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Posts posted by Mavolio



    12 hours ago, JackieKo said:

    A content patch being released on Wednesday is not the norm though it did occur once before with a patch that contained an update for Galactic Seasons. This time around is due to Monday being a US holiday (Labor Day). There is quite a lot of work leading up to a patch day from multiple teams from QA, Live and DevOps, and more. Given that, we moved the launch day back to Wednesday instead of the standard Tuesday to keep our standard buffer, since a large portion of team is out Monday for the holiday.

    [Heroic 4] The Shroud's Last Stand: Find The Shroud

    Well I have to abandon this BULL**** mission after all that work SOLO-ing UP TO THIS POINT just to realize it takes 4 people to open the final door. I did this missions because I have never done them before, but hey, THANKS FOR WASTING 4+ HOURS OF my precious gaming time!!!

    I am tragically one of MANY  players CAN NOT FINISH this quest AS a SOLO PLAYER & that's just sad.



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  2. I have the 4's or the 5's(?) on my BH and I bought those through the CM just for the fact that it reminds me of somewhat of a Desert Eagle .50 cal hand cannon. And I was surprised when I first fired them and heard the duller thump-thump-thump and to be quite honest it was that sound and not the look that made me fall in love with them. I can't stand the hideous eardrum piercing "shriek" or "skew-skew" most blaster pistols make when wearing a high quality sound headset. I remember reading the patch note changes and glad that my set wasn't affected by it, but If BW did go back and re-changed it (again?) I'll be more ticked off than a :w_evil: Wookie :w_evil: getting his fur rubbed the wrong way.
  3. If your gaming rig is liquid cooled it might be wise to stop using Pepto Bismol as a substitute cooling agent.:sul_grin:


    All kidding aside, I've ran into that problem when launching the game since I switch from my old nVidia graphics card to an AMD Radeon R7 250.... gets to be quite irritating at times.

  4. Well...



    ^^ You've been warned.

    Did someone at Bioware lose their crayons? where's the color? lol






    Patch notes: Crayon Colours can be individually purchased on the Cartel Market so players can "paint the town red" as they move through the content.:rod_grin_p:


    It's a :ph_win::csw_redsaber::ph_win: for everybody, BW makes more money and we have more things we get to do.:D

  5. It just dawned on me what the issue is: the GTN (and other MMO Marketplaces) is not a set of competing grocery stores, it is the commodities market in the NYSE. Pricing and sell points are purely related to how desperate sellers want to sell and/or how desperate buyers want to buy. Furthermore, there is no "over time" to consider; it is all about the moment in time. At any given moment in time, sellers have product on the GTN and buyers want to buy. The question in that moment becomes are those buyers willing to pay the prices posted? If the buyers chooses not to buy in hopes of an eventual lower price...that's a risk. For all that buyer knows, demand is particularly high or supply is particularly low at the moment and prices will only go up.


    Quote: Originally Posted by Princess_Chibi View Post

    From your earlier point, there will always be that "next thing" in an MMO that has an exceptional price point. But the market shouldn't swing as wildly as it does from 25,000 for a piece of doonium to 50 depending on the hour. That's not supply/demand working itself out, that's outliers (both high and low) artificially driving inflation on a per unit basis.




    Why not? Those wild swings you speak of come from buyers not sellers. Whether those buyers try to resell is irrelevant. Someone (or a number of someones) believed that certain items were worth buying. In that moment, supply is now reduced. The next set of buyers now have a choice to make: continue buying and drive the value up further, or hold off in the hopes value drops.

    :ph_thank_you: (and others that actually [understand] get it .)

    Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for me to log in, buyout some under-cutters, pull some of my products off the Network, and restack my supply into groupings that is demanded by my consumers and relist at median prices.:D


    “Of valid economics pre-dating the Power Age (steam and electricity), there remains not a vestige. Of valid economics pre-dating the intensive and extensive use of electricity there will soon exist only rags and tatters. We still have to thank Adam Smith for insisting 'Consumption is the sole end and purpose of production'; but the old form of the law of demand and supply is outmoded, since supply has become practically inexhaustible.”

    ― Harriet Boyd Hawes, Born to Rebel: The Life of Harriet Boyd Hawes

  6. Does this game have an option for limiting fps? I'm mostly running around 60 fps but I'd rather reduce it some to increase other settings without increasing the load on my computer.


    Not sure if this is what you're looking for and sorry I'm not in-game atm but IIRC if you goto: Preferences>Graphics> you'll see a box that drops down for Windowed/Fullscreen/Fullscreen(Windowed) choose the Fullscreen(Windowed), I might have the wording backwards:confused:, and you can set the rate from a high 75 to it's lowest of 50 I think. Hope that helps.

  7. I bet you're one of those sheep who's gonna buy an iwatch.


    :D I gots my:


    Google Glass...check




    Getting me an iWatch, to match my iPants, some matching blasterproof Google Skivvies and T-shirts , and some "Smart"shoes then I'll be all set take over the Galaxy!!! Even found me a slightly used :csw_destroyer: to git err dunn!

  8. I'll say this once...be very careful what you say about my kids... :mad:




    Ever sat near a 3yr while wearing a headset? They won't let you wear them without saying "I wanna hear, lemme hear" 400-500 times lo

    That right there shows that you gots a lvl3 padawan in training sitting on your lap that just might be a world famous gaming master someday. :cool:



    /damn..now, if we ever group, guess I'm gonna have to watch what the */bleeep* I say on my (sometimes) open */bleep-bleep /bleepin.* mic if things go bad. :o


    No harm no foul, don't want to push the lil one towards the Darkside to early. ;)


  9. Okay... I get kicked...the reason "in PvP gear... Nooo"

    If you can hold your own "in PvP gear"........ it's all good... the thing is (and it really is the kind of an issue in a lot of MMOs)if you come into a PvE party "flagged" geared or not you gonna tick some people off especially the PvE healers not wanting to get flagged for PvP,


    (edit) tonite is my personal "weekend" and I made misspellings errors,....ffffuggggdit!..... trying to enjoy all that is (good bad and ugly)



  10. Both the Email and the site clearly says that it ends march 29th and the crystals will be sent out on or around the 31st.

    It's clearly set up this way to give as many people as possible the chance to purchase a subscription.


    */phew* ...for a moment there I was contemplating making an appointment with my Ophthalmologist just to punch him in his grill for a botched up LASIK surgery.:tran_eek:

  11. The promotional email for the color crystals arrived today (March 3rd), and it's titled:

    . . . . . "Want Exclusive Color Crystals This March?"

    Like other highly intelligent people, I almost immediately realized:

    . . . . . Oh hey it's already March !

    but upon reading the email in detail, I further realized:

    . . . . . Oh, it's not until the very last day of March. . . . :(



    Strange, the email I received clearly states that the "Promotion ends March 29, 2015*"


    ..also last time I looked at a calendar there were 31 days in March

  12. You apparently associate my complaint with seeing no visible content updates with needing to have a full gear set. Excuse me while I go grind months more to get endgame gear so I may be allowed the privilege of having an opinion. I mean... Do you guys even hear yourselves?


    My apologies @Shyroma I wasn't trying to harp on you in a bad way I just was trying to say that 3months/90days compared to actual game time (/played) is like looking at two sides of a coin. I mean, heck I've only been here since early-fall of 2014 and when I had an 90 days I really only had like maybe an actual 4-6 days of /played time even now I have tons objectives to do on my main my datacron discoveries aren't 75-ish% complete yet. I really shouldn't have focused on datacrons as a "good" example, again my apologies. So I'll just lay my cards down on the table and make myself look like somewhat of an ***:


    I got a level 60 BH-merc (have an agent sniper "on the back burner" I play when I burn out from time to time and he is only low 20's level) with a 6.5k-ish armor rating (geared in 192's give or take 3-4 pieces and I need upgraded non vendor relics badly (I hate to admit) that's /played 18days 14hours. Legacy level 27, "breakdown" is: Starfigher 1%, Flashpoints 9% Dailies 3% Location 19% Operations 15% Strongholds 2% Space 11% Events 2% and PvP 0%. Shadow of Revan to me was a "average size" bone that they tossed to us was satisfying and with that little addition to what I still have on my plate to finish I'm in no hurry to expect another "x-pac" unitl at least spring, or 3 months-ish though I do kind of expect/hope it to be quite a bit bigger than Revan (at least by 2-3 times) and I am really wanting a HUGE bug vanquishing. Until then I'll be happy if they just give us consistent events and keep wishfully thinking about bug fixes. And I do truly apologize coming across the wrong way in my previous comment.




    P.S. InB4SomeoneTrolls: "you made yourself look more than 'somewhat' of an ***...."


    ...so save your breath.

  13. Also 3 months = 90 days.


    And your /played time in your main char? are you 60? decked out in at least full 192 gear? and how's your legacy leveling coming along? do you atleast have your base stats maxed? (datacrons)


    Most people that know that have been here a LOT longer than 3 months/90days would agree that the "average" gamer barely even scratches the surface of all the levels of depth SWToR has to offer within a 3 month span of starting the game from scratch.

  14. It's not that finding a P.U.G. to get an Ops grouping that is the problem, they're a dime a dozen on any server, it's getting past the B.S. achievement wall that a lot of the insecure swartz stroking morons running the P.U.G.s demands that you link to get into their group. TBH, if you know how NOT to stand in stupid and stay focused on target of target, linking achievements is moot and unnecessary.
  15. maybe something a little more subtle? like a weapon, or armor piece, or even a Stronghold decoration thats pays tribute in some way.


    A wall hanging (small square) perhaps?


    ...without Star Trek, would we have gotten Star Wars?

    I have to somewhat agree, Star Trek is kind of like our elder sibling in a weird sort of way.

  16. Tragic news, indeed.


    Wrong place? don't care, mods can move it...


    I just brought up the forums and saw another post about before this one, but had to log in to comment, ...(snip)... I finally get back to here and apparently the other thread has already been zapped.

  17. Sorry, but seeing someone named dipshizzitz (yep, honestly saw that name on the GTN, and screw the name and shame policy) take a clearly farmed stack of lower end crafting mats and list as 99 single items and then do it again on 3 different alts therefore ultimately bogging down the system for the next two days causing a search lag from hell really does nothing for anyone but **** everybody off. I couldn't imagine having to endure seeing them abusing this for 7 let alone a whole 30 days.



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