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  1. Alright urm IMO I say that I'd prefer a hybrid but to be hybrid you need prob 4-6 quickbars, You see I seperate my abilities into 3 categories, "Agressive", "Support" and "StandBy". -Agressive- These abilities take up 1-2 quickbars. My Agressive Skills are keybined, because they are used more often than the 3 as they are used specifically for attacking like (for a Sith Warrior) Assault I keybind to 1 because thats your "bread and butter" attack, or basically attacks you use alot. -Support- These abilities take up 2-3 quickbars. My Support Skills are not keybind, because they are used, as said in the category of these skills, for support now as a Sith Warrior my support skills are Ravage(used to be keybined to 7 as it dealt a lot of damage and 7 is my lucky number), Saber Ward, That Skill We Use Only In PvP or really hard boss fights when we are stunned and need to be freed quick, heroic moment, my guard, taunt and freeze skill( these are unlockable as a Jugg). Now since I'm writing this guide when my Jugg was Lv 20. the Agressive skills take only 1 quickbar, Support Skills are to help you change the tide in battle giving you buffs and whatnot, You might be asking why Ravage isn't in Agressive, well it has 18s cooldown and has a 3s execution so any skill with execution time is automatic Support. -StandBy- These Abilities Take Up The Remaining Quickbars. My StandBy Skills are not keybind, because they are things like your class boost( Mark Of Power, Coordination bla bla bla), or my medpacks, or off battle heal ability, or if your a sub like me, a place to stash all your speeders and unwanted stuff, or your Sprint ability or changing between Lightsaber Styles or Gas Cannisters. They are called StandBy because most of them can only be used if you are not in combat. Now to be a succesful hybrid you'd need to be a sub, and have good Agressive, Support and StandBy skills and use them at the right time, oh and Support and StandBy skills are to be clicked on btw incase you guys don't know.
  2. I've already wrapped up my Balmorra buissness, finished my class quest and a quest chain that I got from some guy standing in the spaceport when I landed, then a lot of side quests, not all of them and no HEROICS, then I went to the spaceport and saw this person with a quest in the spaceport I decided to check it out and believe it or not I found it was the bonus series. Now I get the bonus series thing, a quest chain with lots of quests and more exp and yada yada yada, but what I DON'T UNDERSTAND, IS how do you unlock the bonus series? Do you A: FInish Your Class Quest B: Finish The Primary Planetary Storyline( I also need help with this, I think they are given by a man standing inside the spaceport or a.k.a. the first quest I ever see?) C: Do 75% Of The Side Quests D: Do all The Side Quests( Impossible as I left out 2-3 side quests when I got my Bonus Series) E: All Heroics?( Nah I got the bonus series without doing a single heroic) F: A,B, and C combined altogether Please Help I would like to really understand how to unlock the bonus series by the time I hit either Nar Shaddaa and/or Tatooine, I know you don't get your Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series Off The Bat Meaning Even If you Do Everything Class Quest, Planet Quest, Side Quest, HEROICS, you still won't get it, I know you gotta be like what Level 31 so most likely by the time I hit Tatooine
  3. Well I figured a solution, My new Level 20 Sith Juggernaut on Balmorra, I got my friend to play swtor with me and he is Sith Sorcerer, so FREE HEALS and HEROICS
  4. Hey whats all thsi fuss about 8 commendations? Im level 12 on the fleet and I already got like this sith robe on the korriban vendor. I mean its not that ahrd ot find commendations. I found one while farming k'lor slugs at level 2
  5. Anyway never mind I looked up some power levelling guides
  6. Yeah, but I prefer not to spend an aditional 15 bucks considering Im not living in US, and in my country its equal to around 50 Dollars. Well I'll take your advice for the xp boosting items and flashpoints.
  7. Does anyone have some tips on levelling fast? Im a level 10 Powertech on Drommund Kaas( Recently Subbed) and I thought that I am progressing a bit too slow, my last toon, a lv 29 Powertech on Alderaan which I deleted was much faster, But does anyone have any tips or any guides on levelling quick? I still got 60 days of subscription and it should last me for the entire of my school holidays. I really want to get to Level 50 quickly so I can experience the ROTHC Expansion before The New SOR Expansion comes out. So anyone got some guides for levelling?
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