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Posts posted by Mavolio

  1. Hey folks!


    Just to address some of the questions I am seeing...


    Rules Specifications - I have seen quite a few questions around things like skipping trash, boss mechanics, etc. We will be publishing all of that information in the full rules announcement with ESL by next week's start of the competition. We want to make sure the competition is fair, but also understand the nature of speedrunning.



    @EricMusco :

    Seeing how the 198 gear exploit was NOT solved to everybody's satisfaction, the only way I see this contest being even halfway fair to casuals and hardcore's alike is to bolster everybody's gear to 198 level so the playing field is equalized and the winners picked are based on strategies used against the run's mechanics and not how well their character is decked out. :D

  2. Hey folks,


    Unfortunately I am here to deliver some bad news. Due to the crazy winter the northeast has been getting hit with, we are going to cancel our Boston Cantina Event. I know this may impact plans that some of you are having and so we tried to make this decision ASAP based on what the weather conditions looked like.......


    ....Thank you all for your understanding.




    Global Warming Strikes Back


  3. ...with one healer, even in a non-pug group in which there is no other "fast" cleanser - all your learning will not help you there. It needs specific set-up with at least 2 "fast" cleansers


    A majority of other games have 5 man grouping(s) and ever since I started this game it always bugged me that we have 4 man groups. I seem to get the feeling that we're actually missing the "fifth wheel" in the group with some of these fights now a days especially with the way the mechanics have been tweeked.

  4. QUOTE=Iserath;8025890]posted this in a few places but the pvp forum deserves one too



    i just don't get why there is a WHOLE ENTIRE FORUM POST STICKY all about POWERTECH and MARAS but not a word is said about mercs.... people love mercs but we just cant pvp with them if we want to live more than 3 seconds... Prescience = 6 sec immunity to all damage and cc's like SWG had to add because of the exact same pvp problems... they also redesigned shields to have 99 points and lower 1 point each time the shield is hit adding 1% damage increase to the merc, so players wont want to attack a merc when the shields are up or their damage will increase adding the buff to their damage for around 20 seconds! Kolto overload is a joke.. players get their 30% damage boost right when we can use KO... why not allow us to use it at any point?? or 75%?? If lower than 75% add a damage reduction to it as well for mercs. People pvp in arsenal most of the time so doing these things to pyro don't really help the majority. All i ever wanted was to pvp on a merc.. from day one.. over 1000 days ago. PLEASE OOH PLEASE help us with some kind of forced focus switch like the prescience buff/shield design and KO change star wars galaxies added making the class right on par with the others!! also fixing our heals to be similar to sorcs would be really nice. their "shield" aka bubble is not even comparable to a bh's shields and they get no CD heals that actually heal them!!!





    The PvP QQ fourm boards is <---------------that-a-way

    The whine and cheeze-wiz QQ boards are ----------------------->that-a-way.

    The rediculous wall o' text rant boards are through the door behind you and 3 miles down the street on that other game


    posted this in a few places but the pvp forum deserves one too

    Because i havent had my morning cup of coffee I'm going to be a complete dick head and report your PvPing scrub *** for cut and paste multithread posting rant that acccording to the game's ToS you are NOT "But...But...but I PvP, I'm entitled" to.

  5. Please fix the color because it clashes with every other trooper armour chest piece too :(


    Or you can always turn around and buy one or more (if you like the two tone look) of my dye packs off the GTN and make that helmet any color pattern that your heart desires. :D

  6. I'm sure this kind of stuff has been brought up before, but this just ticked me off. So I just ran hard mode Athiss with this DPS jugg, I quit early. I play a Jugg myself, level 56 tank, in full 55 gear. I've played MMO's since Burning Crusade came out, and have played all roles in several MMO's and I was under the impression that the tanks job is to tank and the DPS is to kill things. That's how the dynamic works. This DPS jugg immediately starts running ahead of me and pulling all the groups. He does this for more than half the pulls, what results is this. He pulls, blows his load and builds a bunch of aggro, naturally, I dive in and taunt, smash, start sweeping slashing. He has so much aggro on me from pulling that the taunt drops and then they go straight after him, The healer is having to spam him to keep him up, when I finally get aggro back on everything, said healer is so focused on him that he doesn't even notice my health is dropping like a bolder in water, I proceed to either have to pop all my crap or die, group almost wipes. We make it to the first boss, I pull and start building threat on boss. He Goes balls out, which is fine on a boss, however the adds pop. Neither of the DPS go for the adds, I'm beating on the boss and see them making a bee line for the healer and begin to pound on him. Seeing they aren't doing what they're supposed to I have to jump over and grab threat, DPS jugg keeps pounding on boss, pull threat, healer busy healing him self, dies, then I die, then group wipes. DPS jugg then proceeds to tell me "Don't think you can tank hard mode flashpoints" even though I've been doing that for the last 6 levels with no problems what so ever. At this point, I'm naturally annoyed and tell him to stop pulling and to ease DPS if he pulls threat (the things I was taught as a DPS in every MMO I've played). He proceeds to rage on me. I quit, he then whisper's me and continues his trash talk. I ignore him. In my old guilds a guy like this would have been kicked from the group immediately. What's ironic is that he complained in the beginning of the FP that he was having trouble with this map before, I have not. Common denominator? So yeah, a little venting. Any horror stories form anyone else?


    Wall of rant with a side of dayumn!!! ...but I feel your pain and flustration.

  7. In a boardroom a long time ago at a studio far far away.


    Content Manager: We need to give players new content fast

    Designer: Let’s resurrect Revan since he didn’t die in the Foundry but just disappeared.

    PR Person: That was a smooth move btw developers, we have both Revan AND the Emperor as future content since both just went ….pooofff

    Designer: That was actually not intended it just seemed cool at the time.

    Community guy: Players are clamoring for new planets AND ops

    Designer: It’s settled then, Revan’s alive, we can create sweet content

    Lore Person: You do know we have done this to Revan 4 time now right??????


    In a development area a long time ago at a studio far far away


    Dev 1: I just finished the ops content, seems a bit too easy

    Dev 2: Well let’s buff the bosses health, resists and damage dished out


    ........5 minutes later


    Dev 1: Ok, so I ran through the new content, they hit like trucks and have health pools the size of lake Geneva

    Content manager: Guys we will need some serious buffs for players to clear this

    Content intern: Nah just boost their endurance make healers job easier

    Content manager: Super idea just make all comm gear mods endurance heavy.


    ......5 minutes later


    Dev 1: OMG have you seen what they want on the new comms gear????

    Dev 2: Yip seems some noob thinks Endurance = staying alive. Just make sure you keep the token gear BIS or we will have a riot on our hands.

    Dev 1: You know comms gear will be ABSOLUTELY useless now right???

    Dev 2: Nah our average player isn’t that smart, they will fall for it.


    In a testing area a long time ago at a studio far far away


    Sort of tester 1: I just BIS’d out my Guardian DPS for this test, seems to be working as intended.

    Wannabe Tester 2: Erm you have a 90/10 split between power and crit and no alacrity?????

    SoT 1: Well you know crit is a little broken and Guardians and Sentinels don’t have a resource pool right? Means alacrity is sort of useless to them.

    WT 2: Well somebody says they need it, have you seen these token gear stats. All crit and alactrity for Guardians, Shadows and scoundrels?

    Sot 1: *** how will these guys gear there character with needing all that accuracy and power??????

    WT 2 : Sloooowly 

    Dev manager: I told designer 1 to do that….. Any player who doesn’t stick the intended role should work extra hard to get those shiny BIS setups.

    SoT 1: But sir WE gave them 2 dps specs with the tank spec.

    Dev Manager: Remind me to take that up with design in the next meeting, it seems wrong.


    In a cantina area a long time ago at a studio far far away


    Community guy 1: Hay did you see the survey on our player base, seems these guys are all rocket scientists, doctors ect. Guess it’s true that they grew up with Star Wars

    Community guy 2: That can’t be right??? I overheard the devs speaking and they designed some of the new content expecting the players not to notice they were being taken for a ride????

    Community Guy 1: Can we bring this to somebody’s attention before release??

    PR Guy: Nope to late, release is going ahead. When they start noticing just pretend to not read those posts, and if anybody ask….endurance is the new black!!!!!


    In a TS channel a long time ago at a house far far away


    Rocket Scientist: Who the hell designs this game, all the mods are A class in the new tiers for comms. Even worse my Shadow token gear doesn’t have a single power/Accuracy combination and I need SEVEN, even the %$# off-hands have alacrity….seriously.

    Doctor: Do they really think there players are mentally disabled?????

    Ex WOW player: SWEET I have more health than the tank….who’s your daddy :D

    RS & Doc: OMG go back to that other game and take that sword with you…………


    I think I just gave myself a brain aneurysm from laughing so hard,.

  8. Isn't WoW's world pretty much one big map, like in LotRO, where things can be loaded progressively? I don't see how this could work with TOR's planets.

    Ever play Star Trek Online?


    They pretty much nailed it when it came to the lack of long-gated loading screens and multiple planetary star systems from warp speed.

  9. Star Wars is dying.
    Laughable at best,
    Your suggestion ended with the first sentence in my view.

    Pretty much this.

    I can log onto The Harbringer at any time of a 24 hour cycle as straight up Merc DpS and without Alt-ing to heals and never have waited for more than 15-20 minutes for a FP/OPs queue to pop since Shadow of Revan launched.

  10. Yes congrats again.


    ... welcome more complicated mechanics that encourage the use of timers. It means we're heading in a direction where you really have to pay attention to mechanic timings, which says something about the complexity of raid design increasing. Top WoW raiding sometimes uses very complex timers so it's not like you can't have exciting progression with some add ons.


    Paying attention and listening for "vocal" cues are a thing of the past.

  11. http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/360/5/2/darth_malgus_by_bojanajokic-d8bbro9.jpg


    Darth Malgus just drinking his tea. Minding his own business.


    If someone would like to download or see it in full size, go here: Darth Malgus

    Neat artwork there Deax, you're quite talented. Thanks for the [Eye Candy]

  12. I usually dont say anything, but anytime I have ever gone through esseles on normal internally im screaming "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE SPACE BAR THIS THROUGH"....but they never do.

    @55+ it doesn't really effect me. I mean hell we paid RL cash for that content. Might as well see all the pretty sound and enjoy all the pretty colors. And it's not like we're in a hurry really to go anywhere fast. A daily is once a day and once it's done it's done unless you drop and reset before the final decision(s). There's 3 choices to choose from and 750+ (exaggeration) combinations of convo choices without using any digit twice. That's a lot of cutscenes to watch. :p


    /Screw other's mentality of "not on my watch", /groupkick me, aint't no skin off my back.

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