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  1. I think I had an idea that would be fun to see ingame. If we where able to customize the personnel decorations (e.g. the Republic Guardsman, or the Kel Dor Jedi Master) then decorating a stronghold and making it look a little more populated be alot easier. Example 1: You got a jedi or sith themed guild, but the stronghold or headquarter you are making seems completly empty without any personnel in it. If this suggestion happens then you could take an Republic/Imperial Guardsman and switch out the armor and rifle with a jedi/sith outfit and a lightsaber. He would still stand in the same posture but look completly different. Example 2: If you get a military guild and want for example to make a small area where a squad stands and recieves a speach from a squad leader, then you take the Kel Dor Jedi Master. You remove the jedi look and give him a rifle and an armor with a helmet. I think it is a good idea because atleast my strongholds seems a little naked without any personnel in them at all, and with this idea would it be easy to make it seem like a military headquarter or a jedi/sith temple. Or maybe a criminal retreat. Many will probably think that this idea isn't that good and probably timeconsuming for the devolupers, but it is still a suggestion. I think many people would like this idea if they like decorating their strongholds. Feel free to rate this thread.
  2. We got both a republic and imperial guild. Sometimes do I log off and on in the other one to check if there is one there who want to join events.
  3. Yeah... It just gets pushed down on the list and out of sight. It can`t be that hard to make some of the changes like putting in a calendar. And I see that there have been asked for guild changes all the way back in 2012, thats 3 years ago. Hopefully do they make something happen, even if it is just smaller changes.
  4. If this is gonna happen could it be a problem with the amount of players on one faction compared to the other one. It could be an idea to let only the guilds involved in conquest and are on the top 10 conquest list for a specific planet enter the area to even the odds alittle. Then they could make the area available for all the 3 servers that is competing on the conquest list. They could even make this a area on the planets that is already existing.
  5. I also suggested this together with alot of other stuff a new thread that is called "Social/Guild Improvements needed, in my opinion" (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=816173) It is abit amazing to see that it was suggested more then 3 years ago and even thou all the other MMOs I have tried have this, do not SWtor have it yet.
  6. I have only been here for a few months, and looking through all that has been suggested years ago would take some time. And if these things/threads have been suggested earlier then hopefully do they take the hint and agrees that the players would appreciate it if they did something about it. There is alot of that I suggested that could make guilds more including to players who at the moment have a small problem fitting into things. More experienced players could for example bring newer players outside the guildship for some galactic starfighter practice. They could sign up in an ingame event calendar and sharing more information on the bulletins then 128 symbols in a MOTD. Atleast I think it is 128 symbols.
  7. Why is everyone so eager to discuss the "see everyones alt-"thing? It isn`t even that which was suggested to begin with. The suggestion was to get a banlist that keeps an account out and away from the guild, alts and everything. It could be a automatic system that uses a few seconds to reject the invitation the guild members are sending. It doesn`t need to say anything except that the invitation was rejected to those trying to invite, and then say to the alt of the banned player that he is on the guilds banlist. Then the alts cover would be kept and the banlist could work. To avoid the few immature guildmasters to use this on everyone they disagree with could it for example be a limit to how many that is put on this banlist, atleast accounts. And if people do want to have alts in other guilds shouldn`t that be a problem. The only problem I see with it is that he would play less or nothing at all with his character in my guild and if he is just inactive all the time then I would just kick him out anyway.
  8. Yeah. I hope so too. Even if they just use some and not all of it do I think it helps.
  9. Suggestion 8: Expanding Guild Member Size I am not sure if everyone thinks the guildship is worth it after getting it. Maybe it would be nice it if had an extra role. Like if we expand the guildship do we get room for extra members in the guild. The suggestion I wrote in a reply earlier was that the guildship could give room for 20 extra characters per expansion. Then people would work harder to expand the guildships. It would also rise the maximum member size in the guilds from 500 to 800 if the guild works for it.
  10. I agree... The only thing I want is a way to ban an account from joining the guild. Not to see who everyone alts are. This is because I have had some problems with people making new characters then trying to get invited for then to start messing up the guild again. It could work in a way that if someone tries to invite that player who is on the ban-list then it takes a few seconds before the invite is automatically declined. Then it won`t say who's alt it is or anything to those doing the inviting. The guy who is getting invited and are on the ban-list could he get a message saying that he is banned under the name of ________ which was the character he earlier used. And for those of you who are reading this discussion. Please remember to read the first post with more suggestions. And please remember to rate the thread and leave some feedback. I would appreciate it hearing what more of you have to say.
  11. How many benefits do we get from the guildships at the moment? We get the summon, top 10 conquest lists, orbital support bonus... anything else? Maybe they could make it a thing that if we expand the guildship do we get extra room for more members in the guild. The current guild size is 500 members... How about we get an additional 20 members for each expansion? Then a fully upgraded guildship would make the guilds able to hold 800 members or characters.
  12. Got another 1.terrible... If you guys do not like the post then please let me know whats such a bad idea about it. The same goes if you do like the post. Feedback is always nice.
  13. Hope they are changing some of this with the new expansion coming October 27th.
  14. No need to know who's everyone mains are. I was hoping to get a ban-list that bans accounts to avoid those who got that really bad/immature behavior which is ruining the fun for others from returning to the guild. Kicked out the same guy today too as I did in late may/early june. He said he have changed, but when I talked to his last guildmaster, for the guild he joined after I kicked him out in may/june was he exactly the same there.
  15. Yeah, I get what you mean about applying to join and going through a screening process. Lucky the majority isn`t making bad drama and are behaving to make the guild and game more fun for others. It is just a few guys who is making alot of the mess which is why I wanted the ban-list to prevent them coming in with alts to mess up more. I also hoped that if enough people rated this thread as "5. Excellent" then maybe they would notice the thread faster and maybe see what could be done and why.
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