALLY said:


    Hey folks,


    ...In support of our new Galactic Command system, we will be removing Warzone Commendations from the game on November 29th when Knights of the Eternal Throne Early Access opens. As a result, any new Warzone Commendation Grants will become bound and will Bind on Pickup starting on Tuesday, with Game Update 4.7.3.


    If you have a desire to move Warzone Commendations around or have a stockpile of Warzone Commendation Grants, please ensure they are on the character you want them to be on before Tuesday’s maintenance. Please note, Customer Service will not be able to assist with any Warzone Commendation grants after Tuesday.






    So you read this as - "we better keep our stockpile of comms diversified on as many alts as possible"? You're being blatantly dishonest, or you cannot read. Sorry for your lack of comprehension.

  14. I am not someone who has ever participated in end-game raiding or PVP so please excuse my ignornce on this. However this sentence conveys that you planned to basically have all the comm and crystal gear you would need as soon as 5.0 hit for multiple alts no less. Now from my perspective that doesn't seem like something MMO devs would want on day 1 of a new expansion.


    This is how it worked in the past. Again, that was my aim in stacking comms. That said, I have no issue with not giving us gear or CXP with 5.0. That's simply not the issue for me at all. BW went in the complete opposite direction and not only didn't award 5.0 items, but it took away currency that had been played for and earned.

  15. I don't agree. I don't see the Dev's purposely trying to screw one group over. You are trying to misquote me in support of your belief that you were purposely misled. I will tell you that if someone said I had 24 hours to move my stock around, I certainly wouldn't put all my money in one stock. I would diversify to safeguard against a loss.


    I'll try once more, then I give up. Why make ANY announcement about 24 hours at all? Why, if not to intentionally disrupt the status quo (which is leaving comms where they are)?

  16. Exactly... particularly when being told in advance that they are being removed on Nov 29.


    Nonsense. "Told in advance?" Most of us had our comms stacked WELL before any announcements. I was plannning on gearing multiple alts for 5.0 and deliberately wasn't gearing now. In the past, this was how it was done. BW then announces that comms are bye bye with 5.0. It's like wow, but I was coming around to accept even that.


    But then they announce that you have 24 hours to move comms to whatever toons you wish to have them on. Like a trusting dunce, I moved almost 200K comms to a main. Had I had more time to read threads and think of possible reasons for binding maybe I would have held off. But in a panic - induced by BW - I transferred. And mind you, this announcement was done BEFORE the conversion announcement (and with them full knowing they were going to covert and cap at 2M).


    So not only are my comms gonna be wasted on credits I don't need, MOST will be wasted since they are now bound and I can't even get credits for them.


    I know the argument is to just "buy stuff" with them but again, those who have comms like this already have the stuff we can buy with them. I've asked for a special vendor that offers some kind vanity/cosmetics from 5,0. Something, ANYTHING other than a middle finger.


    I really don't see how people even defend this. BW doesn't have to render months of subbed play useless here just to lure new subs. There are many other options they could have taken. But instead they took a deliberately and needlessly punitive approach to the existing hard(er) core players.


    Because I like the game and can afford to sub I likely won't be leaving. But it's just so unreal that a major corporation thinks it's okay to treat customers this way and assume that at no point (maybe not now,or even perhaps this game) it will hurt them.

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