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Everything posted by CorbinusAbersion

  1. Thing is being new or just a casual player to warzones having to win for the mission rewards can be very discourging cause you really don't get anything worth while at all for rewards if you lose, at least with the requirements for being unranked is completion you'll get some decent rewards
  2. Just wondering why unranked warzone mission requires you to win, it's supposed to be for all, ranked I can understand the "win" requirement but not unranked
  3. to be honest i've seen people screaming about the end game gear being RNG being crap .....it's all random and even with the changes they are still making it a grind......i unsubbed cause of the expertise drop off for pvp, the RNG for end game and the customer support team deleting about 8 or 9 in game tickets i wrote them about what i thought about the changes and how much the changes would hurt the game and most of my guild in Harbinger has unsubbed including most the council and the GM of the guild.....several of my co council members of the guild made it to command rank 30 and only had one piece of actual purple set gear gear....and making it so hard to lvl up outside warzones and taking away expertise for pvp i think the devs have dug a hole they can't dig their way out of....i for one probably won't ever be back and most the ones i talk to on TS that was in guild are unsubbed and moved to other games.....like everquest 2, diablo 3, WoW, Overwatch, and several others.....they aren't paying attention to anything that was said before and after they implemented the changes. they're not just ignoring the Bastion but many many other things
  4. another thing is if people are complaining about pvp why not attach the nerfs you do to a specific class to adust the competition to Exeprtise instead of nerfing the whole class....like the power consumption on the sage/sorc healer i almost quit playing my sage healer totally because of that and i never pvp'd with her before i think it's ridiculous to nerf the whole class because pvp'rs are complaining about "this class is too OP nerf it" just attach it to the expertise stat and that will handle the issue in pvp
  5. ok guild management roster refreshes everytime you update something like officer note, member note, or rank a member in guild.....also when someone logs on or out of game. it makes it very difficult to keep up with things in guild activity of characters and looking for certain people cause right when you find them bam it refreshes and your back where you started it's aggrivating and down right impossible to do anything efficiently. other things....fixing bugs....i've read where you're going to completely change the way the game is played from making the classes different and changing a lot of the abilities of the classes...to be honest this is a mistake on your part for this ...if it's true....i don't trust everything i read but changing the way the game is played as dramatically as it sounds in the forums and other things i've read will discourage a lot of people like myself that have played the game for years. what really makes people like me mad is it seems like the bugs that have been in game for a long time aren't getting fixed and our tickets and suggestions are ignored i know many people who've submitted tickets and posted forums and they are really irritated that nothing is being done about the bugs in game and now we've read the supposed changes you're going to make in 5.0 and it's really ridiculous to make dramatic changes like that instead of just fixing the game bugs that are now existing and have been for over a year. I've actually heard several people make the comment.....they are going to make this like WoW and dumb it down so much that so many people will leave and not come back because they left WoW for just that reason. PVP issues....it just seems that warzones aren't monitored enough ....i see operatives scampering 4, 5 and 6 times in a row and i have both an operative and a scoundrel and you're only supposed to do that 2 times before it goes on a 10 second cooldown. I've seen marauders teleport instantaneously from 1 side of a room to the other about 20m away....no it's not guarded by the force cause there would be a pause before they'd show up. and also i was in a warzone where a marauder burned me from full health with a fresh static barrier to dead in less than 2 seconds 3 times in the same warzone. sorry that's just not possible and i even asked someone that is a mara/sent guru and he said no way not 3 times in a row....maybe one lucky shot where he had all his crits hit everytime but not 3 times in same warzone. can you please start monitoring warzones more often or appoint people that's been in the game for a long time as a monitor and give them the ability to make reports on how things are going in warzones. thank you Ruthless'rath Dark Lord Destroyers of the Old Republic
  6. I am a guild master and would really like to see an improvement in the guild roster window for management purposes.....first issue....the refresh on the window is insane.....everytime someone logs on or off in guild the list refreshes and goes straight to the top this makes it hard to keep up with where i am if i'm promoting, demoting or removing from guild or just simply updating officer notes for reference purposes for me and my officers. 2nd issue..i would really like to see another tab added to the columns with a drop menu where i can have up the guild rank, officer notes, and last played info up at the same time....i base most my promotions and demotions and removal from guild with activity and how long they've been in guild(or at their current rank) ....that's last played and officer notes........and the guild rank for purpose of i don't have to keep switching between the drop menus to see what rank i need to change a member to or boot. thank you Ruthless'rath Dark Lord of Destroyers of the Old Republic
  7. we're recruiting new members for Destroyers of the Old Republic guild on imperial side, 10% rep/exp bonuse, flagship and stronghold. laid back guild that is trying to build up membership and activity. pvp, ops, fps, heroics, and lvl'n characters welcome.....when we get built up will start forming progression groups for HM ops. email Ruthless'rath or Arlious for an invite if interested thank you Ruthless'rath Dark Lord of Destroyers of the Old Republic
  8. i'm sick of toon classes getting nerfed all around cause pvp people are complaining "omg the sage healer is too OP" if that's the case then why don't swtor link the nerf with "expertise" that way it affects only pvp.
  9. it seems that as a lvl 60 sentinel that after the expansion loaded that sents got nerfed and does not fight at the same lvl as they did against foes due to stuns galore and before the expansion i was able to hold 1 vs 1 fights with others and at least hold my own against them now i have no chance and it's because of the stuns and the fact that i have only 1 stun break they'll stun me and i will break it and immediately after i start attacking again i'll get stunned again and have to wait for death or cooldown ...usually death before i can do anything please look into this and see if you can make it more fair ...at least lower the cooldown for the stun break if nothing else thank you
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